Show NOTI NOTICE cac I 1 I 1 IS S I 1 jere I 1 y given ven to all per persons ons owning land in th the e big g field beld lehi lebi city attah county that the fence around said held field will have to be made new this alus spring and completed by the of may and that those who do not make their portion of the fence or make arrangements about it on or before that time will forfeit their claim to the lauds lands not thus fenced I 1 DANIEL COLLETT JOSEPH SKEEN committee WILLIAM BURGESS lohi lelli city feb 7 1855 48 at I 1 1 1 A WARNING LL MEMBERS oatha of thi th i QUORUM of ALL SEVENTIES are informed that meetings of this quorum aro aio held every WEDNESDAY evening it the shop of br john hawkins appo site G D watts new building at half past six ocl tick members whether residing iu in this city or ese elsewhere who do riot attend or report themselves at our meet meetings lugs will vill be considered delinquent their names erased from the quorum record and aid others milers ordained ordain dd in their stead I 1 I 1 I 1 SAMUEL MOORE I 1 JAMES TOWNSEND JOHN I 1 JAMES mcknight 48 81 3 presidents residing in G S L city DESERET GARDENS GEO EO T WILTSHIRE begs respectfully to call the attention of the inhabitants of utah tor territory gitry to a choice selection of garden seeds which he offers for sale in which arg are included sugar beet blood do may pea 0 deseret marrow pea broad windsor beans I 1 I 1 early long pod do do valentine do white soup do I 1 I 1 I 1 parsnip ca rot I 1 I 1 I 1 onion radish with a great variety ty of other garden and flower seeds of his own raising which lie warrants warrant S G S L city ward 3 blocks east and 5 blocks south from council house 48 61 t NOW OR OK NEVER HEREBY HERE BY au opo 10 I 1 0 publish for ir the b fi 1 I of all parties interested a 4 complete apha alpha bedua be tua list of all the recorded marks and ill bradds ands numbering one thousand ld and upwards on the following terms term viz to commence om mence publication immediately etterre ceiling four hundred subscribers at one dollar each paid in advance adar lee for which dollar each subscriber will he be furnished f airn i dished with a i full fall alphabetical list listef of jur araks aks and brands bound with paper covers as soon after their publication as cu ces will admit an alphabetical list larit of marks and brands isi is a thing much to be desireo desired and has often boen ben called for the above proposition places 1 list the raab reach of at P very yer y inar man wb or poor tile the price is nominal arely u sufficient to i V cover ea expense tenses so of printing and binding Breth brethren rep it if you such a list sow mow is is the time to obtain it by bv subscribing as above I 1 should there not se be fo conr r nr hundred subscribers obtained f after baitin waiting a reasonable time the ilie me means meanda ansA advanced by individuals will be refunded to them tic no mas mars or brands will b be ey printed hinted in this list only those which have beeri been paid for and am should any persan person wish to change the record record of his bis place of residence on the brand record opportunity is hereby offered previous to publication of said book I 1 tb there er e is also alio ja a chance tor for some more brands to be re recorded recorder aja and id printed iq in this list fist as there ayo are quite i a number which have not been paid paia for and their places eWeg will be filled by the first on record hereafter some also who have had ha characters 1 2 aters rei recorded corded and have paid the price orice of recording but bilt have riot not paid the extra cost of procuring ty type p e these will not cot be printed till paid tor for I 1 WM CLAYTON 48 at 31 Reco recorder raer 0 ot Brand te FOR FOB SALE T dry creak utah fifteen acm of good land a city lot a gooda good dobie house with two rooms granary and fowl house bouse two hog perls pens cattle pen soud aud stack yard inquire of J HANDFORD 48 at pry dry creek utan THE subscriber begs beg leave to inform the X citizens of great salt lake city that he has commenced recommenced re business at the whip factory opposite elder orson axson hydes provision store where all kinds of work in tailo tailoring ring such as cutting makil matiiw up ac ac will be done on the shortest notice and and the best style produce tithing orders ac taken in pa pay r WM H DARGER no TOR T THE STATES T HE undersigner undersigned under signed ened designs to start east for the states on ois bout the first of april HO he takes this method to ii twite k ite Merel merchants kants and there others who wish to go east this conling ng to report their heir names at the desere tore in arder that a sufficient company may be to travel safely through the indian country 48 st THOS S WILLI WILLIAMS AMS UTAH LIBRARY Abelon ALL LL persons having books in their possession belonging gring to the utah library are requested to return the same by the ath day of february next in order that I 1 may comply with a resolution passed bythe by the legislative assembly jan 19 N B 19 the library room will be open ope 11 every day up to the of february from 9 am until 3 pm WM C STAINES 46 jat librarian to traders emigrants and freighters WARD GUERRIER at sandy M point 7 indes west of fort foit laramie on the main emigration road would inform travel