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Show Day Camp 80 - Kids Hit Hills SALT LAKE. or Session One for youngsters age will be held and Session July 9 l, Two Aug. The campers will spend from 9:30 a m. to 3 p.m. in the mountains, for a fee of $12.50. Skill camp experience is available to youths 2 in both day and over10-1- SAH-HA-PA- sacred mountains in white mans tongue, is a Utah Camp Fire 1980 day camp for children, to be held at Jordon Pines in Big Cottonwood Canyon. The day camp pro- grams range from group games and crafts to simple outdoor skills and activities. The young campers learn to appreciate nature with a challenge for night camps. Camping skills, outdoor games and cooking will be some of the activities. The age group day camp will also be held at Jordon Pines Jup The fee for ly Fire members is The overnight $17.50. camp will run from July at the Presbyterian church in Oakley; $27.50 is the fee for this more advanced camping experience. 10-1- 2 14-1- A caravan camp for boys and girls age will be conducted Aug. 12-1- 8 For a fee of $22.50, campers will be fishing, 18-2- backpacking and camping overnight at Notch lake in the Uinta Mountains. Camp registration forms and further information may be obtained by calling the Utah Camp Fire Council, Camping fees include $2.50 for insurance and Camp Fire membership. 973-677- non-Cam- 28-3- 1 Singing Auditions Scheduled COTTONWOOD HTS. Auditions for the YWCA 5 Thurs., June 26, 1980 Funshine Factory and Capricorn singing, dancing and performing groups will be held at two valley locations during the week. Tryouts will be held tomorrow (Friday) at Whitmore library, 2197 E. 7000 South from 10 a.m. to noon and Monday from 3 to 4 p.m. at the Kearns Library, Albert Jervis The auditions are for area youth between 10 and 17. Applicants are to come prepared to sing. in - (From Page 3, Col. 7) tests with the Cubs 11-- 4 and the Bees edged the Tigers the Angels outscored the Cubs Johnny Miller was the g winner in a game against the Dodgers despite a home run by Jeff Wood, a double and triple by George McQuiston and doubles by Jimmy Miller, Cody Skinner and John Bates. Jack Hutto and Isbell were winning pitchers for the Pirates in their GUESS WHAT . . . Minor league White Sox catcher is waiting with ball for Angels' base runner. Angels won contest 12-1- nine-innin- GLAZED OR SUGAR-RAISE- D O FOR r Jumbo Choc. Chip lXDs MBs U g 1C c e OHO Great c for o, lqaf LOCATIONS SALT LAKE VALLEY STORES 1756 S. Main, Bountiful 13th E. & 10600 So. 9th South & Main 24th E. 70th South 45th So. State 410 So. & 9th East 17th So. & 9th E. 2396 E. & 70th South 2700 West & 7800 So. 21st So. & 23rd East North 250 Main, Tooele L COPYRIGHT If SO SAFEWAY Greg Carver and Gordon Jackson of the Pirates while doubles were hit for the Tigers by Tyrone Madrigal and Arthur Valdez. Frankie Bryan and Mike Littlewood claimed wins for the Angels over the Cubs with a barrage of doubles hit by the Bryan and Little-woo- d youths, Craig Var-gBryan Orullian and Kyle Pehrson. Doubles for the Cubs were hit by Ray Newton, Joey Quintana, Darrin McCandless and Mark Powell. The Bees came up with two double plays to help Brian Taylor earn the win in the game by waimVrseidid PR Garlic-Chees- over the Tigers. Doubles were hit victories against the Tigers. Doubles were hit by Greg Laufer, Dave and Gary STORES INCORPORATED At Kearns (From Page 3, Col. 5) In the peewees the Dodgers beat the Expos behind a double by Ty- ler Justice pitching and the Brent of Kelsch. Wade Mulliner and Chuck Brady hit doubles for the Expos. Jimmy Marquez pitched a shutout and hit two doubles in the Twins win over the Cardinals. Shane Gray doubled for the Twins and Shane Mears doubled for the Cards. In the Astros-Ath-letigame, winning pitcher Aaron Vanover tripled and had four RBIs for the Athletics. Doubles were added by Jason Johnson, Justin Stanley, Justin Weidau-e- r and Brent Martinez. The Johnson youth doubled to help himself