Show notes from ogden the seventies of weber stake will hold a conference in ogden on september 2 mr john yount engineer on the union pacific i ran a piece of steel darough his bis hand band yesterday at echo he is now in ogden rea reviving iving surgical i attendance mr S M U goes to park city this morning lor for the purpose of ex ti timing the remains of mrs E P ferry which have bave been buried since 1881 1 mr ferry will take the remains east to his bis olg old home for interment mr morris of the central hotel has substantially aided the poor widow and her four children with eatables others charitably disposed have followed the good example and they will not suffer hereafter As soon as means can be obtained they will seek to reach their friends in the north about two years ago marion mun sou SOD car cleaner on the S P injured W tired a linger finger which was imputed at the sacramento hospital the wound healed up and has not inconvenienced mr mansea a great deal until lately when it has troubled him considerably last night he left for sacramento to 0 be further treated by the S P physician yesterday morning at 8 3 a in a stranger by the name of frederick A bridges died of on the ing S P train upon arriving at ogden his bis body was taken to undertaker ker Pres Pre baws shaws establishment he bid bad a ticket to chicago as well as a tetter better giving the address of a gentleman at that place pace this person was te telegraphed le grap h ed about the sad death and the remains are held awaiting an aneser from him ogden standard aug 24 |