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LlO Bennion Elects Noted 1978-7BENNION PTA OFFICERS: Gayle Palmer, Nancy Long Claudia Tanner Rosa Brown president, Southern and Rose Coshaw, principal 9 Bennion Flementarv School has elected 1978 79 PTA officers To head the PT- as President is Rosa Benson She is married to Larry Benson and the hae two children, Larry Jt a thud gradei and Andy who is ten months old This past year she was hospitahtv chairman Her goals foi the coming year include foimmg a hat d woi king board to get the pat cuts involved and to haye lots of tun Fust yiee president will be Namv Long She and her husband Dennis are the parents of two girls Kimberly four and Tiffany, six Nancy has been on the PTA Board this year in charge ot Reueation She enjoys leading and working with children The position of secretary yy ill be filled by Claudia Tanner She and her husband Cabin aie the parents of nine year old Troy, seven year old Toree and Kara now three She is presently working with the neyysletter committee She enjoys reading sewing and is a Brownie teacher Kim '1 eusiii ei is Kim Southam She and he i husband stan haye two children She enjoys walking yyith children and has held the positions of membership and finance commissioners Rose Coshaw Principal sc bool w ill hold the position yiee president This coming year she will begin hei second year as principal at Bennion Elementary School A filth grade teacher, Miss Gayle will be the Teachers Representatiye the second Palmer of ot Backpacking Tips Explained At Library KFRS With the at rival of tonight (Thursday! between 7 and 9 pm to conduct a workshop on desert backpacking Through slides and discussion he w ill show that the desert doesn t have to be inhospitable He will point out places to go, equipment to use, and clothing to wear along with otheib bits of useful information backpaik enthusiasts thoughts are turning yyai m spring yyeather many toward deseit backpacking To help hjckpjikeis to he prcpaied tor this type of experience Kearns Bianch lain ar has un ited Dennis Tui y die of Timbei line Sports to the library vESSASo Issued each Thursday at 9124 W 2700 S, Magna, Utah 84044 Second Class postage paid at Magna, Utah. Marriott fun ruci Reports Victory THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1978 KEARNS, UTAH Washington, D C Calling it a very significant victory, Congressman Dan Marriott announced that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (R-Uta- (NHTSA) has suspended indefinitely the regulation 121 for school buses, which was to take effect April 1, 1978. The regulation would have required a computerized air brake system to be installed on all school buses failing to meet the stopping requirements. Because of the pressure of my bill and petition, and from other groups, including the Utah and National PTA, NHTSA backed off, Marriott This was our immediate responded goal To get the school buses out from under the regulation and Im elated to see it. Now we at least wont have the threat of unnecessary accidents and the possibility of the loss of lives among school children that may have resulted from plementation premature of the regulation, he said semi-trailer- Turn In A News Tip 250-565- 6 knitting, piano a ROBERT A. PRESCOTT Man Named As Manager Robert A Prescott, 39, has been promoted to concentrating manager for Utah Copper Division, Kennecott Copper Corporation, it was announced today by Robert N Pratt, general manager Mr Prescott, currently individual missioner be Lynda Karen the for the coming year will Miller She has three children, one will be attending West Kearns next year She has served on several PTA commissions including program chairman, room mother and second vice president Lynda enjoys that sewing of cake decorating, magazine representative, macrame and and fp WEST KEARNS PTA Karen Hogan, Lavon Edwards, Janice DemiHe, Lynda Miller, back row, LaMar Jackman, Cherilyn Stensord, teacher rep , and Jim Cushing. reading, enjoys and playing com- development She likes sports reading Second vice president is held by the school's principals Karen Hoggan v,ill be third vice president She has thiee children, one is presently at West Kearns She has served two years on the volunteer services commission and as a room mother singing Secretary 9 im- Marriott warned, however, that the issue is far from over He said he would continue to push for passage of his bill m the Consumer Protection and Finance Subcommittee calling for a complete moratorium on all vehicles until the system is perfected The reasoning at the Transportation Department is incredible1 They have now removed the computerized brakes from school buses and proposed removing them from s until further studies are made Yet they remain on semitractors and most commercial buses Where is the logic in that? If there is any doubt about the safety of the system, why is it on any vehicles9 I dont plan to stop pushing until all questions are answered We need to resolve this entire issue completely and very soon before more needless accidents occur and possibly take more lives PTA executive board officers for West Kearns Elementary School were installed March 16 for the 1978-7school year Janice DeMille will be president She is the mother of nine children, four of whom are in West Kearns She has served as room mother for many years, Ways and Means chairman and is presently treasurer in the PTA Janice enjoys doing things with her family as well as hand work, sewing and gardening Phyllis Brewer will be first vice president She has three children, one is attending W'est Kearns She has served many years in PTA, on as lunch room commissions, representative, hospitality, ways and means, room mother and volunteer services Phyllis is now serving as con- centrator operations superintendent at Kennecotts Ray Mines Division, Hayden, Arizona, will assume his new post April 1, succeeding Wallace H Jensen, who will become Ray Mines Division general manager Born in Torrington, Wyoming, Mr Prescott earned a metallurgical engineering degree from Colorado School of Mines and a master of science degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology He began his Kennecott career July 1, 1962, as a management trainee with Utah Copper Div lsion During the next 12 years he held a number of management positions at the Utah concentrator plant prior to being named an Alfred P Sloan Fellow at MIT in 1974 Mr Prescott and his wife Judith have three children j 'ft it i ;f I 'If i V &,! ft 9s ff 'i, sg! If If Carnival Scheduled The "Wonderful World of Scouting Cub Scout Carnival will be held April p m m the Salt 8, Saturday, from Palace Ticket sales began March 18, in Salt Lake and other nearby counties puppet Scouting demonstrations, shows, a poster contest, pinewood derby races, stage shows, an obstacle course and other activities are being planned Tickets were distributed to each scouting district for distribution on the 18th of March Posters to be judged must be in the Salt Palace by 2 30 p m on the day of the carnival Carnival tickets are $1 for persons wits 14 vears of aee and older 6 children under 14 admitted free Part of the money from each ticket sold will go back to local cub packs Cub Scouts win prizes for selling tickets. Larry Nielsen, Sandy, a Utah National Guard and Sandy City Volunteer policeman, is carnival chairman Boyd Giles, a Great Salt Lake Council Professional Scouter is assisting volunteers planning the annual event Many of the 13,000 Cubs registered in the council tS. t Lake Tooele, Summit and South Davis Counties! will participate in racing cats they have made for the pinewood derby Cars made with stock wheels and modified wheels will be enteied m cerr,.. f 77 .A'W T prepares Louth for Cub Scout Carnival at Salt Palace April domonsti ation are Brad Gale Tom Kent, Lee Hall, Kyle Williams and Roy Helton 8 Usn 'tvA hi. I 0 1 KEARNS PACK 760 ' '1 I Scouts pieparing to aid 1" in 7 isf V vCT ft xr! ' m |