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Show Thursday, June 8, IMS Fas 5 THE VALLEY VIEW- NEWS - Ml lll BENNION 2nd WARD NEWS Congratulations to V e r n and Barbara Poynor, they are the proud Lynn and Diane Bateman reparents of a new baby girl Th0 turned home this week after a baby was bom with a R H factor to Lake Mead. They in her blood and had to have im- had avacation very good time, but reported mediate transfusions. They would the to be very hot. weather like to thank everyone who helped if them. The baby is coming along A speedy recovery to Joan fine, we are happy to report. Barney who has been very sick, we 'Bennion Ward MIA is getting hope she is soon around again. their roadshow underway. Ruth By' is Congratulations to Don and Jane very busy getting her theway have on the birth of their new Benson We lined cast hope they up. this. a good time preparing baby girl. 5-d- We are sorry to hear of a former Marlin and Evonna Baker have Bennion residents death. .Hazel had company this past week. MarDahlberg lived in Bennion for a lins folks have been visiting them. tgood many years. Her funeral was t held in the Murray Ward. Congratulations to Eliza Mackay is 80 years young. Eliza celewho We are sorry to hear of a....f brated her birthday with an open Kindergarten got under way this house. All her children came home week at the Plymouth School. It to visit her for this special occastarted Monday, June 3, and will sion. continue until July 13. - Bytheway, daughter of and Ruth Ralph Bytheway is home from the hospital after she had surgery on her knee. We hope it isnt too long before she is able to get around again. (Dianne Everyone is invited to attend the stake dance to be held June 25 at the stake center. Moonlight Capers is the theme for this dance. talent numbers for the Miss Granger. Pageant last Friday. She sang two numbers and did a good job. Taylorsville News The Taylorvsille 3rd Ward Re- spending a year in Monticello as a lief Society will have a Musical Re- druggist. Good to have them back. view of West Side Story and a luncheon on June 21. Tickets will Boy Scout Troop 561 is having be $1.50 per person. a cake 6ale. You may order the cake and it will be delivered SatThere will be a General Priest- urday morning, June 8. Proceeds hood Meeting Friday, June 7, at 7 will help the scouts in the 4th Ward p.m. At that time, they will hold attend Scout Camp July at groundbreaking ceremonies for the Camp Kiesle. Cakes are $1.00. addition to the stake center. Planned in the addition will be a So you think prices on food is Baptism Font, more classrooms high. Tfn told that lunch meat in and stake presidents office. Page, Arizona is $2.89 a pound. 8-- Showing of the Cinerama picture "How The West Was Won for g stake purposes, will be June 10 and 11 at the Villa Theater. You will be contacted about tickets. fund-raisin- $ Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Easton just returned from a very enjoyable vacation. They visited Bryce Canyon, Glen Canyon Dam and Monument Valley. They stayed with Mr. Eastons parents in Monticello and Esther Bowan, daughter of Mr. with Mrs. Eastons parents in Welland Mrs. Samuel S. Smith, has ington, Carbon County. been visting her parents this past week. They were very happy to see Scott and Gloria Hansen have and visit her. moved back to Taylorsville after The Howard Dickinson 13 family Its time to get out and get' tho ward teaching done. Because of vacation time, it is important that you get out the first of the month. That way you will catch those who will be gone the later part of tho month and the ones who are gone the first of the month can be visited the end of the month. So get out and get it done. Mrs. Mary P. Lindsay returned from her trip to the East. She had a wonderful time and saw many interesting things. Thats quite a trip for a lady 80 years young. had an enjoyable fishing trip this past weekend when they w'ent to Panguitch Lake. The fishing was : RATS Barber great. The senior primaryl children have been asked to provide the music for the Taylorsville 4th Ward Sacrament Meeting Sunday. Roscoe Mackay is enjoying being able to sit with his family in Sacrament Meeting after having served as music director for a number of years. 'Carolyn Thiede was among the Shop 5460 South 4220 West RAY PETERSON WAYNE HOODLER Phone 293-004- 8 Sid and Stanie Park have enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Edman from Nevada. Mrs. Edman is Stanies sister. They are very glad to have Craig home from his mission. - Francis and Avon Oakesoa have been to California on a business priesthood their bearers and trip. They had a very good time. t wives are invited to attend. This Stake Temple Day will be this meeting starts at 7:30. Two brethren from the General Building Commit- coming Friday, June 7. Everyone having a recommend is urged to tee will speak to this group. attend the temple. Stake priesthood is to be held 'Sorry to hear that Dave Blanck the stake center Friday, June 7, at is not feeling too good, we hope this month only due to the Cinehe soon feels much better. rama on Monday. All priesthood Everyone keep in mind the Cine- bearers and partners are urged to rama to be held at the Villa Thea- attend. tre this coming June II at 7:45. Scout 'Court of Honor will be Price is $15.00 per seat to go toheld at the Bennion Ward Thurswards our building fund. day night, June 6, at 7:30. Both Wedeach held will be Bennion and Bennion 2nd. will meet Primary 10:30 with for the court. All scouters, parents, nesday morning at prayer meeting for the officers and bishoprics and MIA presidencies teachers beginning at 10. are invited to attend. (Friday night at the Taylorsville meet- Stake is a general ing. All priesthood . m Get real rest during the simmering summer nights ahead. Sleep in the pure, fresh and invigorating air that comes with electric air conditioning. 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