Show RUNNING AT LOOSE ENDS MAY in the third district court one of bountiful davis da vis county was tried for selling beer without license he was not present it being understood that he had jumped his bonds of the judge decided to go on with the case in his bis absence pour four witnesses testified that on a certain date they purchased a stated slated number of glasses of beer from the defense introduced three witnesses who stated that they had attempted to purchase quantities of the same kind of liquid from the defendant but could not get it one of them on cross examination admitted that he did purchase a keg of beer there mateles Mat elys em stated that this original pac pa kage kagelY of beer was disposed of by him in his alleged capacity of agent for a salt lake firm that is the case as we understand it in a nutshell yesterday it was given to the jury who wrestled with it for about seven hours and as the struggle was likely to continue indefinitely they were dismissed it is somewhat difficult to determine upon what basis the jurors stood who contended for acquittal it may have been upon the following method of reasoning and consequent presumption of innocence first that the failure of the defendant to put in an appearance for trial was an infallible indication of the absence of guilt as well as of the guilty party second that the fact that four persons bought beer was wiped out by the further showing that two other persons were ti unable viable to purchase any from the same defendant third that the sale without license in davis da vis county of au an orl original gin a package of beer imported from lake county was in lustrous harmony with the recent united states supreme court decision in the famous iowa liquor case it would probably be disloyal to entertain the opinion that the result of the trial was in any way due to the fact of there being saloon keepers on the panel of the jury perhaps we would be open to the same charge if we should venture to imagine that the notorious laxity toward ringers of the liquor laws in this city had any moral influence in creating the d disagreement agreement Is in relation to beer martyr were it not liable to be construed into a rebellious utterance we would essay to remark that such I 1 incidents nel dents are largely due to the tactical practical rac abolition of bilal by jury in in utah that situation necessarily vitiates the whole fabric of local jurisprudence that position has been reached through and by the constant assaults made upon the rights before the law of the majority of the people the mormon nl part of the population |