Show TO lur run DESERET NE WS GENERAL philadelphia a brewster former judge judo of the court of common pleas and one of the majority of the court that decided the election contest in favor of the republican contestants has been tendered by governor geary the poil position tion of attorney general now occupied by benjamin harris washington Vas hington judge chase delivered an elaborate oration in the yerger case today to day to the effect that the supreme court has jurisdiction in habeas corpus corlius cases st louls louis dr white of aurora ills liis was found dead in his room in the everett house this pm haying having committed suicide by taking morphine he left a note addressed to a prominent mason here requesting his body to be sent to his hia father john white alte at aurora A bargo barge barge belonging to the mississippi valley transportation co laden with barrels of flour sunk at the levee today to day the cargo is insured chicago washington specials say that the reduction in army expenses on account of pay etc alone during the last year is at the rate of per year the civil employees department has been reduced from ten to the reduction in the naval expenses ia is at the rate of per year the solicitor of the treasury went last night to new york to investigate affairs in general Butter fields office the commissioners to examine the pacific railroad appointed under the resolution of congress last are preparing re paring their report the members E have ave expressed themselves in the main well satisfied with the work the belief seems almost universal that the decision in the yerger case will wilt be adverse to the government the cabinet have had bad some informal discussion as to what shall be done in the yerger case but nothing is decided upon it is understood that a combination has been formed to advance the price of gold chicago parepa Pare rosa with her opera company arrived here this morning they narrowly escaped a serious accident a few miles from the city at midnight the engine was thrown from the track and some of the members of the party were seriously bral brai bruised sed but none seriously injured the opinion of chief justice chase was delivered today to day in the yerger case etwas it was very elaborate and lengthy the decision does not involve the merits of the case or the constitutionality of the reconstruction acts but merely the authority of the court to issue a writ of habeas corpus under its ap jurisdiction in the case on its merits if the court shall issue the writ and proceed to a hearing thereon it will present a question only as to which power in the state of mississippi in its present condition of reconstruction aberson charged with crime is ame amenable nabie whether whet ller lier to the military or civil A number of officers have been assigned to duty in connection with the registration and election in mississippi nashville the legislature tod today to d day a postponed the election of public printer until november ad it is proposed now by johnsons friends to run him for the state convention ven tion and make him president of that body the legislature has not yet called a convention nor taken any action on the amendment there was the first ice of the season I 1 I 1 this morning it is understood that the grand jury inthe court of oyer Terminer and devoted today to day to the the gold ring transactions the evidence thus far has been taken by a congressional committee raleigh gov glov holden is organizing and arming a company of negroes in this city which is creating much excitement cit ement it is supposed they will be sent to leaming learning or chatham count counties 7 to suppress the new orleans the rev father lum luna bias secretary of the jesuits died yesterday aged SO 80 the attorney general of the state has his obtained judgment of over against the state treasury for alleged services in the collection of special taxes etc in jog 66 jeff davis b has as arrived richmond the president has pardoned allder Alider soji patterson and sim convicted here in 68 of a conspiracy for defrauding the revenue ard aid ard sent to the albany penitentiary the state fair commences nov ad the entries already exceed those of any fair before or since the war those from the northern states are five times as great the president and cabinet will wilt be invited to attend the state journal a republican organ asserts that secretary boutwell and the president believe the senator elect has the moral right to the removal of his disabilities which should not be impaired by any unintentional oversight on the part of congress and both express the hope that congress will remove remore senator johnsons disabilities new tew york A tank of carbolic acid at shewood the wood preserving factory of robins co south brooklyn exploded last evening instantly klig klim killing g martin Vc Ve the tile patentee of the preserving process the investigation of ot the washburne difficulties in paraguay are being continued by a subcommittee committee sub of the house on foreign relations at the st michael hotel yesterday dr bewail fleet surgeon of the south atlantic squadron testified that rear bear admiral davis was grossly partial toward lopez throwing obstacles in Wash burnes way it is also said that bliss and masterman were treated as prisoners on