Show FIRST ANNUAL FESTIVAL OF THE TYPO association OF DESERET SOCIAL HALL G S L CITY february 2 1855 i COMMITTEE OF arrangements P H YOUNG B H YOUNG J MACKNIGHT G HALES J BULL J B KELLY 5 PM president P H young called the meeting to order and introduced elder W W phelps who eng engaged aged in prayer A coolly portion of the guests having arrived the dance began with double cotil lons the social hall having an aren area of 40 feet by 33 iii independent dependent of the stage which is seated and used at parties for a gallery and orchestra is the most commodious and favorite hall for dancin dancing jn n conr territory the first presidency favored the party with their presence also elders G A finith and C C rich of the twelve other honorary members of the association having been prevented from joining with us on account of bu business siness and indisposition many of the wives of tile the elders a broad abroad on missions were invited and waited upon in carriages r n s to the hall aa dancing ae awas was continued with spirit and energy until 7 p pm in when the president i introduced elder john G chambers who in behalf of the association delivered the following ADDRESS GENTLEMEN AND LADIES I 1 another revolution of our planet around tile sun lias has again given opportunity to the chabi 1 tants of deseret to renew their annual festivities I 1 and rejoicings rejo icings I 1 the year 1854 is now numbered among the past and the year 1855 has been ushered in within vales jiin the me 01 cannon me I 1 sounds of music and dancin dancing g in fact with almost everything calculated to enliven and exhilarate the heart of man among these r rejoicings rejo icings the printers festival is this evening to be numbered and in behalf of the painters PAil penters of deseret I 1 appear appear before you on this occasion ort on looking around me and observing the increased number of our friends compared with that of our last festival it would appear r that the glory yet to be achieved by the aea typographic g graphic art is but dawning on 0 our ur last anniversary we were enter entertained taine d at the united states hotel col J C little pi tor but ax as this territory advances in greatness so idso also will wili every branch of industry iti increase crease in importance therefore impelled by the growing demands demanda of a young oung batt but thriving colony we have at this time found it most in accordance with our wishes and most conducive to the happl happiness ness of our friends friend 9 f to 0 occupy this pac joua liall hall arid and here we greet you with gladness and rejoice in n the presence odthe of the numerous and happy throng that now HOW sur rounds us I 1 i in making afew a few remarks on this oeda occasion sion I 1 will endeavor not to sermonize that part we witt will leave for the first Preside presidency ricy and the twelve who aade ha hono honored re d ui ab nb with their presence I 1 do not think it y this evening I 1 to enie history his hid tolof toy of to whom we areto ascribe the honor of bringing this art into exis tence teat that is a controvert bd ed point and digs abril worn threadbare by the world below and while they attribute the credit to gutenberg of strasburg rat orT or faust aust of mayence we wilt will deem it wr oar duty to ascribe all the honor arid and glory to him who inspires the he hearts of men to do certain thin things at 1 certain times that a way might be opened ar far the ad advance truth and the opening pei aing up of the bast n g tj P n ahe abe final establish at meak orb of his is IC kingdom in and the future ove overthrow of allot all others herd e w who 0 will not hot receive his authority au authority thorit y and 4 rule I 1 it alas has been judiciously judicious i y asserted that the press presa wat was one of the irda greatest test boons ever given to iriani nian this assertion however has a twofold aspect wiler we consider that the world on the outside of these is chiefly guided hy numerous I 1 spirits who 0 rise up from time to time I 1 and wield t tha h p pea an sending for forth th thier grand panaceas for the multifarious evils that affect the human race when we reflect that the affairs of all the nations upon the face of the earth are mostly governed by corrupted views and opinions as numerous and varied as the beings for w whom hom they are intended invaded we may reasonably conclude that the influence of the press under such auspices is mostly evil in such a case tile the greater the facilities afforded to promulgate a to opinions the greater will be the difficulty and doubt as ta which are the most correct modes of procedure to amend these evils evil this state of things in the nations of the earth earth is not inaptly illustrated by a volcano of which I 1 have read whose crater continually bel belches clies forth mud water and smoke so it is with the file members fifthe of the press not enlightened by the spirit of god the more they write the moia more mud and smoke they belch forth into the political atmosphere mog mo sphere phere and the ahe more ali they y try to elevate mankind the deeper they sink in the mire and they will continue to boso doso do so because they will 1 not ceceile f e the true principles of life and exaltation lia g do we despond do we imagine for a in 0 DF nt that this