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Show THE VALLEY PAGE 4 VIEW NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 30 1978 Kearns Baseball Team Opens Play Quickly approaching the baseball season, the Kearns High team has played and won five pre season games and won an invitational championship Monday, March 20, Kearns defeated Granite, 5 4 Monty Hope was the winning pitcher Hitting extra basers were Mark Johnson triple, Darin Anderson double, Chris Jensen, double, and Anthony Giron, double A triple play was made as Coed Play Completed r& 3 G&J. r High girls basketball team finished up s their season with a 14-record, third place in Region II, and fifth place in the state tournament Monday the thirteenth, Kearns lost to Weber by four ft & v points hits the ball square and hard Kearns immerged victorious. in 15, win-los- the Cougars were behind by one against Cottonwood, and in the last eight seconds won the game The final score was Kearns, 43, Cottonwood $ DARIN ANDERSON March Tooele Invitational Tournament 41 In a close ball game March Kearns defeted Roy, 0 Saturday, Kearns played their last tournament game against West With the Cougars played their last tournament game against West With the Cougars ahead nine in the fourth quarter, West put up a good fight, reducing Kearns lead to two points Kearns overtook the Panthers, 61 53 17, Submit Sports News To the Valley View News 250-565- 6 baseman Steve Peterson caught a line drive fly Granite had runners on second and third bases Peterson stepped on second, and threw the ball to third, completing the third out that inning Kearns scored a second victory that week agsinst Tooele although Kearns was behind until the sixth inning Kelly Lund was the 7-- victorious pitcher Mark Johnson and Anthony Giron both scored double base hits The Tooele Invitational Tournament was held March 24 25 at Tooele Four par- ticipating teams included Kearns 6 second 51-4- Grantsville, Tooele, Kearns, and Olympus Kearns took first place in the tournament Kearns' first game in this tournament was played Friday against Grantsville The Cougars led all the way The score during a good part of the game was Grantsville a made comeback, and the final 1 ok , ? THREE YOUNG LADIES Tasha Hartley, Jody Edmonds and Anna Romero rehearse for Arcadia talent show tonight. 1 score was Grantsville, Kearns, Talent Show Set At Arcadia 8, 5 Winning pitcher Monty Hope struck out ten met Kearns Saturday, Olympus, 1 Mark Johnson, winning pitcher, struck out 13 giving up only two hits and one run Kelly Lund, 5-- also pitching for the Cougars, struck out three more March 30, the Cougars will be at Cyprus at 4 p m and on March 31, Kearns will play a home game against Olympus at 3 30 p m There will be a community talent show at Arcadia Elementary School today (Thursday), m conjection with a short PTA business meeting and elections of next years PTA officers The nine past PTA Presidents will also be honored Each will be introduced to those present Corsages will be given to the eight ladies and a boutineer to the one gen tleman past president Those nominated for the PTA offices are Vickie Aeillo, president, Marv the student Piano, dance numbcis featuring Joyce Banks as treasurer, Carla Nyrgen as historian Nominations will also be open for these positions and also for the positions of secretary Following the business of the evening conducted by Karlee Hartley, she w ill turn the evening over to Pearl Beck to introduce the talent found within the school and yooi? commiuraty? Find out this week by subscribing to acrobat and tap A group of twelve sMh grade students will be in one group A group will pan tomine to a recoid and also groups ot singe: s will nt Ghost Rideis performing in the Skv is a song to lx sung by one of the bovs Pearl Beck handled talent auditions , tl ft h i , VeuN&uos and pieces will be piesented A mother will be plavmg the guitar while children will sing dressed in hobo styled clothes and ittig on tin cans A magic act will he presented Theie will be president, WlharS's tappemmg ddd families violin first vice Ellen Strong, s actordian Y ? k EARNSJCOMMUNITiYINEWSRA'RER f ft N t ,. SI? Kearns has a lot of interesting people living here. i People like yourself, people who make the news, tit y people who hold offices, people who change " , Vc, the town and county laws, and change your , KELLI MARIE WHETSTONE April 7, 1977 Parents Gerald and DeeAnn Whetstone community. 5338 Peggy Circle People who make the world go round. Grandparents Thomas and Joan Garahana Kearns Lawrence Whetstone, Granger Wanda Richie, Granger gWVf11 with us, People Count A K- - If j PH.11 K v ft'l .$.:) An s $4.00 a year For less than 84 a week you can enjoy your local newspaper Send To THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS 9124 W. 2700 So. Magna, Utah84044 Yes, want to be more informed about Kearns Please enter my subscription for I 1 year 2 years Name Address .State. City Bill .Zip. Me My check for $4 00 or $8 00 is enclosed Kearns only Community Newspaper The Valley View News SCARLET LEE ESPERSON April 7, 1977 Parents David E and Gwen Esperson 5375 S 5240 W, Kearns Grandparents Mr and Mrs Rex Welty Afton Wyoming Mr andMrs Clinton fcsperson ! f - C ' t C s |