Show T THE SAMOAN CRISIS tim THE latest news from samoa is disquieting to those who love peace and look with dread upon the prospect of a great reat and prolonged war nearly all foresha dowd in a pre previous report and commented upon by the NEWS st theotime the time has taken I 1 place aiace in civilities and dis courtesies hate ripened into overt acte of hostility the germans it seems determined to lose no point in the international and ext extra ra diplo matic game being played on the aie islands dis embarked a U number niter of men bom from a man ofru of war I 1 ar oste ostensibly to protect their own interests but really as it would appear to be more aggressive than defensive these were met by a squad of mal ietras men under command of an american officer when the germans getting the worst of it we may presume sent and waited for reinforcements for which arriving the contest was renewed the islanders heing being routed and subsequently strongly entrenching themselves at a point where another fight of greater severity was expected it would seem from this that the situation is now pretty well developed and no longer involved la in the slightest doubton doubt or uncertainty as relates to any part of it the german government te is allied offensively and defensively with jee to the throne Tamas eee and to disposed to aid and abet him and his cause with force and arms to the end that he may become ahe the ruler of samoa this means a great ded deal and the other powers thoroughly understand it such service and in such a dawe cause nood not be misunderstood by any one even at this great distance from the seat of contention with Bis bismarck marcks native ally indisputably enthrone dias the ruler of the islands the inferior factor captor in an control would become a cypher and the superior be supreme the german embassy acting under orders from the home government would rule with absolute power and other nations having direct and indirect interests there would have to take such terms term and privileges as were conceded to them this is a on toe the part of the great chancellor hut but it can hardly be successful there are difficulties in in the way fajr sash duch as he never had bad to contend wah before and it is surprising that a man of his great experience and executive ability should noti have counted on these before committing himself so completely to such an undertaking tuner the united states nor england will submit for an instant to germany having any other footing on the islands than a neutral power may inky properly bava haveilin in accordance with international w or than they themselves have and now that the gerrman forces have ve joined hands with one oneff of the factious factions and shed the bloo and overrun the territory of tahe tae other tere ere is gothing f for gr the great elgiah speaking catl nations one to do in the premises but to actively Inte intervene ryene a at once and march t the he goldiere sol diere back to their ships that this win will be done is scarcely a conjecture I 1 11 must mud be done and at once or it will be too late the allies of course understand this ind and it is a safe prediction that germany will not be permitted to take another step in advance adv alice I 1 Coup ledwith all this is the announcement no that malletta Malie Malle toa the rightful clamant claimant of the throne because cause having the support ot or the majority af pf the people will appeal to the american and english for assistance sly si in fhe event of further depredation re and such appeal if anything more were wanting tn in the way of justification for intervention would supply it when this actually occurs what will germany germana do dj and in the language of Pre paler salisbury what will the end be |