travelers cirs to and from the states and the public generally that they will constantly keep on hand at their station a good supply of fresh animals groceries 1 I provisions and general assorted merc merchandise liandi se which i they will furnish on reasonable lea terms they w 11 II also trade t ade for cattle mules and horses WARD GUERRIER FOR SALE AT A T THE salt lake city post office stamped a envelopes at the following rates T three h ree cent letter lette i size at 3 26 per six do do six cent official size at do ALSO cent letter stamps 1 post masters merchants and others in this territory can be furnished with any of the above b by r remitting c in i eting the cash ya 44 4 3 at t E SMITH P M garden seeds for salle sale nhe HE subscriber offers for sale a general as T JL ent of garden gaiden seeds raised laifed in in his garden last year 1854 eveia attention has been paid to grow seeds f from rom duct kinds of vegetables that are the he most productive and best adapted to tn the valley it can therefore be depended upon as f fresh h and the best quality which will be sold at moderate model ate prices roi foi cash flour gram grain butter eggs ac NB work in in garden and mancie al 11 will betoken betaken be taken in exchange for seeds on liberal terms EDWARD SAYERS 47 amo ward ward united states mail to manti anti HE subscriber begs leave to inform the T THE citizens of utah that the he united states mail coach for passengers and parcels will leave B hawkins hotel great salt like lake L ike city every thursday at 6 am and arrive arnup at caiti evely saturday Sati uday at 6 pm leave kanii every monday at 6 am a m and arrive ai rive at great salt lake city every wednesday at 6 pm P passengers as or 01 pat pai eels cels to union drapersville Drapers ville lehi Anie american rican fork pleasant grove giovo springville Spring ville palmyra Pal myia payson parson nephi fort ephraim Ephia im anil and manti will be earned on reasonable term JOHN DALEY ft L and passenger I 1 COACH between GS lacily and cewill leave hawkins hotel ings L Cit yand the noland house in independence no mo on the hie 1st ast day of each month at 8 am a m stopping a short time at the following way stations station via viz fort bridger green river devils gate fart Laramie Ash hollow fort For lKearney kearney and big blue every facility anil and attention attert tion will be e extended to passengers to render their heir trip speedy and comfortable for table I 1 I 1 F for or further particulars apply to the following agents J M G S L City Utah ISAAC HOCKADAY 24 1 ly y independence re no MO BOOTS AND SHOES AMES KEATES begs to announce to the JAMES J inhabitants of this ilits territory that havink having purchased the entire stock in trade in the above line of ira arose ames has dommen commenced ced basi business hess on east temple street 1 next door to 0 hyda ayd a provision store and earnestly solicits the attention of a discerning public to a ready made stock kept on hand of homemade boots and shoes and as there has been much prejudice ex existing isLing in in the minds of many against rome home Manu fac tures w we beg to state stale wo can now boast of hav ingwood tanned leather froth from ira alesc tannery not surpassed in the united stages in conse consequence que nee of the scarcity of bf money J K will take most kinds of marketable produce in exchange for boot and shoes 47 at AD ADAMS ams co Is GREAT SALT SAIT LAKE CITY I 1 16 EXPRESS I 1 ILL be dispatched on oft or about the first of WILL W every month for california sandwich Js Islan lands dg australia atlantic states and all trea treasures valuable packages qs and forwarded by our express are insured and forwarded to 0 o destination in charge of messengers without detention ie exchange for sale on loudon london new york and san Fr francisco incisco to a limited amount aino urit letters lp papers apers and collections collection will swill receive I 1 the utmost care cai e I 1 I 1 I 1 particular attention will tie be the sing and foi warding forwarding ot of any goods that rhay may be ordered from san francisco office with livingston Living stop kinkead co ADAMS CO 43 31 per felix TAA I 1 ajr AUCTION MART GREAT AX attraction TRACTION I 1 r the auction mart GEORGE GODDARD ar has commenced selling off at pub 1 lip A ll kl 1 llo l I lo of f hr bia 1 I 1 merchandise which he intends to continue I 1 ever every y day at half past 10 a nf until the whole is entirely disposed of bf and to render these dai j ly tales sales as attractive and interesting to therom the corn inanity as possible pos aible G G will wili keep up a constant variety to meet the wants of if p purchasers a roba S er a by receive receiving ing from merchants and others every conceivable assortment ot ol goods furniture ac which he 14 is pre prepared parea to to take in an and d sell at auction I 1 tin on commission I 1 I 1 the store will be open as usual before and after the hours of sale for for taking I 1 indue in due bills and ana orders and baitin waiting on cu us t amei a awon OW GE GODDA GODDAD D 8 auction and boril commission assion merchant t east gy t temple street gre great at salt lake my i UNITED STATES AILS It lAil BY D Y the present arrangements made by y the xi department JP J P part ment the mails aie are to leave and ir arrive rive at A salt