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Show I THURSDAY MARCH 30, 1978 THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS PAGE 5 -- Kmtmmnmitisf Love is. . . a new baby WIST MRS. JON MEL ALLRED Sherrie Lynn Kalaher became the bride of Jon Mel Allred March 8 in a double ring ceremony performed by Hal McDonald, LDS Bishop of the Kearns 19 Ward. The union of the young couple and a reception in their honor was held at the Chateau Country Square. The former Miss Kalaher is the daughter of Colleen Erickson, Granger and Reed Kalaher, William Midvale. Mrs. and Mrs. Don Mel Allred of Kearns are the gridegrooms parents. Both of the newlyweds are of Kearns High School. She has attended Weber College as a sociology major and is now employed at Z C.M.I.. He is presently attending the University of Utah as a mechanical engineer major with plans to become a pilot. The bride was radiant in her champaign white floor length gown. The sleeves were fitted layers of lace to above the elbow flowing to full gathered sleeves ending in small lace edged cuffs. A small lace covered collar accented the fitted bodice with bridal illusion overlay. A full A line skirt fell to a small lace ruffle edging the hemline. Champaign white graduates the grooms best man. Richard Jenkins attended to the ushers duties. satin ribbon entwined the lace at the hemline, waist, elbows and was made into a small bow at the neckline. The bride chose a chapel length veil edged with lace to match her bridal gown. The lovely bride carried a bouquet of satin talisman roses, daisies, and baby breath. Attending the bride as was maid-of-hon- Mr. and Mrs. Jon M. Allred are presently residing in the University of Utah student housing following a to the honeymoon Homestead. her sister, Julie Ann Kalaher. Standing as attendents were Julie Davis, Debbie Gause and Susan Ressor. The four flower girls were Angie Hammond, Ellen Hammond, Tesh Kalaher and Jessica Davis. The attendants floor length gowns were all made of matching yellow, orange rust floral polyester. They had and Twin Boys Born print long full Telling twins apart can at times be a little difficult. But not so with Ty and Blake Johnson. The boys, born March 15, are as different as day and night. Ty John has blonde hair, gets upset easier and dislikes baths. Blake has black hair, is a good sleeper and is more even tempered. Both boys are on the same four hour schedule. The two tykes are the first children of John L. and Lisa Rae Johnson, 4112 Zodiac Drive in Kearns. They were born fifteen days early with E.K. Hansen Obstetrician and J.R. Shakula, Pediatrian in attendance at the double birth. Ty is an inch longer than his brother measuring nineteen and one half inches in length. He is also the older of the two by two minutes. He was born at 2:52 p.m. Blake at 2:54 p.m. Blake Lee Hubbard Janice by just tipped the scales at five pounds thirteen ounces while his older brother weighed in Sometimes it seems that the harder you try to make a at six pounds even. good impression, the more apt you are to make a bad one. Excited grandparents of I have a friend who was going to a company party the pair are Mr. and Mrs. several years ago. She spent the day preparing herself, Harold Johnson, Sandy and soaking in the tub with lots of pungent bath oil, tweezing her Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lester of eyebrows and trying on outfit after outfit. Midvale. You know how you want to look your best, but not as if you're spent the day working at it. You want people to think thats the way you always look, like all you did was put on lipstick and run a comb through your hair. She spent about 45 minutes putting on her face; had her hair done at the beauty shop, borrowed earrings, and was finally ready to leave the house. She sashayed out to the car. On their arrival at the country club, she swept into the room. Sitting at the table, Opal was witty and vivacious. She literally oozed confidence. As Opal was being the life of the party, the femme fetale, she glanced down at her soup and there lay her eyelash! It reminds me of the time that I was to speak at a A grand prize of $1000 will be awarded in a new poetry meeting routine where you I did the old give me confidence competition sponsored by I spent so much foot forward. best hours World of Poetry, a biyour spend putting time putting my foot forward that I was almost late and so monthly newsletter for pulled this special blue dress that exactly matched my poets. Also included are 49 other cash and merchandise eyes on over my head without unzipping the back. 1 dashed to the awards. meeting and as 1 was sitting there with all Says Contest Director, eyes riveted on me, I felt uncomfortable. My dress was tight. 