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Show 20 PIECE IRONSTONE SETS 1212 GAUGE 'CROWN ONE' UTAH'S LOWEST PRICES ON 1 1 BIG SAVINGS ON Vi GAUGE CHAIN LINK FENCING STAINLESS SERVICE WALK GATES FOOT RUNNING FOOT RUNNING FOOT dinner plate; 7'j" salad plate; 7' 2" soup bowl, cup and saucer in each set. Three lovely patterns to choose from! 10' 2" - a complete Twenty five pieces service for four, including salad and dinner forks, knives, both teaspoons and soup spoons and a serving tablespoon. $I2 REG. 24.99 REG. 6 12.99; NOW ONLY SPECIALS ON 50-F- FIELD FENCING Full (330 ft.) rolls 20-ro- 26 j INCH FOOT Includes fabric, top rail, line poles, eye caps and tie wire. Ends & corners extra. $47j 47 32 INCH 59 openGates for 3, 3z and ings. Price includes hardware, but not posts. FOOT RUNNING d INSTALLATION AVAILABLE INCH 79 99 I ROLLS T. ROLL GATES CALL 262-641- 1 NATIVE 5.9 GALLON POLY CONTAINERS GOTT SAVE ON CEDAR POSTS CHAIN BARBED WIRE Molded LINK V 'X 58" frame and track 1 T on both 48" 4'xl5' 4'xl 2' High 60" 199.95 150 1180 High 1350 GENERATOR 405 Deluxe hand guard and rubber hancushioned dle. Now At Allied 169 95 219.95 VALUE PUMP TYPE OUT THEY GO! fashioned" way, without oil. Long handled popper used can be at outdoors fireplace or over stove. kitchen Solid walnut mesh handle, container. 25 MAKER Allied's Price Hi 6 BETTY G AUTOMATIC e steel spot-welde- d VALUES TO 9.49, PINT SIZE Great hot and cold liquid dis NOW 50 CALIBRE AMMO CANS You can't run a kitchen with- with pensers Heavy-gaug- for strength and durability. IFREEZER CONTAINERS! COOKER-FRYE- R POPCORN POPPER CAMP GRILLS Select from square or round with extra long handles. Bakes pies, grills hamburger, fries potatoes and makes sandwiches. 7.99 POP' THREE STYLES SANDWICH REG. REGAL 'POLY AIR POTS HIBACHI COOKERS 2749 ROLL Pop corn the "old popping $289 80 ROD POPPER The jack that's built to last! 7,000 lb. capacity, weighs only 31 pounds. Use on Tractors, trucks, as a hoist or camp spreader, pulls posts, many other uses. 48" high with 38" continuous lift. 16" power tip Guide Bar. Weighs only 11 lbs. but has a rugged 31cc engine. REG. long $3.25 long 3.99 POPCORN HI LIFT JACKS CHAIN SAW 120-vo- 1212 GA. 2 POINT MUZA POWERFUL VI SUPER 2 Sealed type roller bearings, opAC. Sturdy erates on handles for easy carrying. Other larger generators available at great savings, too! ft. 20 ft. 16 High HOMELITE $195 I PINE POLES 42.99 HOMELITE long Reg. 2.25 36.99 72" ft. 7V2 $30.99 Reg. Reg. ethylene. Exfor cellent farm, home, camping or inuse. dustrial Retractable pour spout. 2 - gauge fencing! sizes. out 'em one-touc- h ! pump in topT You'll find dozens of uses for 'em! And what a These are 10"xl0" single just right for apartment or patio use and guaranteed to do a superb job of cooking! A $900 6.99 VALUE RICHDEL R-2- tawn genie bargain price! The modern way to pop corn quickly, pops thoroughly and rapidly. Easy to use and to clean. NOW ONLY 5 10 REGULAR 19.99 RANDOM LENGTHS GARDEN GARDEN HOSE HAND TOOLS Big family size made of chrome-plate- d Gl side opening style made of 20 gauge steel, approximately 12" x7V'x6". Used but excellent condition. steel, ovenware glass. Stew or deep fry, simmer or casserole-cook- A . 12 22.99 VALUE COMPRESSED AIR GARDEN SPRAYER REG. 6.99 MELNOR OSCILLATING NO. 61 SPRINKLER G58-5- 0 3 99 VINYL GARDEN HOSE SOLENOID VALVE Totally corrosion American-mad- e rubber-plus-vin- hose; 58" diameter sorted lengths. 10 to 24 efficient A solenoid highly valve with low current quirements. REG. 17.55 V re- $99 U REG. 15 in as- ft; lengths. 101 HOSE HANGERS 851 e poly- American-mad- e r . of corrosion - resistant, heavy-gaug- FENCE f ' ..... 1 RUNNING Cultivators, transplanters, and diggers trowels. size. Ideal for spraying growing plants, fruit trees, lawns, gar3V2-ga- l. dens, brass Carrying ..Light-weigh- t sturdy. nozzle. strap. but Hmelnor The oscillating "swing" sprink- hose with 58" x smooth outer finish and brilliant green color. All brass couplings. 4 REG. ler can be adjusted to watei almost any area and does it evenly and gently! Reg. THIS SALE 24.99 FOR ONLY 8.95 NOW ONLY 5 |