Show untruthful PROTESTS the following documents to which editorial reference has bec been n made are here reproduced to show how regardless of truth in representing their fellow citizens people can be who are actuated by religious intolerance and corrupt political and pecuniary motives these protests are also given space that they may be preserved for historical pu purposes reposes the first is a memorial adopted by the idaho legislature jan 8 3 HOUSE JOINT MEMORIAL if afo 0 1 iby BY WHEELER against the admission of atah CUM and praying for the appointment of a legislative to the me honorable the me senate and house houm 0 of f representatives of the untied united your memoria lists the council and house of representatives of we the legislative assembly of the territory of idaho most respectfully rep resent that the proposed admission of the territory or of utah U ta as a state would be a calamity not only to entry loyal gentile citizen of that territory but to the general public and especially to those states and territories adjacent to utah that the admission of utah would place the government of the state directly in the hands of the leaders of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints 11 commonly known as the mormon church an organization tift treasonable in its teachings and practices to the united states government that many of said leaders are now wid arid have been n for r months past fugitives tives from justice and under in indictment clinent for crimes against the laws of the united states and others are serving terms in the penitentiary tent iary lary for similar crimes crimer that the members of ih toft b treasonable organization known as the mormon church largely outnumber the agal loyal gentile tens in said territory y and nave have find nd for diahy years ars to come VIN have absolute control of all elections election the therein that all pretences pretenses of aban abandonment ament of baga bigamy i my polygamy y a and n other r crimes against the laws of the united stated are creten preten pretenses pretences only made tor for the purpose pf af deceive deceiving persons unacquainted with tile the 2 abhorrent practices practices athe of the mormon church ind and thus create a feeling favorable to the pro proposed of sold said territory of I 1 utah that the turning over or of a 4 state government to said marmon church or the leaders thereof would be unsafe and lm impolitic politic because said church ia a composed by a large jaa bority of the lowest and most moot densely ignorant classes ar off the he old world peasantry who are in no way americanized and who have nothing in common our alms olour W republican institutions they are se serfs and land serfs only slaves to the tyrannical and desp despotic otia organ in existence tence they are absolutely under the control of their leaders and the use of the ballot in ia their hands would be entirely under the direction of said mid leaders ands and a travesty on the elective franchise that there is ia no severance of church and state in utah all reports arts to the contrary notwithstanding ra hat that the admission of utah and the additional power thus given said mormon church would create a dangerous condition of affairs in idaho and would endanger the welfare of our social and moral institutions we your memoria lists would there therefore ibre respectfully pray that the territory of utah be not admitted as a state and we e do dd further pray that a legislative commission be created for the government of said territory and your memoria lists win will ever pray etc eta the following is a protest of citizens of utah territory iry against its admission to the union as a state diate T to b the the congress of the united U states the Tj liberal iberal territorial committees of utah representing both democrats and republicans respect fully present the protest of the citizens of the territory against the proposition to admit utah as a state we are the servants of about ge gentiles com dug the entire gentile population ton and this large laige body of c citizens ens unanimously oppose the scheme which is being so vigorously pressed by the mormon church joining with them are many mor mons who disregard the orders of the church our constituents axe are an industrious loyal and law abiding people they are faithful to the U laws s and traditions of their country they are equal in ia intelligence courage and energy to those of any community they have made their homes here invested their money here and are fully informed as to the conditions which surround us although they mv are in a minority they have a right to be heard and the foot ct that they are unanimous noua in tallie 1 opposition to lo the of utah is an unanswerable argument against the proposition alto although I 1 h they compose hut one 4 fourth of it the population of the Terri territory ory they pay nearly one half or of tHe takes ahey have opened large and valuable mines akoi have produced over quite half of af this sum hips has been paid to cormons mormons tor for tabor labor and supplies before their advent the mormon element were so eo poor that several whole families did xa secure 10 per year the gentiles have churches of the value of a half million dollars they support one hundred schools independent of the territorial school system they have a e established es asp 8 and a libra ra ries and enter enterprising ing newspapers they haver built I 1 magnificent business blocks an and duri during the post past year have ex expended in building in salt lake lAtke city y alone upwards of one da dollars rs in in moner one these people ae we are not mere they y are not carpet 11 f they atre american citizens who pa pay y their own way and who bear alon aloft the banner of J progress ro gress they oppose the mission admission of utah into Is the union as a state because it would be under the tyrannical domination and control of a secret organization commonly called the mormon church with its office holders because polygamy which is an essential of the creed of the church would be per perpetuated petua ted and laws against the he crime could never be enforced because it would pae 1 a the common schools under ecclesiastical control where the book of doctrine and covenants which teaches polygamy would be a text book as it is now in the mormon schools because it if would retard progress depreciate values and drive from the territory themen the men and women comeri who are fast making it fit to enter the union of states because the whole scheme has been engineered by the mormon order that they might n entrench themselves behind be M nil the barriers of state rights because it would be a crime a against dinst 1 I american institutions to cr clothe othe a territory which is un american in all its tendencies with the honors of a state where the iron will of one man dictates what the laws shall be and who shall make and enforce them the statement that has been made upon the floor of Con congress aress that po amy is dead is false it is it t and practiced throughout and if utah becomes a sta state the polygamous household a and d pol polygamous acus practices will be openly aly and brazenly flaunted in the face of the world and the american people will be asked what are you going to do about it we respectfully submit herewith protests against statehood signed by upwards of people 0 W POWERS po vats chairman Ma irman C E ALLEN secretary liberal territorial committee of utah lu |