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Show COAST GUARD ONE LB. LOT-- 4 APPROVED LIFE SLEEPING JACKETS CRASH HELMETS COOKING DEMO COAST GUARD APPROVED NOVA SKI VESTS IN OUR STORE for men and women ON boating or any activity in or around the water. And at price! MR. MEAT SMOKER BAGS Just right for water skiing, a SPECIAL PURCHASE! Several types bags in this group, all with disslightly colored cover but otherwise of top quality. Assorted Assorted of bargain ANY SIZE JACKET FOR col- signs, ors styles. and foam. made of extra-sof- t Comfortable for the skiier Will not and absorb water. It's a at a product quality money-savinprice! Well-construct- FRIDAY, JUNE 27 de- AND and form-fittin- SATURDAY JUNE 28 OUR BE g Rubber-trimme- GUEST! styro- edges, foam and foam rubber insulated. $30 ALLIED'S VALUE PRICE MODEL so m 27) VALUES TO 35 ALL METAL JUMBO SIZE WOODEN 101 QUART COOLER PADDLES BOAT ANCHORS ALPHA 035 REELS really fine cooler with a capacity it makes that for practical almost any food and drink need. A 4Vi and A ball-bearin- high-spee- BLUE MAX LIGHT This - 200,000 candle-powe- with glare lens. held r spotlight sure days! treated - is proof ULTRALITE - $H 9 TO A Made and lures water repellant nylon. It's 5'x7'x3V in size, has zippered screen door, storm flap. lift-ou- n sandwichfruit tray. 8 99 NOW 99 5 great box for plastic worms - has three trays, 29 t compartments and a transparent bronze pack. Recessed fast-flofaucet with double gasket locking system. Snap-idrinking cup, removable 1 99 10 VALUES ONLY BOYS BIG MENS CONVERSE CANVAS JOGGING SHOES CONVERSE ALL STAR JOGGING SHOES $1050 REG. 15.99 WRANGLER MENS medium top. Our 6987. style Rosewood lea- ther upper. tread soles. Padded insole, arch support and padded ankle. Hard rubber sole. Sizes 21.95 A VALUE Assorted colors in canvas or suede leather, sizes 13 to 16. They're factory irregulars, but great values! 10 VALUE 6" REGULAR 6.95 NOW TEE SHIRTS 4.99 ing white. Sizes really 15.99 MENS WESTERN rl GREAT BUYS IN THEY LAST No. 8" WESTERN SHIRTS ( WHILE 6 REG. 6023 HIP and CHEST WADERS construc- PURCHASE! 50-5- 0 VALUES 50 $! LADIES SEPARATES Pants, skirts blouses, assorted colors, styles and sizes. Our loss is your gain! in VALUES TO 20 DOWN FILLED MENS MENS COATS WORK BOOTS BELTS Assorted plaids in polycotton permanent press material. Long sleeves, extra long tail, In sizes 2,000 Over belts to choose Price from. not does include buckles, but we have a big of display 'em snap-front- 14 Va heat-transferr- in gleamA 24 Current Attraction colors and prints to 100 cotton and blended shirts. 50.00 great value! 35 VALUE SPECIAL They're slight irregulars in sizes S to XL. Bargain buys! leather shoe A LAST REG. p 24 THEY poly-cotto- n low-to- - vans, jeeps. Assorted sizes and colors. Installation and lettering available. WHILE Assorted A 29.99 We have Utah's largest seleccan fit most trucks, cars, tion rip-sto- VALUES TO $60 MENS, LADIES, KIDS They're water resistant and well insulated. Have cleated sole and heel. In sizes 6 to II. REG. t, Permawelt 50 TENNIS, BOAT SHOE flame-retardan- tion with outsole. "Track Star" style with durable duck upper and cushion insole. Arch and heel support, non-slicrepe rubber sole. Red, white or black. Slightly irregular. Large size only. LADIES LEATHER INSULATED WORK BOOTS 5 15.95 A of CONVERSE IRREGULAR WORK BOOTS 11" dip p DEFLECTORS PUP TENTS catch LEVEL LINE circle-gri- BUG & GRAVEL CONTENDER TACKLE BOX 19.99 tough, TAPERED LINE VALUES TO Brown suede upper with REGULARLY long - wearing line made by a top manufacturer. It'll give you plenty of The ultimate high intensity, hand ADVENTURER 2 GAL. COOLER d ONLY VALUE GOTT FLY LINE g NOW 16.99 A PRICE QUALITY Shake2100 reels. The Alpha has a gear ratio, 5.2:1, is lightweight but sturdy and easy to handle. sizes Now . Q BEAM of product speare's great series of ot ALLIED'S Regular 59.99; NOW to 1712. ! 20 VALUES TO 17.99 Value 4 nax styles and colors to choose from in these great buys. We can fit sizes S Two four to XL. What a saving! Raised seam moccasin toe. sole. In Neoprene sizes 7 to 12. Real values! REG. 34; NOW ONLY 16 25 VALUES TO 60 nii'cTuiLiajB cs? cnsosooufflufKiQS CarocmTMTHS I ffiHna cagfraoqDQEP QaeGDCCPO |