board the gurriere san francisco 25 A A heavy earthquake was recorded on fort point tidal guage at 5 pm oct 22 the great american basin mining company of philadelphia has purchased several white pine runles paying a hundred and twenty thousand dollars the unfounded rumor of the failure of several san francisco capitalists which has been in circulation through put the country for some time ahne past today obtained credence treasure city nevada Alv hayard director of the bank of california failed for causing a short run on the agencies of the bank at that place and hamilton one of the centrifugal drying pans at the golden gate sugar refinery burst today to day and seriously injured four persons one of whom J 0 rawlins was brother broduer of the late secretary of war war the president of the national bank of nevada states that the creditors and stockholders of the concern will not lose a dollar by the failure of the bank the people of portland oregon today celebrated the laying of the first rail of the valley railroad new york the murder of mrs woods at rondout rondour Ron Bon dout on saturday night by her husband was a terrible butchery it seems that woods was determined and went to all his creditors and paid his bills on Sat saturday arday afternoon and then wrote antim intimating abing tb that thal at ho he suspected his cifes fidelity he was perfectly sober shortly after entering his house his wife was heard to scream and a neighbor went to the house whom woods admitted woods had bad struck his victim eleven times with a small h hatchet not over four inches lo 10 long iong which was covered with hair b lood blood ng brains and pieces of flesh woods the then attempted to murder the neighbor who fled whereupon woods cut his own threat from ear to ear dying almost instantly mrs woods was esteemed as an upright good wife new york the cuban junta vehemently asserts that the letter relative to I 1 the failure of the lillian expedition was written in new york and that the information it contained was furnished by refugees the junta contented themselves with the simple denial dental of the state statements ments regarding the seizure of the vessel and the abandonment of the expedition they admit the existence of a quarrel between Gol goi goicuria curia euria and cresto but claim that the lillian has departed for the bahamas with a full fall supply of coal and provisions 1 with a full comple compie complement rhent of men and all the armament from their statement it appears that the authorities at nassau allowed the vessel to remain in port twenty dour four hours and then to depart un unmolested molested nearly all the operators of the franklin telegraph company in this city have struck for such an increase of salaries as will make them equal to those of other companies new york the grand jury yesterday examined jay gould at great length relative to the late gold speculations were out outs for henry clews and col frank E haws it was asserted that their testimony would explain the joint transaction in gold made with general in the office of mr clews I 1 i voorhees and grogan were killed by ip an explosion at robi robins fais fals wood factory Y in in brooklyn last night a man named was blown thirty feet into the air and a boy named freek freck was fatall fatally y injured both will die the works only commenced operation yesterday chicago Ch leago A washington special says that general butler one of the editors of wilkes spirit of the times was yesterday appointed consul general to calcutta general butterfield has resigned on the ground that he wanted the charges against him im investigated which could more easily be done when he was way not in office it is reported that A T stewart has been requested to recommend a successor for butterfield cincinnati the deputy marshal arrested today to day two men belonging to an extensive band of counterfeiters counterfeit ers and captured several thousand dollars in counterfeit national c currency ur rency nency two others of the same gang were arrested last night at osgood indiana by col Whit telly of the tho secret service with a large amount of counterfeit money buffalo it commenced snowing last nigh tand a severe snow storm now prevails new york the first payment of twenty five per cent to the creditors of the gold exchange bank will be made tomorrow to morrow when the receivership will wl 11 terminate and the bank pass into the control of its officers the bank comes 0 out ut with the loss of its surplus and about half its capital A meeting of the stockholders of the wells fargo express company id is called for nov to consider the question of increasing the capital stock from ten to fifteen millions I 1 st louis an omaha special says that the published statement that the nevada legislature ratified the amendment last march ia Is incorrect the Legisla legislature adjourned without action in february the governor will probably call an extra session this winter new york it is stated that J D Ver milica and mr folger having de elined becoming Butter fields successor H H van dyke has las been tendered the position washington the president this morning appointed samuel A harlan TJ 8 marshal in the southern district of new york vice francis C barlow resigned secretary boutwell this morning received assistant