Show local OCAL AND OTHER MATTERS RATTERS erom FRIDAYS DAILY dally APRIL arbin 21 preparatory professor george careless put the tabernacle choir through a course of practice at the tabernacle last night the choral exercises are always a most pleasing feature of the conferences businesslike business like south of the university building around savages savaged art gallery Is isas I 1 assuming quite a businesslike business like appearance pe arance a barber shop a bakery and a confection and ice cream establishment have recently jumped into existence there and the proprietors prie tors of the globe bakery purpose extending their premises forward to the line of the street recovered Ke covered mr Saw sawtelle telIe telle who lately had a sudden and severe attack of illness has recovered andis around today to day as usual the gentleman has been overtaxing overtaking over taxing his brain lately by too close application to study which is frequently the ease case with actors who are heart and soul in the dramatic profession and anxious to shine in it mr S is a very careful painstaking and withal a progressive actor suicide at ogden A special ai dispatch to the NEWS published elsewhere relates the case of a suicide at ogden from a gentleman who came down from ogden to day we learn that the maufas man was laborin laboring C under considerable mental derangement and he was wa on his way to new now york chero he had some relatives H he had his ticket and proposed starting from ogden by this mon ings train the remains of the unfortunate man will be sent to new york to his friends should not be doneit occurred to us this morning that it Is a good thing for dusty streets to be moistened when the nire lire steamer happens to be out but it does not seem to be altogether proper to douse people by turning on them a stream from the hose it must certainly be e a source of great discomfort to those whose clothing is thus soaked through by this means and surely it can afford but small if any enjoyment to those who do the cousin dousing 9 this amusement if 11 that is what it ought to b be called d being so one ono sided aided should never be repeated it is of the nature of an assault and may be very justifiably resented by the victims conferences we leam from the star of march slat that on sunday march an annual conference was held in the bath hall I 1 shenfield sheffield eld eid there were present besides prest joseph F smith a large number of the elders from other parts of the mission all of whom addressed the meetings an excellent spirit prevailed and at the afternoon and evening meetings the tho attendance of saints and strangers was very good conferences were to be held at the following places on the dates named nottingham april 5 south gouth wales april 2 birmingham ham april 19 glasgow april 26 manchester may 10 and london may 17 peculiar A rather peculiar circumstance cum stance was brought to our notice today to day A gentleman who resides in the ward has a full title titie to his lot lol today to dasho dashe day das he discovered that one of the members of a defunct firm nirm had given another member of the same deceased firm a warrantee deed for the lot in question for and in consideration of 1300 the deed was bakeri to the tho court house to be recorded probably the affair was all a mistake and were it not for certain ways tb that at are dark of the past on tile the part of the individual to whom the conveyance was made that construction st at could readily be put upon it luckily there Is no defect in the title of the veritable owner were it otherwise lie he might have some tio trouble troubie uble nearly a fire lire between ten and eleven today to day dav smoke was seen been issuing from the 60 roof of st marks markys school opposite the city hall the fire alarm was immediately rung and pending the getting out of the fire steamer and other apparatus of the brigade a number of firemen got upon the roof and dashed buckets bucketsful ful of water upon the place where tho fire was on the west side of th thereof a roof close to a flue and und soon extinguished it to make assurance doubly sure however a stream of water from the hose or of the steamer was brought to bear upon the spot for some somme timp time afterwards the scene in front of the building was very lively for some time for besides st marks scholars a ja large rge crowd of people were attracted by y the fire alarm the cause of the fire is supposed to be a defective flue in fact this is almost a certainty as there is no other apparent origin for it inthis if this be correct it appears that the judicious thing to do under the circumstances curn cum stances is to haxe have that flue rendered perfectly sale sade for if this be not done a fire may break out at anytime any time it is iu in use had the fire not been extinguished in its incipiency and had the flames gained anything like headway it would have been next to impossible to save the building as a it is constructed ted of very inflammable materials newyork new york conference the new york conference was held at americus hall grand street williamsburgh Williams burgh on sunday april 5 H G bywater presiding isaac J elkington Ei kington elkington clerk morning meeting commenced at half past 10 and was occupied by the elders and members from