1 Joseph Mellon, We want to kept thinking Ive got to go on a diet." It was tight over the arms and across the front. I couldnt get over how much encourage poets - even poets who have written only one weight Id gained in such a short time. The dress had fit last week I was miserable and my ego drooped. poem! Rules and entry forms are At long last it was my turn to speak and as I arose to available from World of deliver my talk, I glnn d down and my dress was on backwards! The zipper i Poetry, 2431 Stockton Blvd., sti.i.g.u up the center front. e I one on a basis. friendly TV! rpii'ki- put ire Dept. C., Sacramento, California 95817. ,es-,I 1, dlnght . sleeves and the flower girls gowns had double capped sleeves. Each carried a single talisman rose bud and baby breath on fern greenery tied with a rust ribbon. Mothers of the newlyweds wore rust hued quiana floor length gowns with long full sleeves, gowns adorned with yellow rose buds and baby breath tied with brown and rust ribbons. Kevin McDonald stood as The Cupboard Poetry ! . e Contest Slated VAUEY NEWIODNS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Andersen, 4867 S. Forest Cl., Kearns, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Haven S. Arnold III, 3061 Cortney Dr., Granger, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baker, 3698 Ginny Dr., Hunter, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Bardsley, 4984 S. Jordan Canal Rd., Granger, son. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lynn Barker, 4892 S. Plymouth View, Taylorsville, son. Mr. and Mr. Geralds Barnes, 3557 S 4960 West, Hunter, son. Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Bateman, 3259 Franklin Cl., Magna, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. James Beagley, 8072 W. 3500 S., No. 22, Magna, twin daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Belford Scott, 6157 W. Patti Dr., Hunter, son. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bell, 4318 S. 4110 West, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bennett, 6055 Misty Way, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas R. Bock, 6159 Fox Hill Dr., son. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brent Bennett, 5321 Leprechaun Ln., Kearns, son. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis V. Brooks, 3571 Kings Hill Cl., son. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Buchanan, 5499 Westside Dr., Kearns, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Burnett, 3056 W. 3760 South, Granger, son. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Earl Clader, 3781 W. Tusloosa, West Jordan, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Clawson, 3941 Calico Way, son. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Clyde, 3592 W. 3310 South, Granger, son. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Compton, 4799 S. 3770 West, Granger, son. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Craig, 6567 W. 3940 South, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Davis, 3850 W. 3240 South, Granger, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Despain, 4427 Wild Cherry Cl., Hunter, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Diaz, 4525 Thayn Dr., son. Mr. and Mrs. David K. Draper, 7211 W. Adams Rd., Magna, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. David Alan Eliason, 3864 S. 6460 West, Hunter, son. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Erickson, 3474 W. Bristol Way, son. Mr. and Mrs. Benny Garcia, 3179 S. 4140 West, Granger, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hofheins, 3620 S. 4240 West, Granger, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hurdsman, 4857 W. 3100 South, Hunter, son. Mr. and Mrs. Randy Jewett, 3115 Lehi Dr., Granger, son. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gary Kelson, 8340 W. 3280 Souty, . Magna, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Knutson, 5015 W. 4235 South, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Krauth, 5054 Dyer Ln., son. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lindman, 5447 Collesium Ct., son. Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Lancaster, 3555 S. 3200 West, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd F. Lunceford, 3214 Royalwood Dr., Taylorsville, son. Mr. and Mrs. Arman Dean Meadows, 4491 W. 4985 Wouth, Keans, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mills, 3304 Meadow Wood Way, son. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Newhouse, 3351 S. 6400 West, son. Mr. and Mrs. James Oaks, 4325 SI Charles Dr., son. Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Orton, 3709 S. 3375 West, Granger, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Miltoh Jay Prance, 3398 S. 4200 West, Granger, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Garth P. Rollins, 3997 S. Castle Rd., Hunter, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Kim Douglas Riding, 4229 W. 5855 South, Taylorsville, son. son. