Show granger GRANGES V p B K oct 26 10 6 I 1 T r lead nd you an item if you think it well to give it place in your paper mno brof william B Steven stevenson soui soni of iti IT T j met with ft it sad lad and natal fatal accident aident tua thu morning athala at hair half past pash 11 he chevas vas was one of a gang of ot men working oun onu brid bridgell gesl gedl edl edi it lat this pla pia place ulder under nay lay charge he waa was at work all ail night an monday and I 1 eft the camp at half past p ast 7 aam a tuesday to togo logo go to the station to post aletter a to his hia family I 1 got on the en engine neal neat hit tit the bridge to go to the station md when hen about t halfway halo half way there we felt kjar anid aad th the khe brakeman hallooed hallowed hallo oed out I 1 aman A man run over ap the conductor and myself jumped off and ran to the man had tad found it to be stevenson W we ouid louid not find out whether be he had gone to 6 sleep or what caused him to be there ere but he lay along the end of the ies sea es parallel with the rail his hia legs sent bent nt up with his bia feet across the rails rall rail the he engine passing over his bis legs just 11 above the andes literally mashing his hia lews lega in two we took him to the sta tion when the conductor tiie tile telegraphed graphed for orders and received them to convey him to carter immediately to get medical aid we telegraphed also to lort eort bridger for medical aid to meet us at carter that bein being g the r nearest station to the fort we were met there by dr grimes and the commander odthe post who did everything in thair their power to save the poor man they amputated his hia left leg above the knee and his right below the knee he was sensible during the operation but felt conscious that he helas was going to did die and wished his family to know that he be loved love d them and that his hia body should be taken home he died about one hour after the operation was performed a few minutes after five we have started a subscription for his hia family which will be forwarded as soon as collected your tour brother JAMESB LEWIS the above letter has come to hand somewhat behind time but we give it a place in the NEWS because it gont pont contains ains the particulars of the accidental death of bro Stevenson of in our columns some days ago the particulars of which have not hitherto been published led fed ed D E EN X |