Show OVER THE OCEAN ELDER ELDER GEORGE GODDARD DESCRIBES III lil nis hrs S transatlantic TRANS ATLANTIC VOYAGE erom from a letter commenced in mid ocean and continued each day till landing we learn from elder geo goo goddard WHO Is with the company of immigrants novy on the way to utah and shortly to arri arrive some incidents of their voyage which wavea ic ended last tuesday afternoon when the let iet letter ietter ter was posted at new york the vessel was the arizona captain brooks and the t lie lle voyage her the total number of passengers and crew the latter lot was 4 48 of them being cabin passengers pass engerg 60 intermediate and anda 2 steerage the ailts are in charge of elder jalma jaima J alma aima mith elder eider 11 lder ider goddard acted as secretary and elder leo 11 II clawson assistant secretary the vessel set sail from liveo alveo liverpool 1 on saturday november weighing lg h i anchor at 1 p in eroin froin here we will let elder goddard tell his own story says he in the evening the elders visited the saints and found them all in high glee hinging 0 babylon Q babylon we bid thee farewell etc elder J JA 0 A smith was introduced to them as having charge of the tiie company lie gave them such instructions as were necessary eel esary for their comfort and appointed several brethren to act us as guards prayer was offered other bongs aure sung and all retired to rest bunday morning november 2nd and during the night a brisk breeze spranz up causing the vessel to rock and many to be nick sick We reached queens town at a am in and left there avii a in all the saints spent tiie tile day clay on deck the majority of them under the influence of sea sickness making it impracticable impracticable to hold meeting meet irig trig during uran the night and all day monday the wind increased to what seamen would call imil a half gale gaie but from te oie the disturbed condition of the sea causing the vessel to dip and submerge the whole deck and tile tiie almost utter prostration of the le passengers I 1 should certainly regard it as a a whole gale this continued all night and all day tuesday making it dangerous for any an Y one to attempt a visit to the steerage passengers PaS most roost of whom have been be en confined to their berths since sunday ill lii night lit prom from from prom sunday at 11 aan a p to 12 ro in monday we made nude ago miles from froin Queens queenstown town and from 12 a in monday to 12 a in tuesday only 22 miles having a head wind whid to cope with and a heavy sea gea which made it dangerous for any one to be on deck one of the crew a man US years old was knocked down by the force of the water and broke ills his leg and arm arla and some of his ribs nearly all the passengers were sick fick sick and in their berths waiters at the tables had quite a sinecure I 1 having I 1 scarcely any one to wait upon elder john cartwright artwright was the only one of us who entirely escaped sea sican sickness ss wednesday nov 5 fine morning Is moderate sri suu sua sea nearly all passengers on deck improved in health and singing have hase made in miles lles iles during the past 24 hours ThursdayS GO FrIday FridayS Sl miles f t saturday miles nothing eventful occurred sunday ath captain catain brooks held divine service in the th cabin at half past 10 am a in all passengers allowed to be present at halt past two pm p ua we held heid a meeting with the saints several intermediate passengers being present with is seven of the elders delivered ae livered short addresses addresses monday loth the new world opened to our view early this morning a soft ref refreshing re shing balmy air sea smooth as a carpet a clear moon and twinkling stars a low black cloud skirting the eastern horizon which nearly all mistook for land at seven am a m steam was turned off and our pilot came aboard bringing newspapers etc ind shaking up the dry bones of democracy and ite lie with intelligence of the election tile the rising of the klu kiu klug king of 0 f da day shortly erward afterward ift was was a sight sl g t both grand and beautiful like a ball of lire ilme gradually emerging from behind the eastern orizon horizon fi and shedding his its lis warm and genial rays over all the sight sl h t was much appreciated as we had scarcely seen him tor lor nine days we have made ro ade miles in ghe the he past 24 hours and are nrc now novy within miles of new york between 12 and I 1 pm we vve were greeted with a gratuitous exhibition by tens of thousands of porpoises 0 1 s es their chief game seemed to be leap fe a p frog the ocean each side of the th e vessel and almost as far as the eye could reach was alive with them thein old oid 0 ge d seamen said sald there th e re were millions we could scarcely agree as to the real intent of their visit some regarding ag it as the expression of a final adieu to those of us whom they might never see again while others looked upon it as a f friendly ried rieb ly welcome eto to the shores of america arneria it is now dow 2 1 pm and the sun shines in all his splendor in the midst ol oi a cloudless sky such a one as an ea englishman is almost an entire stranger to and gazes upon with wonder and delight we have been treated wl with th courtesy and gentlemanly bearing by s crew and passengers peace and goo goodwill will among all nowara no warm or angry debates respectful answers given iven to all questions no intrusive forwardness orward ness indulged ju bulged in by anyone it was a quarter to 2 pm when the vessel touched the gulon guion pier we arrived all safe no births or deaths on board we met brother hart and the afternoon has been occupied in taking our luggage the usual excise regulations the saints have gone i 0 o castle gardens and expect to leave per railway tomorrow evening for utah |