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Show Tfcajsday, THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS Page SERVICE RADIATOR FROM GRANGER HIGH SCHOOL 3663 South 3600 West ACROSS b Delicious ONION RINGS FISH & CHIPS $1 HAMBURGERS SHRIMP ff! RADIATOR or CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM BRAKE SERVICE (Ccnes or Bulk) - TAKE OUT ORDERS Call CALL CY 8-88- PICK-U- 11 298-196- 2 end DELIVERY P and an attlude Jaycees Attends Dedication A representation of Kearns Jaycees and wives attended the dedication rites for Salt Lake County s juvenile court new million-dolla- r and detention center last 'Sunday. With the appointment of Jaycee Dave Rodrigues as 6tate chaplain, Utah Jaycees, it is expected that he Kearns Jaycees will have a great deal of contact with the juvenile detention center during the coming year in providing musical programs an dspeakers. Attending he ceremonies were George and Jackie Slack, Cec and Jeri Otte, and Dave Rodrigues. 2506 WEST 3500 SOUTH Mr. & Mrs. Cassidy, Proprietors of eagerness the Jeamng process. Harward was project. chairman to-wa- rd Darr of this Calabash Cousins to Entertain Little League The Calabash Cousins will entertain members of the Little League at their dance, to be held June 21 at St. Francis Hall. Kearns Couple Off to Washington Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Nelson of earns left June 4 and drove to Jaycee Installation is Saturday 'New Kearns Jaycee officers and directors will be installed at their annual installation banquet, to be or mail them with jour Place ycur Want Ads by calling CY held Saturday, June 8, at Lowells remittance to P. O. Box 513, Kearns 18, Utah Restaurant, 8 p.m. The banquet will DEADLINE IS MONDAY at 8:30 p.m. also feature presentation of awards to Jaycees for their performance Classified Advertising: 15c per lino, with a minimum of 45c per insertion this past year. FCH SALE CHOICE HOME Move in for Closing Costs. CLIFF WOODALL, 4681 West 510Q South, LAWN MOWER SHARPENING SERVICE. Scholarship Achievement Newly carpeted, drapes and new paint. Western Auto. BENNETTS. PAINT'S Free and Kearns the in Certificates Awarded Pickup Delivery FHA and well kept. Monthly Landscaped CY and Granger area. Call CY payments approx. $80.00. 4566 W, 4985 'At the graduation ceremonies So held recently at Bingham High TRASH BURNERS from Heavy Drurr.8. Only HAROLD F. STEAB T. V. and RADIO Electronic Servicing. 4140 School, 12.95. 5856 South Redwood Road. 40 outstanding TRADE , students West 5780 South. CY Your present Home one of, Kearns were honored the Jayby USED WASHERS, Dryers, T.Ve and Stoves East sideAH Kearns. cees IRONING Auto in DONE. Western the Call CY values Terric presentation of through East Side CY Achievement Certifi2 bedroom IV2 bath, full basement, block GUARANTEED SERVICE. Radio & T.V Scholarship in home, carport, fireplace living room, Service, Auto Radio Repairing. Valley cates. The certificates, in colors of LIKE NEW esson Comet. Real Buy. Make carpeted & draped, large lot. LandT.V., 3995 W. 5400 So. CY 4949 So. 4380 West. offer. CY by gold and tan, were scaped. States United Junior Chamber the GUARANTEED SERVICE Radio 6 T.V, CLOTHES LINE POLES Swings, Porch West Side Service. Auto Radio ' Repairing. Valley of Commerce and the. Minute Maid Columns, Mail Box Stands, Ornamental 4 bedroom 2 Vi baths. Large amusement T.V. 5450 South 4220 West. CY Company. They are presented to Railing, Basketball Standards. Free Esti' in & oven. Fenced built room, range mate & Free- - Delivery. Phone CY students who attain heights of ac& landscaped. CY CR ademic achievement worthy of spe .Realty. Complete cial BASINET, bathinet, bed, playpen, baby recognition, and cite diligent USED CARS tends, stroller, scales, white uniforms, MARINE SERVICE application of good study habits Hamsine:. Singer Zigzag-Blin- VALLEY VIEW NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 32 . . 