Show 1010 mr in this city april at the residence ot of eider dider C C hibb ward wardy JOHN PEA ot of old age aged aped 90 years 9 months aud and 15 days father pea was born in york district south carolina removing thence to the illinois frontier when about twenty three years ot of are ago he enlisted in captain squires company ot of illinois IIII nois nola militia and served curing the war ot of 1811 and was inscribed on the pension roll ot of the government feb 1871 1 was bar barll bartl lizea zed zea a member ot of the church ot of jesus christ ot of lat ter day saints december 1833 1835 in st clair co coa ill lil by eider elder harvey green in I 1 1838 he be moved to far west mo and was d riven driven and plundered la in connection with the saints from that place settling bottling afterwards atter wards warda at nauvoo and was driven f saem saam rem that place at the lime time ot of the general exodus of the church ile he gathered to the valley with the saints paints in I 1 1859 1839 crossing the plains in morris phelps phelp company deceased has ever been firm in his faith and integrity to tho the truth and in tho the early days of the church his house was a home for tho the eiders elders and his substance at their disposal helas he was a member of 0 the high prietta eita oits quorum was permitted to live many years beyond those usually allotted to man and diet diel as he had lived in the full faith of the promises and blessings bes Wes sings guaranteed gua ranted tho the faithful in the new now and everlasting covenant com cou on sunday april xyth WILLIAM JOHN POLL in the irth ward salt lake city oits from the results ot of a rupture ruptures aged 29 99 years 9 months and 11 days deceased was born at wymondham Wymon dham norfolk england july 11 and emigrated to utah with his paren parents tsy in 1853 he was a young man of integrity and great usef usefulness u gness iness having acted as assistant Ass Acs stant superintendent ot of the sunday school and aloo president ot of the tho literary institute with many other incidental services for tor the good wood of his hin fellow men ho he leaves a wife and two children and the loss to his many friends will be a matter ot of sincere regret the funeral took place from the tenth ward meetinghouse meeting house bouse this afternoon at 2 delock com cow star stars please copy in ia parleys park april fig of rapid consumption JOSEPH LAIRD deceased was born in a glasgow scotland in 1819 salt lou lom lam herald please copy in salt lake city april doth SARAH daughter of william and mary ann mand and id wife of f alexander glen deceased was born bom at creatha a hin lain bare near acae Mahebe manchester sterl irig england september ut 1838 sh she e I 1 leaves ea ves a ramil famil family of seven children and numerous friends she dial in rul rui falth ralth faith aud nud fellowship with the Church com at atthe the residence of mcdavid mr navid david Tc Ic Kenzle rth ward word salt lake city april it of general debility mrs mrs mary MARV CROWTHER ram nam late of Duffle duffield ld derbyshire engla I 1 in her ath eth year deceased bore an excellent character andaas and was much esteemed by all who knew her she spent a long life la in doing good she sho embraced the gospel in or about the year 1851 and was a most fervent and devoted believer in its principles she la in full faith of a glorious glor hous ioui resurrection friends of the deceased are respectfully invited to attend her funeral ServIce ser sei vices sWill will be held ja in the rth ward meetinghouse meetinghouse meeting house house on friday A april 2 21 at 12 m com Milun millennial nial star please copy at Coal villel summit county apri april A of dropsy on the heart EMELINE D wife of john joha simpson and daughter of leonard and emeline Phill rhill phllip Jp of Co alville aged agod 18 years 6 months and 22 days deceased was casborn born in provo utah co and was never outside of tb the e territory lived a most exemplary life filthy faithful ua to her rell reli religion gloia to the last was loved and respected by the community in which she lived and died in the full hope of a glorious res co salt lake herald and junction please copy at salem utah county april isab esth of croup p and CHA charles ules rles son bon of C charles charies rles vies G and virginia curtis aged 5 month months i and 18 days |