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Show Page 4 The Thunderbird Wednesday, January 4, 1984 W Opimn Legislature determines SUSCs future success W))) A recent report by the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges named SUSCs major shortcoming as a deficient financial base. The association, which granted the college its continued accreditation, pointed out some other negative aspects in its report, all of which can be tied to the lack of proper funding. Through personal sacrifice, dedicated staff and faculty continue to maintain a tremendous degree of excellence on behalf of the college and the students they serve, despite the limited budget. And though The Thunderbird recognizes their efforts, we also realistically look ahead to a time when that excellence can be preserved through proper financial support. If the Utah Legislature fails to allot to SUSC the funding it needs and justly deserves, The Thunderbird believes the legislature will be guilty only of the continued placement of the unfair burden of personal sacrifice a burden carried too long and to an extreme degree by those who understand the vital role of good education but it may also be guilty of robbing the college of the high degree of accreditation it has achieved. SUSC cannot continue without proper financing. The future of this campus lies in the hands of the Utah Legislature. The Thunderbird feels that those who desire strong educational programs in this state must make their feelings known to the legislature. Because education is one of the keys to creating a better tomorrow for all, we must not ignore it in its hour of need. Neither should the legislature. As more people become part of society, society as a whole benefits. Where will the needed money to maintain and upgrade our educational systems in Utah come from? In the end, of course, it can come only from taxpayers. The Thunderbird believes the time has come to do some serious thinking about the value of education and to sound off to the lawmakers regarding our thoughts. CBe l Tut A WU) to class 3t U7hooqhfc to mg term papers, least three dagsbop bheu sire doe. if-- X voo, to cot rn3 drmKmS . tulknutah case sff doom to a U-- l void, no-- lV6 h t - scorpions of 's-r vow to spend all moneu on frivcdoUS tniriy FeedBack What are your New Years resolutions ? Patty Johnson: Theres a lot of them. Get to class on time. ..thats a big one. Graduate, make better grades and Ive got to get more excitement into my life. Patty is a senior from Salt Lake City, majoring in elementary education. CbunderBird Asnubusoi some serious to vouJ giah Volume 78, Number 12 Jed Foy: My resolution is to write in my journal once a week. Editor Tamara Rumbaugh Associate Editor Mike Fuller Copy Editor Karen Golberg Photo Editor Anthony Ford Entertainment Editor Kalhe Parkinson Sports Editor Paul Husselbee Senior Staff Writer Fletcher Matson Production Manager Donna Messerly Advertising Manager Scott Mitchell Faculty Adviser Larry Baker The rhumiiThnJ is published each Monday of the academic year by and for the student body of Southern L'tah State College. The views and opinions 'xpressed in The Thunderbird are the opinions of the publications individual writers and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the institution, fncultv, staff or student body in general. The unsigned editorial directly above is the opinion of The Thunderbird as a single entttv. Letters to the editor must include the name, student number (if from a student) and phone number. Onl the name will be printed. Names will not be withheld under any circumstances and the editor reserves the right to edit letters for length and to preclude libel. Letters must be submitted by noon Friday for inclusion in the following weeks edition. The Thunderbird. editorial and advertising offices at 529 West 200 South, Cedar , City, LT 84720. Mail at SUSC Box 384, Cedar City, UT 84720. (801) 7758. Jed is a freshman from Blandmg, Utah, majoring in engineering. Gwen Thomas: Im going to try not to miss class by getting an alarm clock or not pushing my snooze button as much. Gwen is a junior from Las Vegas, Nev., majoring in physical education. I Get through college, get a woman and get a job but not necessarily in that order. Carl is a senior from Henderson, Nev., majoring in Business Carl Sillitoe: Education. $ |