Show HEPATICA do you know the first blossom that wakes in the wood the snow is ia quite gone from the valleys hepatica hepatic lifts up a littlegreen hood her fier cold benumbed forces she rallies all quickly she throws off her blanket of snow awakes her green leaves from their slumber and while the chill breezes yet drearily blow she sends out her blooms without number her blossoms reflect all the tints of the dawn all the pinks and the blues pale and pearly pe irly she neler neer stoops 0 t tie the green hoods they have on but starts them all out bright and early take like bits of bright sea shells scattered about or scraps of a broken up morning like merry faced children all bravely out dull skies and cold weather quite scorning and cowhen the bluebirds blue birds note rings through the grove or the phobbie bird calls in the mor morning ninor be sure that the I brave rave little blossoms you love are some dainty wood nook doming prom from a cushion of three parted dark mottled leaves on delicate furry stems steins springing the shy little blossoms one gladly perceives A message of brighter days bringing DART vicie may iray |