state of things will wil for ever co continue ili nue Is there no remedy Is there no balm bali for this cankerous state of babylon de no the mormons cormons never de despond poud the press as wielded among the nations has been an instrument of tyr tyranny an py and oppression but as there is always ar a a r relura ura tide i W inmost mast seas go so there will be a return retura tide in the world of literature rejoice oice then 0 ye nations afar off the pen is a again again wielded fielded by the priesthood of god he press reas is is now sending forth its entreaties that speak louder than thunder crying repent repent ye all ye nations and escape the wars pestilence fire and dearth de arth for the lord god almighty is coming to judge the earth As miss eliza R snow our talented poetess sings so sing we wei I 1 I 1 cathe the press the press tho the dedret press an instrument of power to bless 2 and well even venture to prophecy that though the press generally has been instrumental jn in propagating pa falsehood it will be a much more power mi fat means in disseminating truth troth arid and we the priesthood of the last days bid de defiance flunce to all the powers of darkness to thwart our efforts arid and to prevent the knowledge of the lord covering the earth as the lie waters cover the channels of the great deep this has been decreed in the he counsels of heaven and who shall disannul it tile the time is is fast approaching when genius shall emit her splendor and learning le arnina amass her stores and every power shall be devoted to the lionor honor and glory of the lord of hosts rejoice then ye elders of israel ismel ye soldiers of tile the lord for victory is yours in reference to the progress of the printing profession in this valley durin daring the past year some cha charges have occurred aaring daring the illness of our beloved friend arid and brother dr willard richards late editor and proprietor of tile the news a consider considerable abe portion of the editorial department rested upon chancellor orson spencer who is no now forming a stake of zion in the states the illness of dr richards increased which terminated in his death on the I 1 lelh I 1 th of march last in which event the church was bereaved of a counselor and the saints of a friend I 1 since the departure of orson spencer for tile the states the editorial duties have devolved upon professor A carrington under professor cars car wg tons supervision the deseret news lias has continued with some exceptions owing to the scarcity 9 of paper papery to graury gratify its readers weekly and we are in some measure indebted tj ti the ingenuity of hollis and howard who entered into the manufacture of paper inthis in this city ou on the the department i of tho ewo otee was w as most ably conducted cou ducted li by our respected brother elder A C CB brower rower until last ast fall when he resigned I 1 liis his position in the office and has since removed to tooele thoele valley with a view of entering upon farming pursuits in which we heartily wili wih I 1 him success elder james mcknight has succeeded suei ceedee liim him in the he office i we WB have since tile the ushering in ot of the year 1855 formed an association which is entitled I 1 11 the th typographical association of deseret Desi eret I 1 of which this is our first anniversary the 0 object act I 1 of which association is the progressive develop 1 denof every every art and scie science tice which may conduce I 1 to tile the moral or intellectual intellect uil improve improvement me n i of its 1 I members and the common good the constitution which we have fre framed md i is i signed by fifteen active members the association consists also of twelve hono I 1 maryf counselors eigl eighteen iteen honorary members and several everal corresponding members with such an association association arid and such an array of members it cannot but have influence in cementing society and increasing the strength of the bulwark of truth which is in course of erection in these the mountains of israel 1 ia ii the future progress of this kingdom with wh which 1 1 we are identified the press wi will ill of lecessi necessity ty oe occupy e ll 11 p ya a conspicuous part it has already done a mighty work since gutenberg commenced operations but as an old english parson once said it has yet to accomplish a mighty geleal gf eat work alting printing had advanced considerably when tile the spirl spirits ts of martin lather calvin zwingli and thon began begaii to exhibit their powers over v the file st strongholds strong 0 agh holds old s of darkness and supers Ulion numerous religious bodies immediately came into existence their minds began to be enlightened I 1 by the spirit of god and they I 1 saw in part tile the errors of e ir lorefa iners a way was miss inus opened for the org organization animation aniza tion of the church and kingdom of god upon the earth HOW soon tile the world world felt the potent influence I 1 of the press science advanced inventions were developed lev eloped discovery after discovery took place book after book was published false doctrines and false principles pr promulgated and palmed upon the until it i is a weary of conjectures and is reeling to 0 o and frejik fro like e a drunken man the press under got god Is by