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Show I THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1978 THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS PAGE 3 t ChctRch J V Roadshow Readied - KEARNS The Great Disney was the theme of this years Kearns South Stake roadshows. The shows were presented last evening and tonight will be a special awards presentation. The stake Aaromc Priesthood and Young Women leaders will present a roadshow of their own. Included as part of the show will be award presentations to the top roadshows and category winners the Stake Three Ring Circus is Earlynn Scheehan. The ringmaster is Directing roadshow, Cale Searle. Other board members fill the other roles. A unique architectural design, St. Paul s Lutheran Church in Kearns is a landmark in the community. Church is observing twentieth pleasing anniversary Sunday. DISPLAYING Trinity United Methodist Arlene Person will lead the .Upper Room prayer group Friday at 9:45 a.m. at Trinity United Methodist Church. As part of a ministry carried on in 38 states, they pray for needs that are Roadshows planned LOIS KIMBER and Ramona Stevens rehearse for "Three Ring Circus awards show for Kearns South Stake. They'll take center ring tonight at 7 p.m. called in each week from the Upper Room Prayer Center in Nashville, Tenn. The group has been studying Discipline and Discovery to learn more about prayer, and they have seen many of road- their prayers answered, Aglow Fellowship Meets The first Saturday in April, 1, the Womens Aglow Fellowship will be holding a with any of the following. Elyce Mouskondis, Joyce McLelland, Pat Zitting, Dee Please Wiseman, make cancellations by calling Elyce no later than Friday noon before the meeting. The luncheon will cost $3.85 per person. Mona Carpenter and her daughter, Debbie Shipman, will be with the Utah group 1 March for their first Utah Retreat. Here is the schedule for the services. April meeting at 487-382- 486-149- Distinctive 867-512- Catering. The time for the meeting will be 1 p.m. Speaker at the luncheon will be Mona Carpenter. She will be teaching on Praise and Worship. She comes from Reading, California, and is Regional Director for All are Womens Aglow. invited to hear Mona tell of her experiences. 969-069- 30-3- Please make reservations by Wednesday, March 29 Thursday, 1 will teach the Main Street 500 in Salt Lake where Debbie will teach on the Character of God. NOTICE: All day services will be held in the Inter-Faith Christian 14502 Center, United Centenary Methodist Church choir in The Miracle performing at Centenary, 7:30 p.m. There will be Sunday School classes for all ages at 9:45 a.m. Dorothy Ramseth will lead an inquiry and preparation for membership class. On Monday at 7 p.m., the troop committee will meet at the home of Scoutmaster Jim Pagel. On Tuesday, the America located at South Marjorie Thompson, Committee chairperson, will Building North Main Street in March 30th preside. How to Survive with will be discussed youth meeting Wednesday at 7 p m. Scott and Nan .Andrews will lead the Juinior High, Dixie David and MacKay Torgerson, the Senior High. Unique and St. Pauls lovely, Lutheran Church, 5071 South Steele Street, will open its doors April 2 for an KEARNS Parents during the openhouse observance Kearns. Beginning at 4 p.m. the openhouse will include a dinner. Under the direction of Pastor Henry J. Hokeson, regional director of the Board of Missions of the twenty commemorating years of Lutheran faith in Lutheran Augustana the church was organized inn 1958. The original little congregation Church, according to Ms. Person. The sermon by Rev. Howard Huff at 8:30 and 11 a.m. worship services on Sunday will be Christ is on Every Road based on the roads of life mentioned in the Bible. On Sunday evening, the chancel choir will join to 3:30 p.m. Debbie on intercession. Friday, March 31, from 9 a m. to 3:30 p.m. Mona and Debbie will team teach. Lunch will be furnished. From 7 to 9 p.m. meet in the Escalante Room at Little from Twentieth Year Being Observed Fund Raising Committee will meet at 7:30 p.m. Atonement Lutheran Church The sermon GRANGER theme for the April 2, 10 a m. at Service Worship Atonement Lutheran Church will be The Living Word, referring to the congregation phase of the Bethel Bible series. Atonement congregation is making preparation for the Preaching and Prayer Ministry to be conducted by the Reverent William Vaswig of Woodland Hills, California April 16 through April 19. There will be a service on Sunday at 10 a.m., each evening at 7:30 p.m., and each morning Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Sunday School is from 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. for -- age three and older, separate classes for high school and other