Show I 1 anecdote of general putnam among the worthies who flourished dui dm ing the era of the american rs revelation perhaps there was waa none possessing more originality of character than that of gen putnam who was eccentric and fearless blunt blaut in his manners the daring soldier without the polish of a gentleman ile ho might well be called tile the marion of the north though lie disliked disguise probably from fram the fact of his lisping which was very apt to overthrow day any trickery lie he might have in view I 1 at this ume time a strong hold called horseneck hor some soma miles from new york was in tho the hands oi of the british Putnam with a awe sturdy patriots was lurking larking in the vicinity beut bent on driving them from the place tired of lying in ambush the men became impatient and importuned importuner tile the general with bout i with the f oed 0 ne ma in ing be e ma oe 0 I 1 have a something to th the e following effect which a convinced speech them sat that something was in the wind veblen been 06 too long and so havoc fellows lows boll V have TT 1 11 1 I going to bushs buchs Bus hs at rn in tm an th an ox team and a load of corn if I 1 hour eback I 1 will let you kaow the particular sif them have it by hobyl 1 i should not let he shortly afterwards mounted his oxcart ox cart dressed as one of the commonest order of yankee farmers andaas and was at bitsas bushs tavern which was in possession of the british troops no sooner dd the officers espy him than they began to question him as to his whereabouts I 1 and nd fi finding n d ing him a complete simpleton as they th thought ag lit they h ey began to quiz him and threatened to 1 seize I the I 1 li corn rai and fodder how much do da you ask for abr your whole con cern cerna asked they 1 for mercy sake g gentlemen ent lemen 1 replied the mock clodhopper with the most deplorable look of entreaty only atme offard off and you shall have my hull team and load for nothing and if that wont dew ill give you yon my word 11 ill it return tomorrow to morrow and pay you yon heartily for your kindness and condescension well I 1 sod sid they well take apu at your word leave the team and provender with us and we wo boht I 1 ill t require be bail it for forvour your appearance putnam gave up the team and sauntered about for an hour or so gaining all the information formation in he wishek wish edhe dhe then returned ro to his men and told them of the foe and the plan of attack the morning came and with it sallied out the k gallant band the british were handled with mith rough hands and when they surrendered dered to gerk gen putnam i he sarcastically remark I 1 ed I 1 gentlemen I 1 have kept my word I 1 told you 1 would call cal and pay you for your kindness and condescension |