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Show I THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS PAGE b THURSDAY. MARCH 30, 1978 v 4 : INCOME TAX returns prepared For appointment Reasonable call 250 2440 or 968 2842 or inquire at office 9078 W 2700 S 5 to 9 weekdays 10 to 9 on Saturdays R R Barker FULL TIME Part time earn up to $6 an hour. The Fuller Brush Co. needs qualified people to work in Magna-Huntarea. Phone Ed at er 466-668- 972-282- HOSPITAL OR MAJOR medical insurance at 12 cost of Blue Cross, no and deductible. Shop compare then call Mr. 7 or Donnelson, 250-606- TREE tree REMOVAL trimming any job can be done free estimate. Call 250-680- 4 TFN 250-264- .III i -- J DUPLEX FOR RENT. 2 bdrm carpeted duplex with washer hookup. $165 966-588- TFN A NEW WAY of selling hooked rugs, needlepoint on crewel. High commissions. 1 Car program. Call or i 376:33VL 0 cents Sell unused items fast. 250-565- 6 TWO OF SALT LAKE County's Finest, Norm Carlisle, left, and Jack Terry, right, meet with March of Dimes Poster Child Stacey Adams in preparation for the safety of 8000 young people on Saturday, April 8 at the Household Survey Looks To Residential Questions sample of households in this area by U.S. Bureau of the . Items 250-620- -- Questions on spending for make 4-- 6 Easy Way To Sell Unwanted min in and the improvement upkeep of residential properties will be asked of a Want Ads 969-142- 1. 0 745-229- 6. Jfn Impala, two hardtop, Serial 164478C1 03884. Allen's Automotive Inc. door TFN . 1 CHEV 1968 HUNTER-FISHERMA- Camper-sleepe- r Special1 with floor radio and heater. Reasonable. Census interviewers ween March 1978, 31 Richard - bet- April 14, C. Burt, the Bureaus Director of Regional Office in Denver, announced today. The home improvement survey, conducted four times a year, yields valuable in formation of broad interest to the public and private sectors. The households in this area are among 5,000 throughout the United States included in the survey Previous surveys showed that expenditures for the upkeep and improvement of residential properties in the United States for the third quarter of 1977 totaled $9 6 billion, or $32 5 billion at a seasonally adjusted annual Super Sunshine Walk. 8000 People Expected To Join Annual Walk-a-tho- n Fund Raiser rate During 1976, the seasonally adjusted annual rate ranged from $25.3 to $31 0 billion On Saturday, April 8th, an anticipated 8,000 people will walk The law requires that personal information reported to the Bureau of the Census must be held in strictest Published confidence. reports show statistical totals only, and information no identifying individuals or households is released. 25 miles or the equivalent of 8 times around the world, according to 1978 March of Sunshine Dimes Walk Super Chairman, Norman Chesler. The circumference of the earth is a mere 24,000 miles." Chesler said. It is expected that volunteers will be S SO QASSIIFflED FOR 25 WORDS OR LESS 5C OUT AND MAIL CHECK TO: County will be spending some 400 hours guaranteeing the safety of the walkers. They will be joined by the Salt Lake City Search & Rescue and the Salt Lake County Search and Rescue in route control Crossing Guards will be there to insure the safety of the inThe tersections. Utah National Guard will be serving 8,000 hot dogs to the trekkers, who will also receive Hot Dr Pepper, Gator Aide, Coke-Coland Pepsi along with 8,000 apples and 16,000 cookies along the way. Upon their return to a Obituary notices printed 0) per month per week FILL MOIL 15,000 blisters. Police Departments from Salt Lake City;, So. Salt Lake, Murray and Salt Lake treating free of charge 250 5656 PER WORD OVER 25 Park, the weary walkers will receive ice cream bars and certificates. They will also be treated to music and entertainment by Liberty a live band. In addition to a day of fun and excitement, one of the walkers will win a 1978 Toyota Corolla donated by the Utah Toyota Dealers. This car is just part of $10,000 worth of prizes that have been donated by local merchants to make this a super event, which is expected to raise $150,000 to aid in the fight against birth defects. For those wishing to participate, sponsor sheets are available at stores, Wendys and Skippers throughout the valley Good Weather Increases Trash Salt Lake County Public Works Director Don Spencer said today (Monday) that the good weather has brought a tremendous increase in the amount of material being collected by Sanitation crews. Many people have placed additional material with their household garbage. However, a few are continuing to place large quantities of unbundled material at the curbside. Mr. Spencer continued to say, We want to remind Copper Printing Co. people that we feet in length and not to exceed 70 pounds in weight, we will endeavor to pick it up ' on the regular garbage day each week. Mr. Spencer also said, The County landfill is open seven (7) days a week from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at 8000 West 2800 South. It is free to County residents who want to haul their own trash. OaWE P.O. Box 248 Magna, Utah 84044 O WEST JORDAN MORTUAR ilW??a00 sSSth 255-7- PLEASE RUN MY AD FOR WEEKS BEGINNING. NAME 2 s PHONE FRESH PROTECTION FOR OLD SALTS ADDRESS CITY cant pick up the large stacks of unbundled material. If theyll bundle material up in smaller amounts of four (4) ZIP Your ad will run in Magna, Kearns, Hunter, Phone 250-565- 6 and Granger. for information Trident Boat Policy from Farmers covers almost everything that can happen to your boat and equipment-aflo- at or ashore. Cavers your liability, medical payments, damage to your craft. Plus 30 day automatic coverage for newly acquired or replacement boats, motors and trailers. Set sail with the best a Trident Boat Policy from Farmers. A Paris Insurance Agency 9061 W. 2700 South, Magna Phone 250-674- 3 Our policy is saving you money. r. JOHN 5322 PARIS rt. jt |