Show newa has been almost deserted during the week now doeing ti by tourists tou riste and sight eem 1404 tort of the legislators legislator we are out of ww and it ig whether me VID be a very hourie at rawln of the tee building on ocl the x Q when oen congress Con greBB re on the of the new year A few members have met in the committee rooms in an unofficial way but nothing of importance has bm been done I 1 the omnibus bill is to come up on the of january and the mhd committee on territories is to hold the fort from day to day to dispose of the territorial question it is not believed however that the republicans who expect to control the fifty first congress and will in all probability hold an extra session will permit any legislation which will give the democrats the color of credit in the admission of new states the omnibus bill provides for fo the admission of dakota washington montana aua new mexico t is now proposed by the committee on territories to provide for the division of dakota if the citizens thereof ap ao elect also to add an amendment opening the way to all the terri territories ories as soon as they have sufficient clent population ascertained by a census taken under an act of their legislature or of congress gress to form a state con constitution at icon and be admitted by ay wt of congress compass into the union it is difficult to see why the opponents to statehood in utah should fan themselves into such a furore over the decision of the democratic caucus which by exclude excluding ng utah from a general measure any sane and well informed person would suppose really did just what the appo opposition was likely to desire and as there is no proposition on the part of the democrats to admit any state immediately but in every case to make WW admission ASSiOn even after the ratification fica fi flon of a state constitution by its people contingent on the suase quint action of congress congre 9 it seems as though some folks have taken fright at less thin than a shadow and rent rant their garments without the aam actual provocation the proposition to prepare th the way for the admission of all the territories is 19 right in principle although it is tardy of application first the population 04 territory desiring deoring statehood must be sufficient under the congressional apportionment to elect one represent representative aUve to congress this must be established jy by a census taken under a law aw passed for that purpose then the legislative assembly must paw pass an am act authorizing I ft constitutional convention then the territory must be apportioned into each to send three delegates to the convention but no BO voter tater is in to vote tote for more than two delegates this thesis is tose to secure cute mi bority representation when the constitution 90 is ratified by a majority vote it is ia to be submitted to congress and that body may admit the state into the union even if utah were apt placed under the special restrictions which are sure to be imposed upon heri her there is nothing in these provisions that ought to make idaho legislators legi or utah liberals go into conniptions sound the alarm bells of religious hate or make the political pot boll with the flames of Pow Powel ellian llan wildfire wild fire it looks very much as if some patriotic place hunt er wanted a nice soft loafing trip to washington nomi nominally to save the gentiles gentilee from any imaginary peril but really to have a good timely time at the expense of the dupes induced to sign a ridiculous petition and back their fory foby with cub cash the Oes president ident and his charming wife spent their heir christmas quietly together at the white house undisturbed by the public or even by visiting friends they went to church helped the poor male no display and apparently were unmoved by the stupid scandals which had been spread abroad by convivial yarn yam spinners and male and female gossips mrs cleveland is as popular aa as ever ever senator stanford of california WHO has been on a tour to europe returned here from the west before the holidays and delighted fourteen boys pages in the senate with the christmas gift to each of a crisp new 96 5 bill and the compliments of the season he isa is a generous rich man and full fuli of kindly sympathy as wen well as strong common sense bishop hurst delivered a striking lecture a short time ago in the metropolitan lits nm ME E church on act h he e revenges of history J there is no future judgment for nations nation he said except as relates to the present life though as individuals men are am rewarded and punished during the passage of centuries nations are rewarded and punished spain has not yet ceased to suffer for her crimes of oppression against spenst the netherlands the united states had to suffer four years of civil war because of her crime of slaveholding slave holding we must be careful now to t determine whether we are sinning in such manner as to bring down divine justice upon us y this is sound philosophy and is sustained by the records odthe past acts of national injustice to any people win will eventually bring divine retribution the law of nations as well as ag per stana and is inevitable and eternal whether this done justly towards the indians on the ond on hind and the mormons cormons onfre othe is 18 something to be determined by ft higher power than an earthy earthly court anytime and time will assuredly bring the consequences of a fair verdict veit liet I 1 the bishop also touched touch idd on th mhd question of woman suffrage ana said mid every rewn reason that can be adi danced why should vote existed in favor of giving the ballot to women and we must be just toward an all citizens here