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Show lilTrHiiiyi.iT mpUMMqpM The Silt Lake Tribune, Sunday, No ember 8, Leonard Lyons The Lyons Den ' Lollobrigidas when the accident happened. The car was smashed. Miss YORK Gina Lollobrigida was at 21 the other clay. She heard a friend talk NEW said she put the to good use: Its now in my garden, as sculpture . . Zeffirelli, whos in Rome Rolls-Royc- his film on St. ncis of Assisi. Frank Grimes, who ... the in Borstal B o y is play- 1 n g Miss Lollobrigida said she feels closer to Zeffirelli, ever since they were near death in the smash-u- p in Italy. Miss Lollobrigida was at the e wheel of her Rolls-Royc- Lzland duce A. E. Hotchems play about alimony jail . . . Joe of SunLevine, at Radio City Music flower, Hall, will have his second film one Scroo ,xjety V n..fi 19 1370 St in Be Something More To Love." Peace. Rick Knu ison w ill be represented by two piano works, Romance. Prelude and petiormed by Lennox Larsen, to whom they are dedicated. Concerto tor Violin and Strings Finale in D Minor. by William Maiben. will be conducted by Dr. David A. and Utah of University The conceit in annually sponsored by the Salt Lake Chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon, international music sorority. Joel Naumann has written Movement for Violin and Piano." will be played ty violinist Donna Maiben and pianist Melinda Small. His Modular Six Pieces for Fiano," will be plzyed by in My Garden T-S- Garner to Star in Western Coined v Support Your Local is the new title of the Western comedy starring James Garr.er and Suzanne Pleshette, formerly called Latigo. The pictuie will be Gun-fighte- Miss Small. Also on the progi am is Stan Funicelli's for Quartet, French horn, oboe, bassoon and guitar. G.na Lollobrigida Shatid. Donna Maiben is the solo violinist. Other musicians am Julie Warner, Melinda Small, Star Place. Melissa Thorley, Cheryl Cronin, Jov. Walker, David Barber and William Maiben. The Concert Univ ersity Choir, conducted by LeGrand Anderson, will sing Vincent and Lutis De Profundis with words by . Prelude, Eliot. Elaine Carr will perform K.aczeks There Must The Udh Composers Concert. a recital of works by aiea oomjoseis and student;., will be presented Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the Music Hall on the It's Iff Composers Concert Set Wednesday campus. A note played will pro- Hayward f :j, v - er Karel Appel, died in Amsterdam last week. She was Dior's favorite model . . . All London Philharmonic oichestra programs at Rola Festival Hall carry the notice: Audience Participation: mezzoforte on the horn measured 63 decibels of sound during a test in this hall. A single uncovered cough gave the same reading. A handkerchief placed over the mouth when coughing assists in obtaining a nppriyilii, ' fV V V i booked there. It's the movie version of Romain Gary's Promise at Dawn. . . . Machteld Appel, wife of paint- Bag-nol- Hofgren, who held ambassadorial rank, is leaving the White House to join Goldman Sachs The New York Times notified its staff that theres no objection to female employes wearing pants suits at the office . . . George Azelrod. author of Sev en Year Itch, will have his Viking novel excerpted in Playbov. Its title is Where Am I When I Need Me? . . . Life magazine is preparing a piece on Neil SL'.on, following younger Behan that auto e Daniel Fra played him to rehearsals of his new play, Ginberbretad Lady. Elizabeth Taylor, whos in London, at last met Emd author of National Velvet, the horse race story which launched the young star. Brendan Behan once told I saw Paddy Chavefsky: your play, 'The Tenth Man, at a Hadassah benefit. Thats like seeing National Velvet with an audience consisting onh of jockeys. Lollobiigida 0f directing Serves as Sculpture Rolls-Royc- e T yrtl released by United Artists. Support Your Local Gun-fighte- r! Jack Elam, Marie Windsor and Joan Blon-del- l. The setting is the West, following the Civil War. co-sta- EXCLUSIVE "FREEWHEELING EXCITEMENT, CYCLING SPILLS, CHASES SHEER ENTERTAINMENT. TKBEN HUR OF THE MOTORCYCLE PICTURES. Knight if Soturdmy Review "A THIS KIUD OF HOVIE A REWEl'JER SHOULD PAYTOSEE! 