lake datys city as follows I 1 the southern Sou fhern mail to fo manti will leave every thursday morning and arria arrive e eiery ayery wednesday I 1 evening the california mail via fillmore parowan Pa royvan roWan and cledar cedar city U T and san bernardino cal to sap san diego will leave the lat day and 4 arrive by the of every month I 1 L I 1 11 the mail to thoele tooele city leaves every I 1 monday and arrives on an tuesday evening g the ogden mail leaves every monday hild and thursday mornin morning 95 aind and arrives every tuesday and eraday y ev evening eLking I 1 I 1 brar th i e eastern ast arn mail leaves the first an should I 1 ar arrive nieby by the last day of each month the eastern and california aeils are closed at 4 pm the he lit last day of each month chien bie fi co correspondents re P den t will do to remen remember liber I 1 artt E M SMITH P M I 1 1 11 I 1 i i 1 I 1 I 1 SIMA STRAYED 11 F ROM dr Rie barAs P pasture io sept JL small bay mare brand branded 1 I 1 I 1 on ontas shoulder bring to the be sub subscriber xada warded 47 at ue ID SHA I 1 W 1 B Y the subscriber near the west mou a small whitecow with red neck meek we w mg ing a small bell has a young yona calf the owner neti requested to come and rw prove r andai charges I 1 I 1 J 1 GEEN an 47 at west mountain notice THERE i is s in in my posses possession sion a ted red and vs 4 I 1 X spotted steer three years old next sp sprite 1 has a crop off left ear and tinder ider bit in rights I perceivable brands he was taken an va mi grant herd last summer J W HESS 47 at pound keeper pavis davis county comity A ST STRAY FA Y COW DEEP E I 1 EP red bush of the tail white a I 1 white hairs under the belly an under SI liu in both ears five years old she had a C calf if Z to spring also a black steer three years old on spring no brands visible I 1 JOHN W HESS pound keeper 48 farmington davis county 1 silo 0 REWARD WARD W MT be paid for or the f following oll oking strays fat T Y 5 or either efthem of them a black horse hone branded Y op cip the left hip a white borsi M freckled with red branded J C on the deft hip hilli and an S on the shoulder both about 9 years olda five year old ox mostly white some red spots 1 red about one pye eye branded ill ended SHELTON on the il born fio rn TW 46 at warl ward NOTICE TICE 7 TI have in in my possession the following pl lowing SWI stra cattle one dark daik brindle cow slit aneati in each ear a little white in in face and on hind lege white while belly and branded 0 on left horm bom also a herf hei calf supposed to belong to the cow one red cow white f face ace and bel belly ly u under te 1 in in each ear no brands one while steer with red head bead and neck ec k little white in in facea face crop off right ear ar b brandy st 4 1 left hip not plain also one red and flea bitten white steer im crop 9 off right light ear and branded J yon left horn born tile the owners are requested to prove pay charges and take them away i A HILL i pound keeper i 47 t I 1 mul mill creek G S L county 4 1 PEACH TREES tIMI SIES i athe OR SALE apply to JOSEPH CAIN A 4 he post office 48 at WANT ED nn HEAD of cattle consisting of 0 5 00 J heifers heffers Hei fers steers arid oxen at 3 M HORNER C COS OS NOTICE I 1 TIn ephe HE highest price price pay paid for barkand sulli sumac JL information formation given to those who desire it when to cut and how to caire sumac for tarl purposes 34 am WM fiell JAMES shelmerdine I 1 I 1 W WILL ILL give a good price for fox and anaw skins also beaver musk rat 1 ando i other oiher kinds hat shop on Emig emigration ratio stra str i two wo blocks east of east temple street co on with your skins and encourage home man fac fractures tures I 1 47 31 UNITED STATES MAII s I 1 I 1 UTAH 11 POST OFFICE december Det De bember 5 1854 l PROPOSALS for or carrying 3 the mails di the united states from the day of sep sen raber te 1855 1955 to the the day of june 1858 inclusive in UTAH TERRITORY will be received at the contract office of tu post office department inthe city of wart wad ington ton until 9 am of the 15 th day of auy ju M 1 1855 55 to be decided by the next day on W routes and inthe in the time herein specified v vit I 1 from salt lake city by nem neff I 1 mill mill greek creek Holl settlement aa tle lie cottonwood Jott onwood and drapersville Draper Drapers sTille ville to moua aidville ain ville 25 miles and back once a week leave leate salt lake city every thursday at ail ai a in I 1 arrive at kaiue samo do day y ll 11 by 7 p pm m leave every friday it at J a in I 1 11 t arrive at salt lake city same day hyl pm P 1111 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 A from salt lake city by T a lot ville west jordan gardners gardeners Gard ners mills SH 11 11 8 BM ab 1 ham bam and kanyon to cedar valley Y 4 45 5 mill i e and back once a week I 1 I 1 f leave salt lake city every every thursday esda y at 40 I 1 am a M arrive at cedar Cedor I 1 Valley next day by bi 12 4 j leave cedar valley every friday at I 1 PA P parrice pAr arr ive riye at salt lake city next d day ay by balt it am a m I 1 t 11 1808 from tooele thoele city tor to 12 miles and back once a week leave thoele tooele city every tuesday baill ap it lac am a m I 1 arrive at by 12 rn mi 11 0 leave grantsville Grants ville every tuesday at I 1 pail p I 1 1 arrive at tooele |