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Show 0k AQUARIUS 20 - February 18) Misse-jppomtmorits rinsundf fstixii) t onvrr ittnns uni nnspl u oi documents m could le.jvn pi ins up in (January Valley View News Thurs., June 26, 1980 4sr PISCES indfH ish m Law GRANGER HOUSE, area Air, fully carpeted No lease. Utilities paid. Valley $75 Uncontested divor ces from $150. Other services at legal reasonable rates. 487-597- OFF 'ITCHEWS LIQUIDATION SALE Excellent selection Trays, matching End Panels etc. I by KITE CABINET INC. m ninjas' If1! i r, Kitchen Cabinet 4649 SOUTH 400 WE! & Sole to V36 1L 8762 by Professionals I ON M35 4L FOR AVERAGE '78 277-511- OPENING PB, $4,200 968-986R36 il 5 CLEARANCE G CLERK Must be assertive and personable. FULL TIME BIKE LADIES speed Schwinn. Good condition, L36 ID Call 268 6246 NEW rinse n vac RENT - si6 if 4 spec' Sharp or best 10 1 ON SELECTED NOTIONS 0 22 something somethin - May r 21) ither it tli h dwidf nds lo fight for in ilu illy opposed to p iys In mij June 21) - tin unis r. Hid Sill- p, Hid le.id to Hi ( it fves. Must sell Ford Granada 0 values to $2.50 54w35?l iff K of Hi on j li ip H ne dir of e t tiy h inded through ml you ef LEO (July 24 - August 23) Vit iMy e to stress through vrrtoin tin j live Hid sutjjec t od life VIRGO (August 24 September 23) Imphins m reuses on monet.jry de jlio s with improvements on the wuy But it requires a steady d termirntion to su ed c LIBRA (September 24 - October 22) Ih si et weight of undecided work or tm h if il flile nm is could upset health SCORPIO (October 23 Ufc November 22) M nruges social ties and papers signify expulsions and happiness - important coming your 8 250-7- 1 thru Fri. 8 to 4:30 Clerical experience desired. 1 Magna Auto Center COLLECTION Mon. TF 6 cyl , auto , air, ex cell cond $2,250 cleaning) TAURUS (April July 23) An UfUJSU m Jton j! oniuWn it s Uf ity your jol M h n ti ro n mtii COBRA II looking offer '77 IMMEDIATE 3 8 AMFM stereo PART TIME or full time sales help wanted. 966 3343 Ask for Mr Heaton C36 4Q ike hr.idw ly in joint it iri ty ho noi essury lu lim ,m form (June 22 5 PS, D6, CALL BBC HelpiWantedj LHelplWantedJ CAMARO Loaded '62 TR3 Excellent mechanical condition, British rac ing green, needs some body work $1,500 firm Scotchguard Carpet Protector Available Hid Id t i CANCER '71 B33 ROOM you to yn improved M36 IL 7 to for (May 22 9 67-6- $15 M3s (March 21 - April 21) In ord m liters urrefilly m h lung GEMINI 277-511- USlYOUtDISCOUNTJABRIC MAKING 4 Highest bid takes CARPETS CLEANED JOINTS, kingpins and our specialty Call 261 3287, M J B. Tire 8. M43 TF Automotive. HIGH SCHOOL boy will trim shrubs, mow, general yard D36 1L garden work 250-715- 5003 So. State St. 268-944- BALL MAGNA AUTO CENTER V36 1L Thurs. Fri. Sat. Only MR. PROTECTION Designs Estimates! ri X PAID OR LOANED On used VW's, Toyotas or Datsuns 150 FOUR GLENDALE, rooms with huge basement. Kids and animals welcome Valley Rentals, 487 8762. 70 -- V36 1L 8762 alignments, the high cost of your bride and bridesmaids gowns Have them custom made by Demce. 968 1184 SAVE Rentals, 487 ers. 1 268-011- 2 JACKSON'S SEWING ma chine repair, all makes and models, 4534 W 5615 South, Kearns 968 2757 J4 TF of Reconditioned & Certified Fire Extinguish- OB JL- - HIGHEST PRICES STEAL THIS for $115 Prime area. Carpeted, all ap phances Big yard. Valley V36 1L Rentals, 487 8762 OLDER STYLE 3 bedroom house Youngsters, animals fine Fenced lot, $200, Valley CABINETS DURING BUILDING SLOWDOWN Full range of sizes plus Lazy Susans Pull Out 1600 So. Main Street Rentals, 487 ALL KITCHEN 1 FOUND, MURRAY park, la V36 IQ dies ring, 262 0968 LOST LARGE wallet Weds, June 18 Please mail wallet, papers and sentiment obiects to me or put in envelope with my name on the outside and leave it at the Murray Eagle F36 TF No questions asked ARIES V36 1L 8762 487 - Hid situations ANIMALS WELCOME, good location Basement, den, fenced, $175 Valley Rentals, DAVID R. LINN Attorney at March 20) M odiNe1 s vulner ibility trguiiu nt divrin. s in ike for touchy Kt(p your oul (February 19 IMerchandisel w jy SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 22) Opposition to your material aims vanishes abruptly rewarding your consistent approach in recent weeks & CAPRICORN (December 23 - January 19) You tan build important transitional bridges between your workfmanoal course by sharing ideas with others 3500 South SALE ENDS SAlDUNEJSth $45 VALLEY WEST HOSPITAL Between 9:30 am Equal Opportunity tables and coffee table to match. Offer 262 3727. G36 IB 1'h TON LENNOX air conditioner. Make offer. Call in A M , 486 2797. LIONEL vyweight ext. 220 968-906- 1 TWO SOLID wood end lightweight steam carpet cleaner - made for hea J36 2S - jobs South State 11:30 am Employer Love seat, swivel rocker & ottoman, new condition & custom made $275; large table light $30; 4 man rubber raft with oars & pump $65; deluxe porti potty - $50. V36 11 YEARS OLD, excellent condition, 20', side by side 5 wice refrigeratorfreezer maker, range, self cleaning oven, 10" radial saw and accessories, file safe, 967 0470. 