treasurer Butter fields letter of resignation and shortly afterwards went to the 14 executive mansion where he be had a consultation with the president on the subject up to noon nothing further had transpired in relation to the matter boutwell was at the state degrement department in the attorney generals Gene rails ralls office 0 ce during the forenoon but there was no formal cabinet meeting today to day though the members were at the white house this morning hon hou thos ewing has now fully recovered his health mental and physical by command of general sherman the board of officers assembled at st louis for the revision of tactics of which maj gen J M schofield is president will in addition to the duties assigned them also examine and report on small arms and accoutrements for the ue use of the army of the united states this board will act in conjunction with the board of naval off officers 1 and will endeavor if possible to adopt small arms of a pattern and calibre suitable to both branches of the service with a common ammunition and parts interchangeable washington A rough estimate based on the returns thus far received shows that in the public debt statement for october there will be a reduction of wilmington Wll wil the case of the officers of the cruba cuba was resumed before a committee today to day counsel for the defense wanted to introduce the testimony of the officers which was objected to by counsel for the government the committee finally decided to admit them their testimony being of no importance washington general mcmahon late minister to paraguay Is now in washington on business at the state department his proceedings as minister are approved on the ground that they show his course was marked by commendable diligence discrete discretion ion lon dignity and firmness and in general confirms the reports of the allies firing upon his party while with the paraguayan flag of truce and then the prevention of his dispatches being sent to his government with the exception of that for his recall from paraguay which they permitted to be promptly forwarded he thinks the present position of lopez is stronger than heretofore and that the announcements of the allies of the warbling war being ended is suh ply a pretext pretext for withdrawing the invading trob ps the legion now guarding or in possession of aecus 0 on numbers about two thousand it is composed in small part of deserters to the allies also the para auayan guayan prisoners bonera boners of war who have been compelled to enter the service together with an equal number of brazil ians the provisional government is regarded as inefficient by all familiar with its history and it is not promising stability llopez lopez is represented by gen mcmahon to be he possessed of fine administrative abilities and is not more cruel in war than most of the complaining allied generals the devotion of the people to lopez is unexampled they are not only obedient bulc but are always willing to incur any risk and to make any sacrifice demanded by him lopez contemplates the restoration of prosperity to his country by immigrants from the U S to whom he will ofner offer inducements to settle by grants of land chicago 27 washington specials say that the report of the pacific rail eail road commissioners upon which the final acceptance of the road depends points out some details in which the roads have not yet been brought fully up to t the he requirements of the law commission the report Is unanimous in the opinion that both lines are in a much better condition than is usual for new roads gen sherman bherman has issued an order directing that all reports from the sub departments of the army be addressed to the adjutant general of the army instead or of to the secretary of war as heretofore this is in accordance with gen shermans Sher mans first order as general in chief in which he attached all these chiefs of bure austo his staff but which subsequently was overlooked secretary boutwell has issued an order designed to stop the sharp practices in the past of certain custom house officers who after making separate seizures of goods liable to forfeiture for the same sume violation of law return each as an independent transaction new york A special says that the government officials official sare are endeavoring to force lottery dealers to pay internal revenue tax which if collected would amount to a quarter of am a million illion annually several prosecutions will be commenced immediately the erie railroad nall Eail road strike has been adjusted satisfactorily between the directors and the employees work will be resumed today to day the sun bel bei believes feves leveE the recent statement that rothschild offered a large sum to the government at four per cent is well founded and that boutwell will propose a bill to congress authorizing the acceptance of such loan to an amount buffi sufficient elent clent to redeem the outstanding five twenties the congressional committee on paraguay had a session yesterday at which fleet captain Rams bams ramsay testified to his belief in the atric atrocities ayt es of lopez and to the truth of cruelties cruel ties inflicted on bliss and masterman new york at a meeting of the striking machinists last evening in jersey olty city a written agreement was read from jay |