Show i I 1 SIR sip ROBERT P r EIs FAMILY ti tile london correspondent n of the now york sunday times furnishes famishes that journal with the Sollow following ilij sketch of the family of sir robert peel 1 the lift laft sir robert peels father who amassed I 1 a coll fortune by cotton spinning lipil luing was very ambi ambitions tiou of founding oan ding a family as it js is called and tile tho first step would be of course to get a barruete baronetcy baroa barou etcy ete now though vitt ritt all biado d quito an army of peer and anh baranets baronets baro nets out of banker chants ship owners and country gentlemen he had a dislike to fastening fi hereditary heredi tarr rank on mere manufacturers manufacture rm old peet was in as a rank tory voted for the ike greater portion of pitts measures la return he demanded a baronetcy was fie fhe may have llave a knighthood knight bood which is all that tha we gave arkwright the millionaire cotton spinner in im derbyshire this was true trae with he addition that arkwright who appeared at court with a loyal and dutiful address was dubbed knight toy by til of lif his own accardy accord without any suggestion from his bis minister pitt I 1 at this time while the question of the baronetcy was wag pending peel fuel who then spelt his naw name poets peela aid id two thi thing sh he continued to vote with pitt and auche lie kept in trade the firm was peel peela yates ksevery every manchester Manc iester man recollects the war with franca FranCO came on wad laya invasion sion was threatened at A loyalty loan ass got up to which the british capitalists con which wasa as d very large sum but bat besides sod thisbee thi sPee also made a presed present at to george 1110 III of 0 a splendid 74 gu ann a ship which he be had purchased pit rehashed from the builder and had funy fully fitt eup up with stores 19 provisions roam ons and all gilb other requirements OT of a neat at rate man of war 1 this liberal example 3 was thought I 1 so well of by the king that he himsl suggested that the wealthy manufacturer I 1 sho should iti dhe be raised to the rank of df i baliet ba coHa which was dau donen aa peels showing which he readily read lily did having by that time purchased the great grea landed estate estace of tamworth that he could and entail to the ii aul annul value of lamo a year to maintain the ahe za dignity fy 1 0 t ue the raia I 1 I 1 I 1 1 ITA 03 A good name is more easily lost than gained |