vis iris servants the haly priesthood is being felt in the nations of the earth and is now in its legitimate channel performing the work that has been beep designed for it in the decrees of the most hig high gh the book of mormon is published among the nations revealing the hidden deeds of former ages giving li arno na upon une linea and precept upon precept the fame of the PROPHET ropher f JOSEPH has already reached th the e uttermost parts of thi th earth and aina advy now a voice like thunder is heard from theadis the tops of the moun mountains bains the lion of the lord even brigham his servant has begun to roar and tile the reverberation Is felt in the distant parts of the earth tile the fi latious ailous are looking with amazement at the prosperity of the Mor Alor mons in these thebe snowy regions and are making all kinds of 04 bons ns ana ami beoo Q jec cures tirres as to whit w the final re MOT mor but they cannot tind a seer anywhere to given them the he I 1 subject even tile the sahit rappers cannot asto as to the ultimate issue of this so called delusion here we are gentlemen and ladies fixed in the midst of the ano ts to carryout carr carT with the help of god bod the great purposes of our being publishing P U b V truth setting g things in their proper corderi ang afir our works up upon 0 n the world pro proving i ng the follies of past ages correcting corrow false traditions tradition 1 r king 0 o ff the rust of lark ness iless s superstition and 1 I crime I 1 while the shout of war and clashing of i arms are heard bearl and the nations ar are arrayed one i a ganst the other the M cormons mormons armons aro are permitted for a season to rest im in pe peace ace to build houses and inhabit them to pla plant a t vineyards arid and eat the I 1 fruit thereof and most of all to build up a I 1 Tei temple aple tor to the fee lorland lord Lor dand and prepare themselves for his coming n i I 1 I 1 may alay 4 god i ais us va aft ana an may maj we always be I 1 feitha t to b ea ew covenants cove co venan nanta hild and prove ourselves worthy of that holy priesthood which we hvid amen then ar henry malben maiben sang the following song which was composed for this occasion by zions ziona poetess miss E R snow ai THE presa tuned TUNE 7 sea 7 aa 10 THE PRESS the Press the printing press 1 ot of noble art the world to bless it wields the products of the pen I 1 the truths of the gods and crafts of M men it moves s with the might of a giants arm ami its roaring thunders give alarm it wakes the wrath ot of fearful tro ire its frictions rouse polemic fire its smile antwi entwines n es the wreath renown and monarchs wither at its frown and the press reflects from its mirror pagel page tile the progress and the of the age the press the press where thereas th Preas Is free fre there dwells the goddess LIBERTY and peace and plenty hand in hando hand rich bleb blessings dispense out the laud land and rights of man and the gifts of god are ara nursed with care and spread abroad and streams of intelligence freely flow to the rich and poor to high and low the press the speed sect of the race imparts to the march of Scle science rice and useful arts and it holds a key to loose or bind contract or widen the sphere of mind the press the Press the deseret creag an instrument of pow ir to bless A trumpet with loud thunders rite rife and it stands on board the phlp of life it sounds loud and clear the orders elvo by as they flow from hearn it sounds the cry of dread alarm ye nations mark the coming dark clouds are gathering oer the earth from wars ciresi ares pestilence and dearth to the ship hastel haste fly tor for the scourge of god in vengeance will be poured abroad the press the press the dearel press in zion stands the saints to bless an organ of god with music rife its volumes swell high with notes of life and sweet Is its voice its ts breath Is pure pura its tones are rich its words are sure its accents thrilling deep and clear and reach the hearts of all that hear bear when borne boms on wings of the wind with joy are hallad by saints of god and they all respond with a shout success to printers and as A deseret press I 1 ay 7 pm dinner being announced tile tho president called off the numbers allotted for the first table when persons persona were seated elder geo A smith invoked the blessing of the lord on the dainties spread before us during the first table the dance continued but on the music joining the second table the hall was promenaded promenades promiscuously and some of our best beat singers voluntarily treated the company with some of the songs of zion tile the presidency joined in the second table being absent on business during the first on the musicians returning the dance was resumed with wonted spirit 11 pm the typographical corps sang the following sons song led by mr H Ma maiben illen ca composed expressly for the occasion by elder john davis late of wales THE ART or ON PRINTING aua eifle right or won wrong X I 1 leel feel tonight to night bight to sing a son sons about the art of printing it Is a noble art indeed and of all others takes the lead for all mankind 3 of every creed on this one point are well agreed when invented first etwas said that man was by the devil led or else eise he neler neer could get his head to learn the |