Show NEWS NOTES items gathered from various sources I 1 colgia cal an aug 19 am sam probst nine year ron eon ol of B probst orthis city while looking lookin for a cow last night fell off the river bialk bank adjoining ado ining town and was drowned his body was diston ered at 5 this afternoon by a aej indian diver yards below where P BA went down Sil silverton verten or august 39 19 charles charlea smith a farmer living three miles from silveston Silv eiton became enraged ats at a 09 chinaman inkman working in his bis threshing crew friday evening and knocked him over the head bead with a pitchfork handle bandu crushing in his skull the victim lay unconscious until yesterday morning when he died no arrest has yet been made butte mout mont aug 19 about midnight last night at a slugging exhibition in a galena street dive A V corey core y proprietor r of the place and william will il a SOP ty settled an old feud with dirk knife and revolver corey i was fatally stabbed and J F harring top tod a spectator wa also by doherty and died in a few hours corey fired several shots without effect Io boherty herty resisted arrest desperately hashing flashing bis fatal knife in the face of the officers but WV was finally jailed pomona cal august 18 hiran bell and family of ontario were driving to lu luonia ouia beach this afternoon for a vacation of a few weeks they rote rode in a large covered wagon while pass 1 inz through pomona mr air bell who had bad been holding his bis infant child in his arms laid it down to assist his wife in driving fora for a moment his attention was att attracted meted from the baby which rolled off the wagon seat and fell beneath trie wheels the was waa terr terribly ihly crushed cru sheil d death followed a few minutes later san safi jose cal aug 19 P A van tassel abt and wife made a fizzle of the balloon ascension and parachute de cension at Agi agricultural cultural park today As ae soon as tire ba was filled and the basket 8 attal attached ched ia a large rent was made in the top of the balloon and it collapsed the lar targe lare e crowd in attendance crew very indig indignant dant and a yelling yellin mob made a rush tor for the ticket 0 office g ge A box containing a few dollars was thrown out and the ticket sellers escaped with the rest the mob follower mrs van tassel to her parents parental home and remained in front of her place olace for half an hour when it dispersed vo no one was hurt salem Sai lero or aug 9 last march J C joseph a well to io do stone mason of salem died mud suddenly denly and his bis estate valued at fell to his bis son william villiam aged 23 3 years who was av thac time a member of the salvation army when be came into his property lit he left the army and a ad commenced a wild gourse of profligacy flig acy spending money in riotous living livin drinking excessively and as aa 0 watfa tallen women he bas 11 succeeded in making dav with a large portion of the estate yesterday Test erday his unc uncle e david W joseph tiled a petition with the county court asking that a guardian au ardian he be appointed over hilt bia person and estate seattle W V T au aug g 10 19 richard A jones chief justice fur territory died suddenly st at 3 this ibis morning dropsy of ue tac lungs ged aped 58 years he bad been suffering lug for a low lew weeks and his casu was waa nut not c considered serio serious ws hence hita hi death was unexpected lie he was wag a native of Ind Indi irja sua ile he went to CAll california fornia in IS returned to minnesota minneota minne ota be esan an the practice of law and attained ciui oeone at u the bar in that state he majo made a j speech seconding the of I 1 cleveland iu in the chaca chicago 0 o in ia he afterward removed to port artland art aad laed or and f trono therewa herti was sap ap pointed chief justice of territory in april JB the place of iftiger A now the candi i date lor delegate to bo |