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Show Pager 7 THE V ALLEY VIEW NEWS Thursday, Jujne 6, 1963 Services will be held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. from the Atonement Lutheran Church in Granger wil meet at the home of Keith Thomson, 3446 Meadowbrook 'Dr., on Sunday, June 9, for a picnic and outing in the yard. The Thomsons, who are adult advisors for the group, will prepare the food. Vacation Church School will be held from June 10 through 21, from 1 a.m., Monday through Friday. Pastor Joseph Luthro will be superintendent. Others on the staff will include Mrs. L. T. Cosby, Mrs. George Fern, and Mrs. Harold Aure. Mrs. Luthro will be in charge of the music and singing for the school. If anyone is interested in this school who has not registered, contact Pastor Joseph please Luthro, CY The Luther League 9-1- Sunday, June 9, will be Methodist Student Day at Trinity Methodist Church in Kearns, according to Rev. Friend. Junior and senior high school graduates will participate in the service which will take place at 11 a.m. The Pastors message will be Pushing Back My Horizon. This is a special message for the youth. Reverend Friend will leave for the annual Rocky Mountain Methodist Conference in Denver next week. The conference, which lasts from June 10-1will be the last one that Rev. Friend will attend from this church. He will receive his assignment and the name of his new church at the conference. The lay member cf the congregation wrho will attend this conference is Mr. Jake Huffman. 4, ceremony held at St. Stephans Episcopal Church last Sunday. Those to be confirmed were presented to Bishop Watson by Father Winder. Three of those presented were from St. Marks Cathedral. The other 13 were from the class that Father Winder has been teaching. Following the services, a reception was held on the patio of the Taylorsville Recreation Center. Refreshments were served by Donna Pero, Gen Graham, Gladys Hudson, and Kay Olson. Those who were confirmed at this service will receive First Communion on Sunday, June 9. at the 10:30 service. Beginning Jure 16, service for The St. Marks Cathedral Choir, St. Stephans will be held at 9:30 directed by Joe Marinda, highlight- a.m. and there will be no Sunday ed the impressive confirmation School for the summer. Communion WdKM Saturday, June 1, St. Francis Xavier Parish Was honored by a visit of a group of young Mexican boys and their chaperon, Father Alvarez from Boys Tcnvn of Mexico, Monyerrey, Nuevo Leon. The boys, ranging in age from 6 years, sang a Mananitas to Our Lady of Guadalupe at 1:30 p.m. in the parish hall. Mr. Adam Medina of St. Francis sponsored the groups tour of Salt Lake and surrounding areas. It is hoped that the young visitors can pay a return visit to the parish in August when the Boys Town group is on its crosscountry tour of the United States. Summer Arollement in the St. Francis Dancing School classes will be held June 10, 11 and 12 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at the parish hall, 4501 W. 5215 South. Tickets are now on sale for the St. Francis Spring Dance Revue to be held Friday, June 7, at the Kearns Junior 9-1- Sf. Francis Kids Day Plans are all set for St. Francis Kids Day. The two-dacelebration will take place at St. Francis Hallj on June 14 and 15. A variety of events including game booths, big' teen dance, and full color movies are on tap for the occasion. The public is welcome to come and wath the comedy ballgame as ithe St. Francis Gas House Gals take on the little league This game will take pace on Satur- day morning, June 15, following the big parade. Kids Day will conclude the St Francis summer school wrhich .is presently in session. Summer school will continue through June 15, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. daily. y all-star- s. ! High School auditorium, 7 p.m. Summer Catechism School began at St. Francis on Monday, June 3, and will continue until Friday, June 14. Daily Mass is offered at 9:30. followed by class session un- a.m til 12:30 p.m. ibr n&lural reaction to Kennffotls $ lOO-millio- ! n expansion program to increase copper production in Utah. It the biggest single industrial expansion in the history of the state. The huge program will be four years in the making. To complete it, Kennccott will undertake many major projects. Included are the construction of new n plants and the purchase of a fleet of powerful capacity trucks costing approximately $100,000 each. The trucks w ill haul million tons of overEiurd-eevery week from the Bingham Canyon Mine to the dumps. Removing overburden exposes the copper ore. 65-to- 1-- 12 V- -; Mhcn copper production shifts into high gear, it will help Kenneeoft operate successfully in the highly competitive copper market. To Utah this means millions and millions of dollars a year in Kennccott payrolls, supply purchases and tax payments. These dollars flow into the economic, lifeblood of our state. They circulate to all counties until they reach every Utahn. . t t 1 f, ' Wow! That's the biggest expansion ever! i Iffels CopztQff Mvision . |