6, (earns Jaycee PACKARD Sat (jtancfet &nack Sq. Je 13 . Hchland, Washington, where Mrs. kelson is visiting with her sister. Mr. Nelson drove on to Seattle o attend the Regional Supervisors Convention for the Sun Life Insurance Company of Canada. The convention is for supervisors of the northwest area. Mr. Nelson, who is a temporary director in charge of helping to get a civic and convention center for Salt Lake City and Ccunty, will visit centers in Portland and Seattle during his stay in the area. Those who are interested in such an auditorium for the valley are invited to attend an open meeting for the public Friday night, June 7, at the Prudential Federal Building, 33rd 'South and State. Films will be shown, and the advantages of having such a center will be discussed. - ton long wheel base Chev. Truck. Low mileage. Good tires. Reel aood. $1375.00 Packard Radiator. d Exc. Cond. mer, button bole attachments. AM ' also OXE3 & SAND DELIVERED, sand, gxavfl, top soil and road base CY fill dirt. CY '60 GRANGER RENTALS 298-196- SAND FOR RENT NEW 2 BEDRM., close to school and shop& ping. Air condition, disposal, Carp. 'drapes; taipcrt, patio, range & refrig. Child Q.K. 2298 .W. 3650 So. HU EM r brand new 2 bedroom Drapes, gas heat, and storage. BY apt. MAGNA, BY1 V LAWN MOWERS 3310 W. 3500 South 1954 STUDE. CY 6 R. H. OD. Good condition. Cleanest car in Town, Must see to appreciate. Best offer takes. See at 1962 West 3500 So. Granger. 1960 TR. GRANGER RENTALS SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS NEW & USED. 3310 W. 3500 South - EL KEARNS RESIDENTS, Want A In Granger or Magna? We 'Homes on Trade Several Choose From. Reed Davi3 New Home take Kearns Models to Inc. CY "Settle In The Modern West" Dont CY SERVICES 5250 So. 3200 West, WILL TEND children, my home. CY COMPETENT PIANO instruction, latest tech- niques, modern method. Beginners specialty. Miss Frances Collins, near GrangCenter. er Medical-Dent298-022- al HAVE HOMES in Kearns and Granger For Dear Sale or Trade. Call CY Baker. Galaxie Really & Investment Co are looking for a new home, want to trade into a better home, area call CY the Granger-Hunte- r Dean Baker. MEDICAL 01 n GCDWIN T.V. RADIO REPAIR W. 3500 So. 4983 GRANGER RADIATOR SERVICE, 4795 W. 2500 ro. Cleaning, Recoring. All work guaranteed. Free pick up and CY any sewing machine makes arid model Work Guaranteed. Ernest Jackson, 4534 550.00 FEYFARD tor ! cant repair. All W. 5515 So. CY v 5" C'-imt- cr Dutch, CY 8-22- 09 The PTA wishes to thank the faculty and Mr. Rowley, principal, for their tremendous cooperation throughout the year. It is hoped that all parents will give their support to Mr. Volma Heaton, president for the coming year, and his other officers, Lois Wilson first .; vice-pres- .; 'Mr. Rowley, second 'Barbara Bowers, third Marion Baxter, secretary, and Carol Rushtcn, treasurer. - $3.00 4153 W. 4&n0 So. 5342 So. Redwood 4534 So. 3200 Wes: 4020 So. 401 o Wes. ..SC: SO. 60C0 Wes: MOUNTAIN SOIL TECHNOLOGIST WANTED . t i Salt Lake, a.m. to 4:30 WAITRESS WANTED. Must BILLIARDS. 