Show MILITARY MATTERS it needs all the appliances which ingenuity can suggest and all the courtesies which officers can command to give ive lve to any compulsory system of mil tary gitary tactics or duties the and interest which obtains obtain s under a volun teer eer system for when men volunteer it aisan is an evidence of individual interest but ink even this interest such is the perversity of human nature dies away and becomes antagonistic when force Is used to accomplish the desired result this was often manifest during the late war while in england the volunteer system seems to have attained the zenith ith of popularity and success the inspiration which prompts to military duty in this territory is however of a di marent different character we are in an indian country aud and though we have not been very heavy sufferers in the loss pf af human life yet our losses in property of various kinds have been immense and but for that I 1 eternal vigilance which is the price of liberty I 1 the few savages who roam our borders and ti traverse averse our settlements might have rendered this great district beyond the reach of civilization iza tion hence there can be no denying the fact that by our military organization through the blessing of heaven we have preserved our homes from the des designs na of demagogues and wicked men ed and as it has been in the past so go it will be if our gur privileges of home family religion or citizenship are to be maintained we must aid ourselves and every motive which can prompt men to action should fan the flame name of self defence by attention to the duties of our militia law yet again however prompt we maybe to the muster roll however interested we may become in camp duty or in evolution and ordinary drill unless we can we the weapons of self defense we are still at the mercy of our enemy in the handling of our musket or rifle in being able to load and fire with precision and to a mark marfe depends our safety just as asmuth much buch as in step stepping pink pini to gl martial artial music ad aad forming shoulder to houlder boulder in column line or square in the old times of our experience we could not amford afford practice our ammunition was scarce and costly A box of caps was something to be cared for and hoarded as for our salvation now we can at sit a very low price become possessed of a good rifle and ammunition Is really cheap and we can afford to throw away a little to secure expertness and ability which areso abeso are so highly desirable confidence and acquaintance with our weapon an ana and d general experience as to use care etc it might be desirable to encourage rifle practice by companies or by localities and to stimulate excellence by the awarding of honors prizes or other testimonials of industrious application to acquire ability by our youth our boys as well as by those tb ose who are enrolled in our territorial military organizations zat ions ordinary care would only be requisite and in time fear and danger would give way before familiarity and experience e r we commend this idea to eipl the e fence longhat lon ion that it may become indeed a tower of strength each maw man a proficient and enthusiastic in the ability to perpetuate liberty and to transmit from sire to son eon that inheritance which is our birthright life liberty and the pursuit of happiness J i i it is said that the albest best paid people on the earth are prima donnas english bishops cini vini patent medicine sellers the erie railway has now over four hundred engines the company has ordered thirty new locomotives I 1 A steam shovel capable of doing th the e worked work of one hundred men has just been put in use on one ona of the illinois railroads for bhe the purpose of loading cars cara with gravel |