the different branches of the conference in the afternoon there were present on the stand from utah elders H S dredge eldredge EI NV V C staines P P pratt W richards ble Bic hards and S clawson elder isaac 3 elkington reported the williamsburgh Williams burgh branch in first rate condition the saints being united and desirous to sustain the authorities the number of members in tue branch was and it was reported in good con condition altion financially nanc nanci lally ally the other othe r five branches were reported by letter in a favora favorable ble bie condition elder ff S eldredge EJ dredge presented the authorities of the church in zion and throughout the world which were unanimously sustained the sacrament was administered the congregation was addressed in an interesting and instructive manner by elders Elder sL H S eldredge dredge EI NV C staines P P pratt and W richards ric Bic hards the hall was well filled with I 1 saints and strangers and a good spirit prevailed mill star please copy releases changes and appointments elder lester J herrick is released from the presidency of the london conference to return home in charge of the first company elder B R T burton is appointed to succeed elder herrick in the presidency of the london conference elder robt is released from the presidency of the glasgow conference to return home with the first company elder NV W N elre eire is appointed to succeed elder nie nic in the presidency of the glasgow conference elder george F gibbs gibba is released from laboring in this office to return home with the first company elder john clark is 13 released from the presidency of the sheffield conro Conre conference rence renee and appointed to labor in this office elder it W V heyborne is released from the presidency of the bed ford shire conference and appointed to succeed elder clark in the presidency of the sheffield eld eid conference elder chester call is appointed to succeed elder heyborne in the presidency cj of the Bedford shire conference ference 0 elder eider james janies T little is released from froin laboring in the london conference to return home with the first company elder john E rees bees is released from the presidency of the welsh conference to return home with the first company millennial star march aise district court shields vs camp floyd al co ordered and adjudged that the verification of the answer herein is insufficient I 1 and that the defendant have leave to file an amended answer within five days J on payment of 10 costs and filing affidavit of merits further ordered that on the above terms being complied compiled with and within five days thereafter the plaintiff shall file a no nea new w undertaking in the proceedings ce on the attachment in the sum of 2900 E S mansfield et at al vs V L thomas s moore motion to strike out answer and for judgment earl smith vs J W haskin five days additional time to answer H 8 samson vs davenport S af M co B R P lounsberry Lound berry was sub as of jofh ibl yel S samson judgment for defendant E H field vs david F walker NV alker dismissed on plaintiffs motion without prejudice goldberg co vs Is isaae isaac lae tae lac wolfe judgment for plaintiff for want of answer first national bank of utah vs camp floyd sni S M co motion for additional adit ional bond on attachment for five days granted to file bond james shields vs camp F floyd loyd 8 S M company motion to strike oui out answer granted defendant has five days to amend answer on paying 5 costs and filing affidavit of merits on filing answer undertaking on attachment to be increased 2900 ten dollars paid in open court nive five days thereafter J morrison vs F H keith amount of debt deposited on court and ball bail discharged P E connor vs H S jacobs motion to discharge attachment overruled ten days to answer salutatory the following is e extracted x from the millennia star of march 31 beloved brethren and saints saint on entering upon the responsible duties and labors edthe of the tho presidency of the european mission to which I 1 was appointed at the last october conference held in salt lake city I 1 feel it my duty to address a few words to you in order that we might be drawn closer together and become better acquainted by a communication and interchange of thoughts 1 I hm am deeply impressed with the importance of that unity of spirit and effort on the part not only of deis engaged in the tho ministry but all the priesthood and saints throughout the mission which is necessary for the progress and prosperity of f the glorious cause in which we are engaged C there is no nothing thins more undeniable than that in union there is strength while tho thu important admonition given by the lord is except yo ye are one ye are not mine mind that we may therefore see eye to eye and maintain a vigorous cooperation in the performance of our several important duties I 1 invite and solicit the confidence and friendship of my fellow laborers 3 and trust that they will exercise perfect freedom in communicating with me or offering such suggestions as they might deem wise and expedient for the welfare and advancement van cement of the work in their respective nield field of labor keeping always in view the gre greab great at object objector of our labors namely the salvation of mankind As bearers and