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Santi, 2619 Westshire Dr., Granger, Mr. and Mrs. Kirk J. Scriber, 4432 San Carlos Pl Granger, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Sedgwick, 4240 W. 3606 South, Granger, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Byron L. Shaver, 5327 Nautilus Dr., son. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Shay, 4123 W. 3275 South, No. 1, Granger, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Singley, 4785 W 3100 S., Hunter, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Smith, 3268 Hector, daughter. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Spainhower, 4055 Carri Dr., Granger, son. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Elwin Stoor, 5341 S. 5420 West, son. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kent Taylor, 5026 S. 4660 West, Kearns, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gregg Thomas, 4769 Harbor, Granger, son. Mr. and Mrs. William Underwood, 5674 Bree St., Kearns, son. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Vinder Elburg, 4161 Dero Dr., Granger, son. Suspense Show Starts Diamonds" is a suspense drama centering around an ingeniouw plot to rob the burglar-proo- f vault of the Israel Diamond Exchange. The film stars Robert Shaw, Richard Roundtreee and Barbara Seagull, and progresses. Whether or not Zelds Shapira as played by Miss Winters is involved in the plot to steal the diamonds is an intriguing question which grows as the thieves carry out their activities. co-sta- rs Shelly Winters. Shelly Winters part, though small at the outset grew larger as the film Diamonds Saturday, Monday plays Tuesday, April 1, 3 and 7.15 and 915 p m. and at 4, MRS. BILL BEATTY Wedding Brunch Follows Promises Miss Susie Coon became the bride of Mr. Bill Beatty in rites held at Skaggs Memorial Chapel on Saturday, March 25, 1978. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Coon of Magna. Parents of the groom are Mrs. Opal T. Movie Opens At Gem The film My Side of the Mountain relates the story of Sam Gribley, a sensitive 13 year-ol- d and nature-lovin- g boy who sets out from his toronto home for the scenic wilderness of the Quebec range of the Appalachian to Mountains live deliberately . . , and see if he could not learn what it had to teach. This touching film study of a boys awakening to the character of nature and the of apresponsibilities proaching manhood makes first-rat- e family film fare. It is a film that takes all the beauty of the wild outdoors and uses it to stimulate the minds of all who see it. The book of the same name on which the film is based has been awarded the Hans Christian Andersen International Award, and can be purchased at the Gem. Once in the wilderness, Sam discovers the wealth food sources nature has to offer. He builds a house for himself inside a burnt-ou- t tree hollow and there he lives. His daily life is a never-endin- g series of adventures that teach him how to survive and make do with what he has. "My Side of the Mountain runs Thursday and Friday, March 30 and 31. Beatty of Don W. Granger, and Beatty, Sr. Mr. of side. The grooms ushers were Mr. Paul Fratto, best man; Mr. Joe Catten, Mr. Angelo Zambos, Mr. Rick Coon, Mr. Larry Catten, and Mr. Rich De Col. Gift carriers were Troy Anderson and Tyronne Madrigal. The new Mr. and Mrs. Beatty are graduates of Cyprus High School and have attended the University of Utah. Following a homeymoon to Jackson Hole, Wyoming, they will make their home in Salt Lake City. Prenuptial parties to honor the bride were given by Mrs. Jacquie Catten, Mrs. Shirley Coon, Mrs. Shannon Coon, Mrs. Jo Ann Sandall, and Mrs. Micki Ranson. Hunter. A wedding bruch following the ceremony was hosted by the grooms mother at the Beef eaters. The wedding c reception was held at the Travelodge Convention Center that evening. The bridal attendants were Mrs. Jo Ann Sandall, matron of honor; Mrs. Jacquie Catten, and Mrs. Nyla Werber. Mrs. Coleen De Col presided over the guest book. Hostesses at the reception were Mrs. Flossie Bowers, Mrs. Shannon Coon, and Miss Teresa MMadrigal. Gift room attendants were Mrs. Kathy Ainsworth, Miss Nancy Turpin, Miss Shellie Peel, and Miss Janet Burn -- Tri-Ar- 8945 W. 2700 Main So. Street Magna, Utah Ph. 250-204- 8 DIAMONDS WERE FOREVER. Q, v-- . hursday at 7:1 5 'Friday at 7:15 & 9:15 U-, PG ROBERT "JAWS BARBARA SEAGULL paramoirt pictvrk presents RICHARD SHAW SHAFT" ROUNDTREE. SHELLEY WINTERS in 'DIAMONDS" ROBERT B RADN1TZ prodktwn fy Side ofthe fountain A boy conquers the wilderness with just a raccoon and a falcon! Let us print your wedding stories and pictures 250-565- 6 TEDDY ECCLESftr THEODORE BIKEL biW PANAMS10N Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday TECHSIC0U0R- - APARAMOIVTPICTIRF COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS CARL TIMMERMAN AND FAMILY I I JOHN OGDEN AND FAMILY i A Free Show As Guests Of This Paper Ticket Good For Two Weeks j |