966-065- 6 TRAIN SET ELEC. $50 ALUMINUM SLEEPER own ELEC. DISHWASHER $50 415 East 7800 South Free Literature Call offers 466-218- Demonstration of Gold Mountain Metal Detectors Rea not SALES RENTALS MR. PROTECTION 5003 So. State St. - after 6 B36 Mgr. Office 566-743- 9 Eves 571-400- 0 486-205- 6 Realtor A35 487 8762 $175 ARE AVAILABLE ON A BASIS ONLY! LIMITED evenings Can you Valley Rentals, V36 IL THREE BEDROOMS, with basement. Fenced lot for kids and pets. Hurry, today Valley Rentals, 487 8762. V36 IL BRING THE kids, clean 2 bedroom with central air. Yard. All bills paid, $225. Valley Rentals, 487 8762. V36 IL 12' Fiberglass Boat with motor. $46,000 to $48,000 712 h.p. 969-246- 6 L36 ?F qualify??? New and near new Call ramblers. today! Come out to 1978 NOMAD TRAILER self contained. Excell. cond. $4,850. 28 ft. Air, 966-031- 0 ?L OFF rent Big 3 room cottage. Kids and pets okay Yard SPECK NICE WORK . . . Anna Sparreboom (right) looks on as Diane Haslam adds her artistic touch to china plate prior to convention of china painters at Hotel Utah. 250-715- 4 BUILDERS 535 M35 2F 20 GRANGER FOUR bedroom split level. V2 baths, fireplace, family room, $52,000, contract or possible trade. Owneragent, TwoDays- M36 3D area, Valley Rentals, 487 8762 V36 IL $175 - THREE BEDROOM d Qjizmncj furnished home West side location, so hurry. Valley V36 IL Rentals, 487 8762 $225, TWO BEDROOM, all unz 12t(i utilities paid. Furnished completely. Bus and shopping, Valley Rentals, 487 8762. V36-1- Publishers Notice advertised is subiect to the Federal Fair Housing j ycthweccl All real estate in this newspaper BEAUTY COLLEGE J d BRzdujood 7579 (llit ' 1 1 fjozdan ooc.d from c I ( uzzayj 'Doz Scfiofazsfiijz information a fBs.au.ty Si and Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, or national origin or an intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal basis bedrm., contemporary twin home MUST SEE! Beautiful cd 3 Call Mike 566-625- 1 REALTY FREE MICROWAVE WITH NEW HOME PURCHASE Many models to choose from with payments as 967-278- low as $416 a 8750 So. 1300 West 566-484- 2 FINANCIAL SPECIALIST Preston Miller METRO AMtRICA 943-220- 9 364-131- 8 WORLD SALT LAKE. The public is invited to the Utah World Organization of China Painters convention and show which will be held at Hotel Utah tomorrow (Friday) and Saturday. China painting consists of numerous light coats of chemical paints, to achieve structure and depth desired, applied to porcelain. This is kiln fired after each application, causing the color to be absorbed into the glaze and porecelain, making the painting permanent. There is no limit as to a favorite flower, fruit or scene that a China painting artist can create, commented Diane Haslam, spokesman for the group. There are five chapters of the organization in Utah, with more than 125 members located from Tremonton to Salem, she said. artMany ists, as well as Utah artists, will give demonstrations during the convention . A d display of china will be located in the Gold Room. RED ROCK 298-249- 5 month. FONTAINE CLAIRE SUBDIVISION THE $53,900 - China Painters Slate Convention 255 2683 FURNISHED - $80 apart ment: All utilities paid, UofU nnounang oux XCLYl 261-472- 7 MISTY HILLS WORK IF Investment! 3780 W. 6200 South Ace Avery Assoc. 268-944- 7 3 The T3est YAMAHA NICE CAR TOPPER REJECT JUNK METALS GE 500T Adult Rider - perfect Saddle cond. bags, crash bars, luggage rack 8, more. L35" $850 LOW INTEREST LOANS $100 of the monthly rent toward the can apply down payment on your dream home. and PORTABLE 4 bedroom provide custom duplex homes for families if you desire to purchase a home of your 3 Jcwolry, relics, gold silver, lost or hidden treesures ol ell sixes SHELL - $75 486-083- MEANS FAMILY We Enioy two fireplaces, 1'? room. baths, dining Whirlpool built in appli ances $365 per month RECOVER COINS! ELEC. GUITAR TAMLEE T36 TF complete with track make offer. sonable refused Allied, 6400 A36 IQ hand-painte- Commercial booths will be set up in the Jade Room, with all r35 2f I painting and supplies materials available, she added Both rooms are located on the mezzanine floor. The theme of the show is Our Utah Heritage. A porcelain tray, Has-la- painted by Mrs. will be given as a door prize during the convention. Anna Sparreboom is state president of the organization. Anyone additional interested in information may contact Sparreboom, Mrs. or Mrs. Adams, Admission will per person. be $1 25 Baton Group To Featured In Kearns Parade Be KEARNS. A combined baton group comprised of students from community schools in Granite and Jordan School Districts is scheduled to march in the Kearns Hometown Days parade July 5. The parade is scheduled to get under way at 11 a.m. The group will also perform in a West Jordan parade on the Fourth of July beginn-(SeePage- Col. 8) ) 8, |