Show BOX ELDER STAKE QUARTERLY conference the box elder stake quarterly conference was held in the tabernacle at brigham br gli y a city oct 25 and 26 1884 the visiting ting elders were prest IV woodruff and apostle george teasdale the meetings on saturday the were very thinly attended bishops gave pave reports of their wards the statistical report was read prest W woodruff humorously alluded to the slim attendance at meeting lie he desired while here to meet with the young people because of the presence of bro teasdale who took such a deep interest in their welfare he counseled the people to save and store up their grain for their is a time of scarcity coming prest 0 G snow gave notice that a meeting of the young people would be held sunday at half naif past six p in apostle george teasdale after being introduced to the congregation by prest woodruff spoke on the uselessness of life service theorizing and simply talking it is the practical man who will make his mark for strai strat straight ht is the gate and narrow is the way trat that to the lives and few there be who find it men take their own course yet irwill it will be required of them to render an account of all their acts bishops should never show distinction and favoritism but treat all in their wards alike prest woodruff said we want all the socie societies to meet on sunday evening both old and young I 1 am interested as much in one as tile the other there is no division of interest and all are equally necessary in their sv averal st verai veral eral gradations sunday forenoon prest frest W woodruff occupied most of the time in addressing the saints in a great many subjects and principles of deep interest giving much wise and timely counsel sketches ot early church history and remarks oli on the redemption demp tion odthe dead were presented in a striking manner mauner and power that reached every heart apostle L snow offered a few remark i and suggestions in regard to the temporal conditions and affairs of we people in the afternoon the sacrament was administered the general authorities of tho the church and stake slake were pre dented and all were unanimously sustained A circular contained in the desere NEWS from the presidency of the church on the tennesee Tenn esce martyrs fund was read apostle george teasdale Tc asdale made raade a few remarks on the stoppage of our coop co op institution and the inconvenience resulting said we should appear natural and not try to appear as somebody else israel had an unflinching faith in god through trial and persecution the sects and hartles harties parties draw near unto god with their lips ps but their hearts are far from him offering us for our faith a god without body parts arts or passions president president IV woodruff hoped that the people would profit by the remarks made and live in conformity with gods laws yet iu in former times men for doing so were sometimes cast into the lions den and alrey firey furnace this kingdom Is the little stone cut out of the mountain without hands and after the elders testimonies comes the testimony ot thunder earthquakes and the wasting of the nations choir saag sang an anthem conference adjourned for three months benediction by bv elder elden M W dalton JA JAMES ies res clerk |