Show THE TEMPER OP OF THE COUNTRY THE tue temper of the country Is indicated in the outspoken expressions of the 1 leading bading journals j 0 urnald allover all ali over the land the closeness of the election in the state of new york has occasioned a feeling of of some alarm in regard to the probable course of the republican party which it is well known has been long determined not to give up the ship until forced to do so dy by stern necessity A clear unmistakable and indisputable majority for lor Ol eveland cleveland and hendricks must settle the question and the tile discomfited comfit ed party of high moral ideas must subside however unwilling unwillingly but if there is any technicality or matter of dispute ou on which they can base a claim for retention of the of maces offices the politicians who have held the reins of power so go long iong ion lon will cling to them with a tenacious death grip the utterances of the press indicate very plainly that the people who belleve believe they have elected the democratic candidates will not be defrauded again the tactics of will not do in 1884 the fraud of 1877 will not be repeated repented in 1885 1883 the word comes from every eveny quarter it is not the boast of a f few ew party leaders it is not the me mere re cry of professional politicians it is the expression of a vast body of determined people and it means just what it salse salso sars says let et a stand be taken by the officeholders and their political associates to retain that which the country desires to place in other hands and there such a cyclone of popular fury as has never been witnessed on the face of this globe and its effects will be ap paling the country is on the edge of a great crisis it is to be hoped that wisdom and prudence will ivill prevail over deep chakrin chagrin and disappointed greed |