he was right again althof although i his big views are aft very unpopular Sout southern bern congressmen and thel their i are most of them ex strong in their to woman suffrage the hie reason for fok tb this apart from prejudice krisek from the dread of consequences re from giving women the ballot I 1 lotin in the south it would mort mord tihan tain double the present negro negip vote votsi and so increase the danger that thai menaces the whites in many lorali ties this negro question is 4 more serious matter than conn com conly appears that the colorni colored people in the south are am as a rule unfit to govern must be apparent to td any one who has studied the situation oa the spot it is not surprising that the white people ate are horrified attlee at the thought of negro domination and are am resolved reto ived that they will resist atto dt to thie the death scratch a russian rusman and you will find a tartar Y to is an old saw scratch a black man and find a savage if you go deep enough there are many cultivated colored people who are just as respectable polite orderly and peaceable as any Caucasian but isa ini the ordinary negro although he is the J jolliest Jol onliest liest kind of a good humored fellow when pleased and usually it takes but little to content hini yet when passion is aroused he quickly shows up as a brute even in washington where his race have had ana ample opportunities tribe to rise he is the most prolific source of disorder violence atod abd crime cases of theft and buT burglary glary by colored people arlof every day occurrence murderous assaults are common Slash slashing big an opponent with a razor stabbing ahn with a knife ar braining him with a brick is the ordinary means of defense de ferme the numerous of criminal assaults iton women wom enate aft shocking in the th extreme and the methods of judge lynch lymb men declare their fixed purpose not noi to be ruled or overran by biggers nig gers ite is not to be wondered at considering 1 the probabilities if the eft citizens itene should gain the upper tipper hand A aversion to woman suffrage su flie th ih the light of the ballot in the hands ot 0 colored fe females miles is easy of bf compre i hensien the washington papers boasted an wednesday that only nm arrests were ere made on christmas dayl day these were chiefly for crimes against the person and committed by colored men stabbing shooting cutting folks with razors striking with brass knuckles klers and alid similar diversions were ej heir their methods ad of celebrating the birthday of the prince of bf peace but the avital is ig on thle the whole it a wen well ordered city as quiet as it Is beautiful the people arc ait weh ell behaved churchgoing church going rilea sant nt well dress ed ind and courteous and are not behind in ili acts bf benevolence charitable institutions are bord cordially lally supported and ChAst christmas mas gifts bestowed freely there ara strong writs stories of cuse pread bw morty but it is not jean seen an the surface e mid and its ite k grossest ll baWks eaf cur aa as ib they ey appear in niost lai large ga cities a are jamshed from jhb public gaze an occasional lifting of the pat ot ud lid in a brimi criminal nil court discloses the adu ti eu broth brath swing stewing out of generd general sight and gives evidence of what is cla claimed lined to ito ajel k id av aul atu 1 pra proportions pa but blat it is e easy to exaggerate and evils never lose in the telling many bian y hn runny ny things happen among the upper crusts of colored 1116 which mhd how dinah and sambo can bild put on airs equal to ay any white trash here 1146 I 1 is in an advertisement clipped from rom a city pap paper ar as an illustration of this 6 A MOVING ta in the very bet best colored society desires a position ih a ki diley with alth fall of df fh we aft building dmd of daughter taking audic and bronw address mrs L 0 P 0 city As an offset to this an incident at ah the ahe post office the other da day the new of a white tody my of A laborer ft eni loyed iii 16 hAild handling ling mail afla found tha the ivet of hin vents wad not equal to we the wear and d tear of dally lifey ilk so fortified the weak pirt part with A leather patch while stooping down at t the C street door deor the patch was exposed to the indignant gaze of the tody ladr whereupon she caged on oh postmaster rose pose and expressed how been shocked aad aUg suggest gest ed bd that teat uncle sam hould should pro vide some more wa aesthetic uniform for his servants the urbane postmaster said he did not know how the mutter matter would be remedied except by ordering the toval of the patch and then he was dumbfounded by the hasty exit of the sensitive 4 female who fairly flew fiew out of the office leaving the gentleman in a state of wonderment as to the cause the tariff measure which will won soon pass the senate is not to have an ey easy time ot 0 it in the house the democrats are tallying allying for war upon it and the understanding is that it will be thoroughly overhauled in committee and riddled addled ridi adi i in debate the republicans Republic aus counted on the weariness we adnew of their opponents after so much work on toe the mills bill tait but preparations are being made to examine thib the bill item by item and notto noto shrink from the close work this will entail what a pity and a shame it is that vie the real good of the country square justice and human rights should be pushed aside to give place to party spite individual ambi ambition ambitious tiou and lust after popular applause yet ye theae the seare are the ruling influences except arnouts a noble few who are the salt odthe of the lawmaking body X washington D C dec 29 1888 |