to the win from the mound in the Athletics contest with the Dodgers. Justin Staley tripled and Vanover drove in the winning run with a single. The Stanley youth had a grand slam home YANKEES (From Page 3, Col. 9) Orioles pounded the Dodgers 11-- the 4, Braves bombed the Red 27-and the Astros topped the Orioles Dean Romano scored the winning run in the bottom of the seventh inning for the major Orioles while Scott was named the winning pitcher in the Sox 9 6-- De-Pe- contest Save up to 60 Weekends. From 11 p.m. Friday through 5 p.m. Sunday, you can get the best rates going. So make a good weekend better. Call a friend. Or bring a smile to family folks in faraway places. Every night between 11 p.m. and 8 a.m. Just think about what time it will be in the city youre calling. If your friends live out west, theyll get your 11 p.m. call at 10. If they live back east, your early morning call will catch them an hour or two later. Save up to 35 Weeknights. Sunday through Friday from 5 to 11 p.m. Take a few minutes after dinner to light up someones night. If nothing else, theyll think youre a big spender. Even though youre not. Holidays all day long. On Christmas, New Years Day, Labor Day, July 4th and Thanksgiving. Its the perfect time to ring up friends and family. And if the holiday falls on a weekend, or you place your call at night, youll save even more. Always dial direct To make the most of these savings, dial 1 area code number. Area codes are listed in the front of your Telephone Directory. These rates apply to calls. Your how to tells Directory distance calls on save long out-of-sta- within your state. Remember, the time you place the call determines the rate. It wont change if you talk beyond the reduced rate period. So make use of our timely sales. Reach out and touch someone. against the Dodgers. Chuck Crowton went the full distance for the Orioles in their win against the major Red Sox, while Doug Anderson claimed the win for the Sox against the Dodgers. Shane Warenski and C. Jones were winning pitchers for the minor Red Sox during the week in wins against the Dodgers and Orioles. Tony Ryan picked up the win for the Dodgers against the Angels. The Orioles picked up their second and third wins of the season by beating the Rangers twice behind the pitching of Mike Curtis and Marc Wiseman. Nick Strong scored the winning run for the Red Sox in a close game against the Orioles. Joe Trujillo was the winning pitcher, with S. Evans in for relief. Jason Quintana drove in Nathan Tiffany for the winning run for the pee wee Astros in their game against run, a double and three singles for eight RBIs in the second game against the Dodgers. Triples were added by Matt Heinhold and Van-ovas Johnson and Weidauer doubled. Winning pitcher David Folker had three RBIs from a double and two singles while Lonnie Behunin doubled to pace the Rangers to victory against the Braves. The Rangers pounded 14 hits in their win over the Twins, with doubles being hit by Behunin and Robby Swenson. Danny Slagowski slugged a home run and Shane Mears lashed a double while the Cardinals had 13 hits in their victory over the Astros. INDIANS Potter Ainselsworth, Michael, 4971 Farah Rigby, Wayne, 4829 Townsend Talbot, Robert, 3681 Pensacola Cir. 4267 4084 repair all makes of .vacuums. 5248 5526 Genuine parts, bags, belts and brush rolls. 6144 t Tel. W. 3240 South 4386 Tatouai, Steven, BUILDERS MART 4081 W. 5415 S., KEARNS 3850 Randy, 4. j$- A.T. ENTERPRISER 4837 So. 3685 West Staley, Pads Specializing in: Kirby Eureka Hoover Bison 3512 Ernest, COOLER Parts and We 968-212- 1 966-141- 6 3555 WHERE YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS COST LESS Visine N0RM0L EYE 8 02 . (From Page 3, Col. 3) the Astros 11-In minor league B action the Giants beat the Braves twice 13-- and 15-and the As won two games from the Royals 15-- 5 and 12-Doubles by winning pitcher Ricky Hodges, Darren Bills and Chris McClellan helped the Cubs to the first win