sowers bowers of the precious seed of eternal ilfe life let our lives correspond with ouis our professions our words be consonant with the truth we bear and our acts agreeable to the revealed will of i god for without these fruits do follow in some degree our professions of faith we as elders or saints are only obstacles to the progress of the work stumbling blocks in the way of the practically minded observer and are not only not enhancing the prospects of the salvation of others but are jeopardizing our own let let lot not only the elders but every member of the church church feel that it Is ia his or her especial duty to take an active and lively interest in whatever may tend to promote the general good and also realize that ono one of the most potent agencies in accomplishing gods God will swill on earth Is ia the righteousness and purity of life of his adopted children desiring only to introduce myself to the saints briefly through the columns of the star I 1 will con cluda ciuda by paying saying that I 1 purpose visiting and attending conference at sheffield where I 1 expect to meet with many of the elders eiders from various parts of great britain I 1 as well as many of the saints of that conference on sunday next and on tho the following sunday at nottingham where I 1 hope to meet others of the brethren and at other places on each successive sunday until I 1 shall have completed a circuit of all the conferences in tho the mission ajl ion lon due notice of time and places when and where conferee Con feren eos ees will be held will be given to the elders and saints through the star or by letter ae cording according to circumstances curn cum stances praying god my father to bless and crown with abundant success the united efforts of the laborers in the vineyard in the apparent glean gleaning lug of the grapes when the vintage is done and that the way maybe may be opened and prospects brightened on every hand for the ae ac act i of the greate greater qt possible amount of good toward ele the salvation and exal exaltation Lation of those who at present are sitting in darkness to the honor and glory and acceptance of god 61 6 1 I 1 am your brother in the gospel jos F SMITH liverpool march as 44 11 FROM SATURDAYS DAILY APRIL 23 21 dull li atle or no business in the police court during the past week Plentiful Lots of wind and dust today to day visitors the tho number of visitors from abroad increases daily tree worms worms are hatching out in the shade trees and jn in the orchards all over the city adjourned the third district court adjourned this afternoon till the day of may supreme court the supreme court of this territory will meet at the court room city hana hal at 10 id in the morning one week from next monday from san francisco mrs nathan ellis daughter of elder orson hyde was expected to reach this city today to day from san francisco on a visit to her friends in this city from the country the streets have been lined with people from the country today to day giving the city quite a metropolitan appearance it is probable there will be quite am ani attendance from the settlements at the tabernacle tomorrow to morrow dirty flues mr doman chimney sweep continues to assert very emphatically that if people would patronize his bis imported en english ax sweeper their premises would nobl take fire there is probably more truth than poetry in his statement ominous just as people are beginning to congratulate themselves zes all around that we are going to have a spell of pleasant weather now the air commences to feel as if another storm is near and the sky begins to have an ominously cloudy appearance warm spring indians donald ddnald macleay macray expects soon togo to go to the ea eastern tern states with his ills band of warm spring indians who figured in the modoc war to give some kind of performances or entertainments there similar to those he has been regaling the citizens of oregon with we do not suppose he will call here as indians can frequently be seen capering on the streets of this city and no charge made for the sight district court today to day NV D forster vs frederick rich motion for new trial overruled defendant excepts proceedings under execution stayed six days dass H 17 kramer ramer vs V U P B R B R co judgment for defendants for costs coste jos coleman vs john N dramer 2 et el at al report of master in chancery confirmed decree granted f J AL goeway co vs L J whitney default and judgment william jennings tennin s vs robert J J golding constitution buildings several alterations to meet the wants wanis kofl 0 the spring and summer bu business sinew have been made in the retail grocery ce ry establishment of Z C al M I 1 P T the he glov glassware and crockery cro pro ekery goods have been removed from the mahx mahi compartment and reinstated the shelves of the south wing in ia a very tasteful manner the is also kept in the rear part of af the same division the stoves and hollow ware department in the north compartment has been turned e d over to the wholesale department other alterations to meet the wants of the public have recently been mad made there AM Q the boston transcript says the funniest thing on tho the street this month is the appearance of a sharp nosed woman in the bonnet of the period and a mask veil the |