Show THE WAYNE COUNTY BILL AN ACT creating creati DR tha th county of wayne pre scribing its boundaries and appointing county officers be it enacted by the governor and legislative assembly of the territory Terri tor v of utah section 1 that all that portion of the territory of utah embraced within the following boundaries to wit commencing at a point on the summit of the range of mountains between grass valley a ard d rabbit valley where the summit of said range is crossed by the th e north boundary line of pluto plute county and running thence in a southwesterly direction on said dividing summit to a point where the same is intersected by the line of the salt lake meridian thence south on the line of said salt bait lake meridian to the south mouth boundary line of pluto county thence out east along said south boundary line to the center of the main maia channel of the colorado river thence in a northerly direction up the center of the main channel of the colorado Colors do river and the green river to parallel 88 38 degrees 80 30 minutes north latitude thence west following said parallel to the dividing line between ranges five 6 5 and six 6 east of salt lake meridian thence north to the south line of sevier bevier county thence due west to the point of beginning is here by made and named wayne county with the county seat at loa and said county is IN hereby attached to and made a pirt part of the second judicial Jadlot al district Distri dt of utah territory sec 2 canites of action criminal or civil now pending in any court which have arisen within the territory y described shall be tried and determined regardless of the creation of wayne county and any cause of action now accrue accrued dor or criminal offense committed before the passage of this bill within the territory terri toly forming wayne county where proceedings edingB htwe not been oon corn 1 fenced at the time of the passage of this act shall be tried and determined in the second judicial district except cases cognizable in justices courts which cases shall be tried in 1 county sec bee 8 for the purpose of organ organizing i zing said county the follo following officers are hereby appointed william meeks meeka aliett maxfield and henry giles se no john T lazenby county I 1 clerk matthew W mansfield prose cating attorney john H curfew as seasor assor and collector george chappell 1 sheriff thomas A jefrrey jeffrey treasurer joseph J anderson An denon superintendent of district schools frederick F noyem surveyor johnt john T lazenby recorder Charle fl snow coroner said officers floors of shall take the oath of office prescribed by law and give bonds in such penal donal amounts as required by law theisa they shall hold said offices until the next general election in 1891 1892 and until their successors are elected and qualified they shall commence the duties of their offices immediately upon qualifying and the selectmen shall on or before the first monday in may 1892 meet and organize and appoint such officers offie erg as are necessary hec essary for the complete or of said county and the transaction of all business matters therein who 1 beare entering upon pon u the he duties of their office qualify as the law directs the county court of said 0 bunty anty shall prescribe the boundaries of precincts and school district and ex arcise all powers and perform all acts as by law provided see sec 4 all taxable property within said wayne county shall be assessed by the assessor thereof and all property within said county that may have been assessed by the assessor of piute diute county for the year 1892 shall at the meeting of the board of equalization of said piute diute county be stricken from the assessment ses roll sec seca 5 any indebtedness or liability of saia said plute county or any surplus funds on hand belonging thereto shall be borne or divided between the counties of wayne and pluto in proportion to the assessed value of the two to counties and the present county court of pluto county shall make such division and shall meet for that purpose not later than april 1892 approved march |