over the Yankees while Troy Peck doubled in a losing cause for the Yanks. The McClellan youth was the winning pitcher of the second game and also slugged a double. Doubles were hit for the Yankees by Shane Snyder and the Peck youth. A double by Todd DROPS PREFLEX 456 ml. FUKT Vi oz. Plastic Bottle 8 Funderburk FLEXSOL 6 over the Cardinals. Steve Wooley hit doubles in both contests for the Rangers and Nick Turner and Black doubled for the Cardinals. Robert Nielson doubled and was the winning pitcher for the Dodgers when they beat the Brewers. Doubles were hit by David Lovato of the Dodgers and Clyde Keene and Norm Christensen of the Brewers. A triple by Craig Hig-le- y helped Marc Marsh- - rm RED OUT! 89 REG. $ll 29 $1.67 BAN AGREE ROLL ON SHAMPOO OR CREAM RINSE ANTI-PERSPIRA- CONDITIONER A1UVC' VA oz. 8 0Z. Mi $1 13 $1 19 V TINACTIN ATRA CREAM BLADES 15 gms. 10's $2 19 Tinactkv REG. $959 3: ,ffil 3.55 Essfli- -' BLISTEX ALPHA KERI OR BATH OIL BLISTIK REGULAR oz. 8 sr CHOICE REG. $059 ) if a YOUR the GETS THE oz. tss helped Dick Affleck and the Pirates to victory. Kent Bodily was the winning pitcher in the second game for the Pirates. Doubles were hit in the contest by ; J. P. Smith and Jerry Smith of the Pirates and Kay Peterson and Shawn Veazil doubled for the Yankees. Shane Peck was the winning pitcher in two games for the Rangers 3500 So. W. 3601lSof2700lWest 79' 3.99 REG. were winning pitchers for the Braves in their victories against the Dodgers and the Red Sox. Greg Clawson claimed the win for the Orioles as they beat the Dodgers. FENCING 089 L 4.4,8 Posts 7 2,4 Roils 2 LAIROL Model KINDNESS HAIRSETTER 3 by CLAIROL 32.88 Mountain Bell Brandol, Edward, $225 W. 3500 South - Braves. The two shared mound duties for the .Astros in that game and the win against the Orioles. Ryan Thomas and Jeremy - 2, Col. 3) Boys Smith, 2819 4564 W. 4120 South VACUUMS Collins, Michael, Dewflower Fong, Randy, Peggy Lane Nottoli, David, West Lake Pryor, John Ellis, 6486 OMEGA (From Page Victories Earned By Angel Team 5345 REBUILT Lin-net- NEWCOMERS - Mitch, Dublin Cir. Wilkinson, Ronald, 5867 Kyle Dr. Marti, Scott, 5026 Todd McIntyre notched wins for the As over the Royals. The McIntyre youth also doubled in the first game. Doubles for' the Royals were hit by Todd McIntyre, Ed Garner, Ron t. Patilla and David 8-- 8-- Kay, Abbott, Kevin, Kings Estate Dr. Cox, Stephen, Whitehall Dr. So. 6955 West Fred Karren and 3845 Slope Dr. Eucalyptus Way South, Terrell, 6753 W. 4060 South Peterson, Larry, 4491 White Flower Way Bennion, Don, 3913 So. 3200 West Petersen, Scott, 5369 Colette Dr. Jerome, Michael, 5491 Townsend Way Gull, Lawrence, 3880 Foster, Michael, Jack Cir. Cameron, James, Minuet Hunt, Fellows, Benjamin, victories two Christensen, 2968 2998 tripled Robert, Harding, Fred, Marsha Dr. Dennis, Mietchen, over the Braves. The Gallegos youth doubled as did Troy Angeli for the Braves. Sugar and Spice, a younger version, will not hold auditions but those wishing to join may sign up directly with the YWCA. Colleen Church Nicols and Karen Keyte Whiting are directors of the programs. CARDS their Hightower, 3660 So. 3375 West 6689 W. 3830 South and Kyle Hansen and John Zambos both hit doubles. Jeff Gallegos and Andy Barrus were winning pitchers for the Giants 5350 So. 4220 West. MoonflowerDr. Losee Dr. Bryan, James, 4612 W. 3500 South Crose, Scott, 4434 Cherry Hollow Cir. ing and the Astros to a win over the Brewers. Christensen hit a triple for the Brewers and Darren Mackay added a double. An unassisted double play and a triple by Mike Dewitt of the Dodgers was not enough to overcome the Tigers. Valley View News It isn't easy being a parent these days. Sometimes I wish my daughter would go out with Dracula. At least he gets his dates back by daybreak. Botfwt'ft 968-212- 1 $2588 BREEZE BOX $94 Reg. $34.95 USE YOUR BANK CARDS HERE STORE BUILDERS MART 3555 W. 3500 So. 20" Speed Galaxie HOURS: Mon.-Fr- i. ;; Closed 10-- 9, Sat. 10-- 6 Sundays |