Show 30 V 11 v 11 10 S A notice of a birth in a london has appended to it these words mr forbes the father requests the prayers of his friends and acquaintances in a this sore affliction bridget what became of the tallow I 1 greased my boots with this morn ing ng 1 I fried the in it ad oh ob I 1 was afraid you had wasted it t 1 A priceless saxon manuscript the gift of leofi leoti lethe first bishop of exeter which was said to have disappeared has been found safe among other manuscripts in the exeter exchequer chamber in england rev robson collyer of Chicago says that canada is the most old fashioned new country probably to be found anywhere it is a collection of people without a nationality as the germ of national idea what this republic might have been without new england canada is it is a land without a history I 1 the experiment of the lake superior mining co lri if making mineral paint at ishpeming wis is a success the paint is made by evaporating the water pumped from the mine into shallow reservoirs the coloring material is oxide of iron mixed with a sort ok 0 clay popularly irly a k known as magnesia but which is fire clay the late bishop onee once formed one of the congregation in a church in torquay Tor quay in his own diocese when the overnice over nice clergyman used the words eat and drink their owai own condemnation whereupon the sonorous volee voice voce of the diocesan rolled forth the word damnation which i la s the proper liturgical word while the eople people in the pews pews looked astounded Whew Hortense died she bhe gave the engagement ga ring of her mother the empress josephine to her son the present emperor of france prance making it a condition that be he should never put it on another hand band than that of the future empress of the french the request was obeyed and eugenie owns the ring ruice A poor couple in london taking counsel with each other how to retrench their expenses decided to drown their dog a great pet but costing seven pence a week the wife herself threw the animal from the bridge but his loss preyed upon her mind till she went crazy and drowned herself also in the thames a week later I 1 A raw jonathan who had been gazing at a garden in 14 the vicinity of new york in which were several marble statues exclaimed just see what a waste heres no less than six scarecrows scare crows in this little ten foot patch and any one on em would keep the crows from a nive five acre sere patch an old man in crawford county pa called crazy odell has for 20 years witia necessary intervals for sleeping and eating walked in shine and storm from meadville to penn liine line a distance of 30 20 miles I 1 he imagines himself th the 0 duke of wellington and is to always marching to the battlefield battle field of waterloo leigh hunt had an uncle who was very wealthy and meddlesome every one knows what an idler poor leigh was waa in youth and improvident in money matters his old oid uncle came to see him one day and said ah leigh how do you do leigh what are soo yoo doing now leigh I 1 am not doine doing anything answered Hunt what Wh att exclaimed the other you got anything to do yet na but alyoa dont seem to mind min your own ov business you ought to employ me to do it for you that would keep me pretty well engaged I 1 fancy Lippincott ls magazine i A story is told of a frugal office clerkin a new york banu bank who during the recent gold panic drew drewali all hi his s savings amounting to some goo ogo and spee 1 in the street he was very for and found himself worth erni enni day moning fifteen thousand dollars his employers were astonished at his good fortune and advised him to invest that amount with them and they would woul 51 make it a hundred thousand he thanked them and said he would sto stop where he was that night he had hse hsk fifteen thousand dollars and his hia employers were not worth fifteen cents to test flour place a thimble full fall in the palm of the hand and rub it gently with the finger it if the flour down feeling gentle gentie and slippery itis of inferior quality though of fancy brands high priced and white as the virgin snowdrift snow drift and will never make good light and wholesome bread but if the flour rubs rough in the tha palm feeling like fine sand and has an orange tint purchase confidently it will never disappoint you such flour whatever 1 may be its ita branded reputation though its ita price be at the lowest figure will make good light nutritious bread it is not very long since the nef ref reflecting demin leoin portion of the english people vere yere e startled by the statement put forth an au 1 a man a dah day da is titled tilled ink lai th tha coal shafts in england nearly six men are killed for every million of tons t of coal raised in england Thed the dangers angers augers of mining in the english alnea mines we are many first there are the dangers attending the fall of stratum beneath which the miner labors it is from the constant caving in of the treacherous roof that the miner stands in greatest danger there are the accidents arising arusing from the explosion of fire damp by which scores of men are destroyed without a moments warning the coal pours out oat suddenly sometimes continuously poura ous y its carba carburet retted ted hydrogen hy drogan gas which uniting with the air creates the dangerous firedamp fire damp those who escape instant destruction by the explosion of the nire fire firedamp damp are reserved for the more horrible fate of dying from the effects of the after damp or choke damp which succeeds an explosion in the english mines it sometimes happens that the miners break into old workings the records of which are either lost or forgotten when the poor miner is crushed crashed beneath the tha weight of a ponderous column of water it la Is not many years since the breaking of the machinery of the hartley Co colliery illery entombed two hundred and four men and boys not one of whom survived within With inthe the short space of five months in 1867 upward of four hundred men and toys boys boys were killed in two large collieries colli eries in england cut ot off without a moments warning one of the accidents was similar in some respects to the recent disaster in the avondale mine ec ex i john said one boy to therone ano day as they were strolling past a duck pond do you know why a duck goes under water I 1 no answered his companion 7 let me ask you why for divers reasons said john well well weil said the other can you tell toll me why be comes up again aano no replied john somewhat curiously 0 I 1 then john y said his companion you are caught this time of course course ayou the he duck comes up for sundry sun sud dry dryl pur poses |