1 Amazing... New Yo k Post Joe pulls no punches...hits a double MOTORCYCLE EPIC!-!- ,. Its never been served up on film this hot! Archer Wmsten, N. Y. Post bulls-ey- MsfWM v a1 isvau CSH 0T1!21 nuoiEgif R3S2 e. 2CRC COLOR SHOWTIMES hid SLAVERY KRONER BAEB present HARRIET go end Uncle Tom wai the ldr BEECHER STOWE'S MSOFIHEflOSOM who pointed the way. Don't miss thi exciting trip down the Mighty Mississippi . ego! 'Miff ? rfj V& ,YT"k 120-yrs- UNCLE TOM'S mMsmi CABIN SHOWTIMES 12:1S. 2:35, 4 55, 7:15,3:40 MQNTE WALSH' JS A MUST!" IVTAZtVZNcs Lf Smith, Cosmopolitan W MONTE WALSH 12:15,210,410, 6 05. 8 00. 10 00 PANAVISION-o- TfCHNICOIOJ ;GPtE5. ENDS SOOtiT "A SUPERB, IMAGINATIVE ANl FAITHFUL ADAPTATION OF JOSEPH HELLERS EXTRAORDINARY BOOK! JOSEPH MEIMFILM 12:00,3:13,4:40, 7:10, 3:40 POLYNESIAN EJ G JACK BALANCE..,. -- Lj s& Cr a quiet place Hi i ass? CAKDICE BERGEN Combination Plate CJ SOLDIER DLUE SUN. $fl65 cr i KWAN in the COUfltr' HHE Special Chinese Dinner IVES' SR0CK PETERS CARRAD1NE-NANC- CAKDICE BERGEN jcsireHttia " BURL DAVID BLUE m.mtsX Cl vanessa redgrave franco nero LEfST MCO EM3AKY lyj SOLDER -- WILLIAM WOLF, CUS the E ONLY HOME DELIVERY GRANGER AREA 2055 W. 3500 South ONN MOVIE AUDIENTE GUIDE Thoio eetiwf eepply el oftor Morcit tke ONLY ULTIMATX ADULT odi indicate ftto til woo bm.fted mr4' OpprOvod voider h Mellon Picture Cede 3 Self logwletioA 331-0)3- 7 r 34-084- ? Restaurant ta v fc SuggestedAll for Hurt audiaricai, !! 30 a Fh 4 Sat 2130am2j0i. Sunday Soon til Wtdn Jr Lets Go to t FUNNi - Reron. under admitted, unless accompanied by parent r adult RESTRICTED 17 Rot guardian. (x) Pertdni under It not odn"tt. j. Demmans ilRL : - have the greatest I con food in town talk George into going if you can get Charlie to take you out for Sunday ... They South Temple & 1 1 a.m. 'til Cloiing COMPLETE SUNDAY DINNERS I ttfetousarib Days 202EEEE2!' Today's Feature K0AST SPRING CHICKEN 1 Read T odays Classified Ads Classified Ads, iiiltl it.iiirtiyni limn F" 52I-353- a 5 n'lf DRESSING FRESH PEAS GIBLET GRAVY ROIL BUTTER i $59 iHlwllRPd9hMMx4aUi8w.duAMiai9eiiAMaki y2 PRICE EXPERIENCE! THUeSDAT, 8:00 p.m. SAT2:00.n. cast of skating stars Exhilarating 3 MATINEES Saturday, 2:00 p.m. Sun., 2:00 p.m. 8 6:00 p.m. ft BUY TICKETS NOW AT Salt Palace and 2CMI Store: Extraordinary Magic 6:00 y.m. 25 eli ticket gric wKUTV Ceeyen) $UN Wtd., Nov. Explosive comedy Exquisite costumes 343-76(- ALL SEARS Screen MICKIVS MUSIC, Brigham City 36 CLIP & MAIL TO: ICE CAPADES 100 S W, T.mple, Soil Lok. City, Utoh 14101 SALT PALACE Enclosed . for mo-- e, orn Sncordcnor I 8 iMaif Open Nooo LA VENGANZA DE V Cow KURICAN RAMIRE- ZI 'ra flCORRlDO DE MARIA PIST0US -- tke ornount of n .' o odjH S COKE or TEA Rrvd Main CONTINUOUS SERVICE Served IT PAYS THE WeA,Thurs 8:00 p.m. F r. Sat., 8:30 p.m. 4S5-I336- .- Sat YOUTHS (It end under) NIGHTS - " 322-113- 4 For Information Ticket Creep A Pertie Dinner. Give Yoursel. a lift . . , Come to Demman's! 1500 WEST NORTH TEMPLE All SALT PALACE audience (parental guidance suggested). All ages admitted. jht 400, 4S0 SUH.yl2QV.29 GENERAL ogei edmitttd. for MATURE 300 $250 thru in 391-34- 4 PRICES 7ED.,I!0V.25 Film Export. naa seal this 394 So. Main fir--t , 1970 Be oo4 SALT LAKE AREA 11. 4J ADULTS . . youth mel c'o'0 oo,' , S eotnond S ....... GO, t Day Phon. NAME ADDRESS STATE CITY ('e i"v 13 v jrx: r n : 7: P4 ' 3 l.rk.n ot gp. |