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Show Thursday, June 6, 1863 Pass 9 THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS GIRL SCOUT NEWS Left to right, Ramona Smith, Judi Baker, queen, and Marion MarchanL The Girls Scouts in the Kearns Neighborhood started their week-lon- g Day Camp on June 3, accompanied by clouds and a deluge of rain. Before the rains came, however, the girls busied themselves with . cookouts, lashing furniture, trail blazing, nature hikes, outdoor safety, arts and crafts, and games and songs. Three senior scouts from Sandy, Utah, volunteered to act as program aids for the Kearns Neighborhood, according to Darlene Leyba, camp director. The girls are Kathy Timoney, 15, daughte of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Timoney; Angela Garg, 16, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Garg; and Dorothy Simonich, 14, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Simonich. The girls plan to be at the camp all week. They will help Mrs. Yeyba and the other leaders to teach the younger girls camp knowledge and games and songs. A special thank you is extended to these fine girls for helping the Kearns Neighborhood Girl Scouts. Neighborhood chairman, Jeanine Rushton, said that there will be a nurse at the camp site daily. Other members of the community who will participate in this project are the Sheriffs Department, and the Fire Department. Men from these will discuss their departments duties to the girls. Mr. Joe Diller will give the girls pointers on first aid. It is often difficut for leaders to participate in the Day Camp project and so Mrs. Leyba and her business manager, Janet Siddoway, would like to give a public pat on the back to Deon Nebeker, leader Seniors Kathy Timoney, Angela Garg, and Dorothy Simonich, show Barbara Brixey, 11, and Shirley Warner, 13, how to make camp furniture. Here the girls have just completed a table. Boys State candidates from Cyprus High School are, left to right, Richard Clegg, Bruce Yeates, Pete Pearson, Layne Naylor and Dennis Jordan. of Troop 387; Virginia Gardner, leader of Troop 328; Millie Glaze, from Cyprus High leader of Troop 180; and Elaine Boys' Robinette, Troop 507, for being on The American 'Legion Cyprus Mrs. Norman H. Jordan, 8468 W. hand and making the camp possible Post 38 will sponsor five boys from 3370 South. this year. the junior class of Cyprus High Kennecott Copper Company will School for Boys State, to be held contribute the expenses of two at the Utah State 'University in boys for their week at Boys State. Kearns Logan from July 6 through 13. Hercules Powder Company for one, in his profession and for the bene- Chairman from the Rost is James Magna Lions for one and the Magna fit of others. He is a voice, piano, R. Monsen, commander, assisted by Chamber of Commerce for one. I organ and hula inistructor at the Don A. DeVore, past commander. The boys were picked by a panel G.E.M. Music Studio in. Granger, I of are: selected Richard Boys Clegg, Legionaires, assisted by school and directs a youth choir of 25 son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl because they are excounselors, Clegg, voices for Youth For Christ He and 3183 So. 8620 West; Bruce students and potential Yeates, emplary his wife travel statewide perform- son of Mr. and Mrs. Troy Yeates, lead- - who will past what they have ing Sacred Music Concerts. 8659 W. 3100 South; Pete Pear- learned to others next year during He graduated from Roosevelt son, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. their senior year at high school. High School in Honolulu in June, Pearson, 8373 W. 3190 South; The program at Boys State is de1956, with high scholastic honors, son of Mr. and Mrs. signed to teach boys the forms of Layne Naylor, scholarships, and having held var- W. V. Naylor, 8378 W. 3410 South; city, county, state, and federal ious studentbody offices. He won and Dennis Jordan, son of Mr. and a State Talent Contest in Honolulu in 1956 which featured a trip to Europe and a scholarship. Forsaking the Eureopean trip in favor of education, Dave went on to attend LABI Seminary in Los Angeles, M PROOF. 1963SCHENLEY DISTILLERS CO., LOUISVILLE, KY. California, majoring in Sacred Music and Theology and minoring in Business Administration. He servin after June, 1959, graduated ing as an officer and a student music teacher. State Candidates New Secretary-Treasur- Jaycees er young man in the area, Dave Rodrigues, has been apof the pointed secretary-treasure- r Kearns Jaycees by Orin Hunter, president. On June 3, he was appointed to the position of 6tate chaplain of the Utah State Jaycees by President LaMar Rawlings. His duties will be to conduct and arrange convention religious services and to speak at state functions of the local Jaycees. He" has been, and will continue directing services and speaking at the Juvenile Detention Home and the Utah State Prison. Of Spanish-Hawaiia- n descent, Dave carries the title of Dave Douglas Rodrigues, II, and was bom in Honolulu, Oauhu. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave D. Rodrigues, Hawaiian floor show perand formers who travel world-widreside in San Carlos, California. Dave is. married to the former TV and radio vocalist, Delores Sandoval. They reside at 4235 W. 5655 South, Keams, with their son Douglas Xavier, five months old. Holding a degree of Minister of Music, Dave uses his musical talent A well-know- n e, Marlon Marchant, first attendant aires APPAREL 2717 So. Bodwood Bead SWIM WEAR For LADIES Children's Boys' $1.00 - Teens Are Yon Ignoring A Warning of Hidden RD? Do you have a chronic NO BOURBON CAN MATCH cough or shortness of breath? Both are common Jfthenleq signs of Respiratory Diseases (sicknesses of breath- ing). If you have either, your Christn?ji Seal association says: Champion jBourb on YEARS 10 OLD Men's to KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKY $13.98 PHONE 4 Hours 9:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. 467-628- Dont take chances. See your doctor. his abilities in his new role of r for the Keams Jaycees. He has also been appointed chaplain for the Utah State Jaycees. secretary-treasure- Champion is mellowed in the wood a long 10 full years... yet its priced like many younger bourbons. Youll say its today's bourbon buy. Taste and seel best-tasti- ng |