1633 West ie 21. BERT'S 330 CY vice-pres- .; or fertilized top soil. Special price. Located west of Redwood Road. VWWWWWVYvyyy.r,,yi INSIDE LADY For McDoucoli. school girl.s vice-pres- 75 WESTERN AUTO s; .; South. Kearns Frostop, No Carries a Complete Lins Dr. T. Chlepaj The party was under the direction of Barbara Bowers, outgoing president, and her other officers, Mr, Grace Setzer, first vice-preLaRue vice-presRowley, second Colleen Wilden, third vice-pres- .; Bailey, secretary, and Alice Wheaton, treasurer. of' : OPTOMETRIST BENNETTS Coloriser PAINTS EYES EXAMINED Glasses Fitted Con Leer Dovmtain Rearm Mcs;-:CY : June Special! Kitchen Chairs RECOVERED G.E.M. Music Snsdio Publisher Entered as 2nd Class matter at the Post Olfice rt salt Lake City, Utah und'T I io Act o: March 3. lbTb S3 00 per ver: Single Copy 5 cents Subscription Ro-'LSTABIISHCD 1S51 Published weekly by Yahey Vcg News Pubislong Company at ; , M huh Lake lhah Pv- -t fl.Yce Box I S 3 1 3 Kearns, Utah CY GRANGER MAGNA Dorothy Meyers, in charge of the hot lunch program at school, and Norma Wolley, kitchen worker, were honored for their extensive help with food for all PTA consultations throughout the year. 41 5666 SOUTH 4540 WEST ALL MAKES T. V. ond Hi FI Ct-slx- r L. SLOA.Y CS M374 - Phone CY DEMONSTRATORS: Earn up to RIDERS FROM KEARNS Monday through Friday, per hour demonstrating famous p.m. CY Studio Girl Cosmetics. Full or part time. Phone CY Valletf Vim Joyce Stout Arleen JMcrriI Donna Tfrtecc Jean Tracy Kora B. Mom " l,XY - CALLS - c CHRIS RUSHTON New Hospital, Granger. Full or part time. Good salary. Call Dx. Ogilvie, EM Phone JOSmi CY BEAUTY $5.00 CY to $19,400 4019 South 4000 West KEARNS WANTED $14,100 II you Plants, Cuts.i Up $15.00 Up.1 BOUQUETS, $4.50 Casket Sprays. Free Tube Testing. Maintenance Free Sundown Home OF FLOWERS TO ROSE PARK area, or close by. From Kearns. '7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CORSAGES, i.ERN You See the Beautiful The party vas held in the library 4 p.m., and refreshments were served under the direction of Grace Setzer, Jean Garriga, Elaine Dur rand, Annette Brown, Claudia Carter, and Jennie Speaks. at Call Vao Bowers CY get-acquaint- ed 27. INSURANCE CoU FEMALE HELP SUNDOWN HOMES Buy A New Home Before party for inPTA officers was given by coming the outgoing officers Monday, May RIDE ESTATE Westridgo Realty. CY ALL KINDS HUNTER FLOWERS, BACKGROUNDS, Reasonable Short Notice O.K. Oakeson Floral. 5250 So. 3200 West. CY , CY LISTINGS. 2 Of flees to Serve You. 4030 West 5415 4845 South 4775 West. South, CY REAL WE NEED labor CY or OWNER No down payment. will fill on contract. Lovely 3 bedroom, IY2 baths, inasonery, 5 yrs. old. $85 a month. $11,950. Open, 4375 W. 4985 So. EM FAUCETS repaired. $1.25, and materials included. Call EL After 5:00 P.M. A 3575 South 4000 West Have the convenience of automatic wash' ing in your home. Rent a washer for $3X0 per week and matching dryer for $5.00 per week. Western' Auto in Kearns GRANGER RENTALS G.I. 1 LEAKY Held May 27th MIDWEST INSURANCE CO. Davis. AM WEDDINGS CY REAL ESTATE Available June L '55PONTIAC Stick Real Sharp $ 595.00 795.00 '57 FORD 9 Pass Sta. Wgn, Clean MISCELLANEOUS 56 UICK 2 dr. Hd. Tp.. 1 owner 595.00 1595.00 '59 BUICK 4 dr. Hd. Tp. Electra '58 OLDS 2 dr. Convertible, Sharp 1295.00 DECORATE Your Yard with Modern Decorative Gas Lamps. Easy Terms. Call REDWOOD AUTO SALES CY M.F.S. Representative. 3380 South Redwood Road MERRY TILLERS BY Child or children in my home. Granger area. Mrs 3. SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS 3310 W. 3500 South WILL TEND CY ' Seam Beamon Road 2700 West 3500 South Investigate Our Prtgram ACCORDION - GUITAR and BAND INSTRUMENTS Sumn-.c- r ' PHONE Hu.T-er4Ua.rb- d DRAPERIES by CY Donna Brimley T.V, Service All Makes Repaired Guaranteed Work - Fast Sen ice -Phone CY 2600 -- Kearns Tea Get-Acquaint- ed :ALL SPECIAL PRICE $3,0O JENSEN iCOUNTRY CARPETS 1962 WEST 3500 SOUTH ;266-U2- 8 293-861- 1 -- IN NAUGAHSBE ONLY $00 JlChair SUPERIOR UPHOLSTERY Call CY .1 8-66- 42 |