adults. met in a home to begin with and later moved to the old Kearns Public Library. The first mission pastor to be called was Nels E. Bergstrom. He was followed Carl E. Pastor by Samuelson. Under direction the Samuelsons present chapel was built and dedicated. The structure, which has become a landmark in Kearns was dedicated September 6, 1959. A succession of pastors have served at St. Pauls. Following Samuelson there was John Rose from May to 1961 March 1963. Edward Hamme was next. He served two years to be by S. Erving Severtson, Roger Prescott, C. David Olsen and Robert Woods. In 1976 St. Pauls first woman pastor, present replaced pastor Barbar Chapman arrived. the During cpenhouse members will recall both the shining moments and the black periods they have faced during the past 20 years. Each experience has added to the churchs Myrna Schultz strength. of one the original congregation members pointed out. Until today it stands as one of Gods strong serving tools in the community. Members of the congregation feel that ahead lies opportunity as God opens the doors and beckions to us to follow." Regular worship services at St. Pauls are at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday morning with Sunday School at 10:45 a.m. Holy Communion is observed the first and third Sunday of the month. School Home J. by Dr. Daryl McCarty lUesides being Executive Secretary Utah Education Association jBBaagMBgiaa that Most students in Utah public schools learn a big lesson isnt spelled out in textbooks. This lesson is sensitivity to the needs of people who arent as lucky as they are. An article in a Utah newspaper recently told of how the g students in one school are dreaming up a campaign to furnish a group care home for severely retarded persons. Many school kids across the state are involved in the which provides funds for the battle against also requires students sclerosis. (The multiple to read books, which gives the campaign a double benefit.) One of Utah students finest charity efforts in recent years was one that raised money to build schools in poverty-smitte- n areas of Bolivia. Utah youngsters were to raise the funds for building materials, and the Bolivians were to build the schools. The Utah kids had never seen those Bolivian youngsters who needed the school buildings. They probably never will. But our children went to work collecting clothes hangers, baking cakes, sitting babies, washing cars and many other g chores that would raise money for the Bolivian project. Now those Bolivian students have what some of us may hike for granted school buildings. No, these outlets for our childrens charitable instincts are not mentioned in the textbooks. They arent part of the official school program. Students who participate dont do it for grades, for money or for recognition. Kids feed on participating in noble causes. And when students seize an opportunity to do a noble act course of their school activities, it can result in some of the in the finest lessons they ever learn. fund-raisin- Read-a-Tho- Read-a-Tho- n an occasion for childrens pranks against the unwary, April Fools Day is a good time to point out the worst form of folly to which human beings are susceptible: the false belief that we are and have no need of any form of faith or spiritual guidance to help us avoid the pitfalls on our journey through life. While luck seems to favor some individuals more thanothers, sooner or later it will run out; and then even the most determined unbelievers are forced to look upward for the help they were so sure they would never need. A visit to the Church of your choice will convince you to stop living in that fool's paradise and turn to God for your lesson in wisdom; in April or any other time. self-sufficie- school-buildin- Attend the Church of Your Choice This Sunday! THIS PAGE IS SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS: Worship with your family at the church of your choice Circle .V,1 Kearns ' Crown Acres Nursury & Day Care 54' 968 200) 5000 W. 5000 So. Kearns 968-480- Kearns Drug Center "Our best business is Jeep Sales & Service, Inc. 4188 W. 5415 So. Kearns 968-904- 1 4700 So. Redwood Rd. SLC Kearns Wall Refrigeration Lola's Ceramics 3782 So. 4000 W. Granger Bob and Lola Sedgwick 4760 So. Redwood Road 299-402- 298-230- 7 Taylorsville Valley Fair Mall er 1 4067 W. 5415 So. Kearns V Granger 299-628- A QUALITY r s' Avici . LOW 4270 W. 541 5 So. 266-955- 3565 LOW XWICEI Kearns Granger S. Redwood Rd SLC 968-352- 969 8622 Karmelkorn Shoppe Econo-O-Cent- 969-849- A, 1555 W. 3500 So. Valley Fair Mall Granger 968-351- Skateland West, Inc. 4147 W. 5415 So. Company Chris and Dick's Hardware and Lumber 973-705- 1 Rupp your business" Deseret Book DeGraff Associates O' 298-495- 1 (5 cr 966-145- 298-354- 4 y |