Show SABBATH in P the e elders henry woodmansee edmund el dredge alredge alonza hyde and robert dye ie re turned missionaries addressed the congre gation gallon giving some t i account pf af their mis labors and experience while abroad they were wore followed follo wedi iby ty elder geo qi cannon who very briefly referred to ha early missionary efforts on the haild islands I 1 in the afternoon Elder hider john taa tay iop lop VA dressed the congregation showing fl the dlf dif 4 ference between the religion of th tb I 1 latter day saints ana lana land the sect sectarian aria arla world worlds the sonner former possessing the life vitality and continual inspiration of rm ref relation 1 ti 0 ad direct f from r om go god d tha the 0 latter atter is 8 nm und iro ero progressive r e 1 v e being n g the sa same bame 0 now aa as fifty nty or r ti sixty ty year years ag ago and d totally unfit n fi ot to S satis satik ti 4 i fy y the wants an and ana d C clavings cravings cravi av nas nag ati and d n necessities e i V of in intelligent t ea 11 ent beings 1 tined to live for f ever |