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Show 5 Thursday, June 3, IK? THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS P359 S Miss Gertrude Noar To Conduct U of U Workshop Miss Gertrude Noar, distinguished teacher and administrator in the Many many year? ago, in the land of Egypt, a lonely Arab was walking thru the desert. He had been walking many days and was thirsty and hungry and near death. As he was about to give up, he stumbled across an old old lamp. He picked it up and rubbed it and lo and behold a genie appeared. He stood in front of the Arab and You have three wishes said, master. You speak and I obey." -- The Arab was flabbergasted but finally he muttered, I would like to have a beautiful castle hundred rooms." No sooner mentioned it when he around and there he saw with a .had, he looked a most beautiful castle. The Arab was over joyed. the You have two more wishes, genie told him. The Arab MERIT PAY thought a minute and said, I would like to have the castle stocked with food and wine and five hundred servants. In a flash the wish was granted. Everywhere he looked he saw servants walking around. He was amazed at the amount of good food and good wine in every room of the castle. He was beside himself with joy. You have one more wish master, the genie said. The Arab thought a minute and finally said, I would like to see all the Jews vanish from the earth. Before he could blink his eyes, the genie was gone, the castle was gone, the food and wine was gone and the servants were all gone. The moral of this story is Be careful what you say, you never know when youll run. into a Jewish genie, , - CAN IT WORK? Last week we painted out some school board, and the public under of the problems faced by those stand and accept it, and until adeeducators who had already adopted quate budgetary safeguards have a plan for merit pay and had later been established to make sure that found the plan unworkable. This the plan can and will continue week ve will discus? both theories ' from one year to the next. and piactices winch might achieve Now. it is clear to see that there a workable plan far merit pay. 'are both good and bad things to Many of the people who are ad- be recognized about any merit vocating merit pay as a way of re- pay" plan. It would seem to this warding superior teachers forget reporter that there are other more that the principle underlying any .workable methods that could be merit pay plan should be the im- (employed to improve the quality provement of instruction and the of instruction. The first and most eventual advancement of all teach- obvious way would be to raise the ers into the super or service cate- standards of the teaching profesgory. To do this it is necessary to sion by more careful selection of determine standards of excellence and give the quality of service awards to any and all who deserve them. It should also be recognized that a good professional salary schedule is' necessary for a plan of this kind to be workable. It can not be usedas an excuse for keeping ..the salaries of. most teachers down. Evaluation of Teachers. being considered for merit '"pay should be t domenstrably thorough and objective. (One superintendent recommends from twelve to sixteen classroom observations each year.) I believe that the most important point that we should consider at this time (especially to those watching the current impasse of our elected officials and our educators) is that a merit pay play should not be attempted until the majority of the staff, administrative personnel. REED DAVIS REALTOR WE WILL TAKE Price Ranee from $12,750 'to 525,000 FHA or Gl Public Libraries Inaugurate Summer Hours On June 2, 1963, the Salt Lake City Public Libraries began summer schedules which will be in effect through Labor Day. Central Library, 15 South State St. Mon. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tues.-Sa- t. 9 a,ni. to 5:30 p.m. AN ALL-STACAST is assembled in Hal Wallis Technicolor drama, A Girl Named Tamiko opening Wednesday at the Valley Vu Theatre. From left to right: France Nuyen, who plays Tamiko, Laurence Harvey, Martha liver, Gary Merrill Miyoshi UmekL and Michael Wilding. R Chapman Branch Library, 577 So. 8th West 9 a.m. to 8:45 p.m. 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Spencer Branch Library 776 W. 1st 'Mon. Tues.-Sa- t. CHILDREN UNDER 12 Open 4' at LOUNGE (East of Bowling Alley) GOOD FOOD COLD DRINKS Wednesday through Saturday (June 5-- 8) Glynis Johns in Laurence Harvey - Martha Hyer ALL IN TECHNICOLOR i Starting Sunday - Monday - Tuesday, June 9, 10, ft "COME SEPTEMBER" and "LOVER COMt BACK" DO Y00 WANT A NEW HOME? Are you aware that you can gef ON THE SPOT APPRAISAL DINNER Evening Special PIZZA PIE Without Cost as Trad e ors a NEW HOME IN GRANGER? You can paint or do other work REDUCE YOUR PAYMENT COSTS Mutton CHOPS FULL BASEMENT or Steaks BOLOGNA ?5c Also "A GIRL NAMED TAMIKCT lb. Sliced - "PAPA'S DELICATE CONDITION! RIB STEAK ONLY Jackie Gleason LUNCH 3931 WEST 5400 SOUTH ADULTS $1.25 7 p.m. Show or Dusk DAYS The WEEK END SPECIALS 3 or 4 Bedrocmj - Split Level FULL BASEMENTS on -- FOR HOMES IN 10 MODEL HOMES A MAN OF MANY HATS Jackie Gleason in scenes from his latest movie Papas Delicate Condition in Technicolor and opesimg Wednesday at the Valiev Vu Theatre. Jackie ploys the wild, flamboyant father of a nutty family in this hit comedy from Paramount. ce JOHN'S MEATS Where We Cart Show You Anti-Defamati- teacher candidates, more thorough North Mon. 9 a.m. to 8 45 p.m. teaching. Tues.-Sa- t. 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.xn. More stringent professional careful and scrutiny Sprague Branch Library, 2131 So, improvement of progress during the probationary So. 'llth East (Sugarhouse) Mon.-Sat- .' period are Ways of raising the except Fri. 9 a.m. to for standards. This responsibility 5:30 p.m. Fri. 9 a.m. to 8:43 'p.m. bringing about ercellence in the the is to . up profession teaching The Main Library and all branches teachers. Mediocrity should not be will be closed on Sundays. tolerated. The Library Bookmobiles .will opOther ways of recognizing teacherate JMcmdays through Fridays er effectiveness could include scholaccording to the attached schedfor leaves sabbatical proarships, ule which will also be available fessional growth, key committee asat all libraries. signments, service on state and national study committees, encouragement to do professional research and writing allowing time to do these without pay penalty, and travel expense when necessary. In closing, I would like to quote Hazel Davis, associate director, NEA Research Division: Much of AND the current pressure for merit schedules would not have arisen if school systems had been able to establish adequate salary levels and 3217 WEST 3500 SOUTH to provide comprehensive personOPEN re6:00 A.M. Serving: nel programs for the careful cruitment, orientation, supervison, BREAKFAST and evaluation of all teachers. YOUR KEARNS HOME ON TRADE GRANGER HUNTER MAGNA public schools, will conduct a workshop at the University of Utah this summer. The workshop, Field Studies in Education Problems in Professional Relationships, will be in session daily between the hours of 12:40 p.m. and 3:40 p.m. from Monday, July 22, through August 2. The educator has been much in demand as a lecturer and workshop director and consultant in uni versities and public school systems in the area of human relations education. She is called upon often for special speaking engagements, and is an author of several works in the field of education. Miss Noar is National Director of Education of the League of Bnai Brith. Professor William C. Nutting, Acting Head of the Department of Education, said the workshop is titled Education 247f, Section 1. Dr. Nutting added that anyone can register for the course at the regular registration for Summer - BRICK HOMES MIDYEST REALTY Close J:00 AM , PHONE CY 71 CY 41 CY 53 CY & FINANCE W9M Cr 3-3- |