Show speen SPEED ED THE kilm PLOW ONE HUNDRED hendred HODGES celebrated kj steel plows flows in hand band and for sale by aj am W if HOOPER hoorer WANTED ME apen N THOUSAND pounds of WOOL JL ja in exchange for tor merchandize merchandise dize by 1 am W IT HOOPER WAGONS I 1 WANT to elchan exchange O e echt eight or ten wagons suitable for the 0 kenyons kan for tor lumber and Shing shingles les leq I 1 have six sis light iron axle wagons wagon for sale for cash cattle or mules 1 ara W n H HOOPER B BATTALION SOLDIERS or their legal heirs helis who ij haye hays not received the travel pay and subsistence due duo them from the IT S government can obtain the saleby same by making application through sl 51 am W n H hoorer HOOPER 1 classes ti noe for or ladies Ms M I 1 RS EO ED E sutherland having studied under the first masters in england will receive adult pupils for lessons on the piano plano 10 per quarter drawing in pencil or crayons 5 per quarter ornamental needlework taught including english ani and F french rench embroidery point lacet ey knitting netting and crochet crochets a coune course of 12 lessons lesson sp 3 class for history 3 geography composition reading writing arithmetic needlework and crochet 5 per pe r quarter 1 cuthberta cuthberts Cuth berts cottages 3 ward 7 73 7 3 BOUNTY bouney lland lind FOR por OR the information of persons person sor or their legal representatives who may have served the government of the united states in any at of the wars in which she may have been engaged since 1790 1 deem it politic to publish so much law passed march ad 1855 as wi points out who are entitled I 1 am still purchasing valid applications for tor land warrants or land Warrant satter sar ter issued or will obtain the warrants on commission the following persons persona are aro entitled according to the tho above law commissioned and aud noncommissioned commissioned non officers musicians and privates whether of regulars volunteer volunteers sy rangers or militia who were regularly mustered into the service of the united S states t ates and every officer commissioned or noncommissioned commissioned non commas seaman ordinary seamen marine clerk and landman in the navy lo 10 any of the wars in which this country has been engaged since 1790 and each of the sur survivors of the mill militia lia tia or volunteers or or state troops of any state or territory called into military service and regularly reul re arly ariy must wust mustered ered therein and whose services shall have been paid by the united states aiso also wagon masters and teamsters employed in time of war in the transportation of military stores and supplies also tile the 1116 widows or orphans of any of the aforesaid a also officers and soldiers of the revolutionary war or their thir widows or minor children i also those who nho served as xoi vol volunteers at tre the invasion of Plats burgin burg in september 1814 also aiso at the battle battie ot of kings fountain in the revolutionary war and th the e battle of sic Nic kolack kojack against the federated confederated con savages orth of the south 11 also 4 chaplains who served wilh with the army tn in the I 1 several wars of the country i also flotilla men and those who served as volunteers volun volunteers leers at the attack attach on lewiston in delaware 2 by the british fleet in the war of 0 1812 15 NOTE the forg foregoing going act gives to each legal applicant one hundred and sixty acres efland arland of land hence those who may have received a forty or eighty acre wart warrant anty are entitled to receive all an additional warrant for tor sufficient lelent land to make mahe bao la tho the whole one hundred and sixty acres tu vl 74 71 74 AV n menen RENEW NOTICES NOTICE aphis will certify that wm R jones al 11 Is my lawful agent to transact all business committed to his charge 72 7 2 MATTHEW GAUNT TAILORING establishment deseret store GAR juu JUA ij MENTS out cut handmade and made to order by N n H FELT reformation in tiie the Ii nany Kany anyon oli oil is to notify all persons hauling hattling 0 a butof out of south mill creek kanon not to forget th the e toil and to settle up old debts or they wIll find rno NO admittance 01 6 am E B FULLER FULLE collector sheer SHEEP 9 catule CATTEE SES 77 ILL be taken by us u on bingham V y creek south to herd hera ar or raise on shares lat at the usual rates es length of time immaterial with us meshall we shall shail prepare to feed our oar stock when necessary during the win ter att BLAIR blain BROTHER NOTICE g ace ree JOHN CARLILE wishes to inform itlie the public that he has commenced and CARRIAGE work and intends to accommodate cult bummers mers at the shortest notice and the lowest terms shop ohe one block west of the temple block bloc 73 7 3 WANTED immediately 0 two thousand 1 pounds p of bacon three or four skillets Ski Sk liets illets or bake ovens T ten e n or twelve rifles or shot guns two or three charter oak sultanna or new era ccok cook I 1 ins ing stoves by ia 72 3 W H HOOPER HOOPE R W barman bayman W ATCH MAKER respectfully iny y forms the inhabitant inhabitants 0 of f great salt lake city alid and vicinity that he intends cirr carr carrying ying on his business in the house formerly occupied by A L hale II 11 ale north temple st ward and will warrant all work done by him to give satisfaction as he understands bis his busi busl business in all its branches jewelry neatly repaired charges very moderate a te 43 tf NAILS wares WAXES narl NAIL S 9 D SAB sabin li has machinery y in in oper atlon for making all kinds of nails naila to order lie will exchange nails for wheat corn potatoes and other aimel produce oon con come e on with it lt now p a the accepted D granted gW j ANTED wanted tirs tir and band irona iron for which lie be wh will pay in nails or work in his shop encourage home sitf NOTICE aa A DOW BOW copper tin smith and plumber will ma male make ke litt lift t pumps to draw from 60 W 60 feet and portable garden force pumps to throw water 30 feet also all kinds of block tin work as soon ds as his tools tooti and machines arrive from the devils deglis gate N NB D all ail kinds of china and queens ware neatly clasped 3 ac ac emigration street ward 62 52 am ON HAND AT C LITTLES furniture and car ja JO arlage ariage depot ward rocking racking dining and hide alde hl de ens chairs tables lounges bedsteads ac s carriages manufactured and repaired we are also prepared to paint carriages and other ornamental painting at short notice annd arid for reasonable prices also for sale an omnibus or band carriage one spring carriage and a spring buggy will take stock in exchange 23 lumber wanted 3 am GRINDING GRINDING ephe THE undersigned undersigner under signed would re respectfully fu 1 y JL announce to the inhabitants 0 of f tooele thoele and the a adjoining djoi ning counties that persons pers onit fishl wishing ng grinding d done dono 0 n 0 can be accommodated on short notice all seasons of the year as the mill springs s never freeze at C E T benson co s new grist billj mill situated at 21 similes miles west from G S L city which Is warranted to make as fine flour and ancl as good a turn out as any mill in the territory 45 am E T BENSON CO charnes CHARLES 52 11 BASSETT A T levi Stewart stewarts sd ss sto ard re is my authorized agent to settle settie any myland land claims vt vf 1852 1802 and 1853 cart CAPT w ir HOOPER iq authorized to set tl ti eail tall other land claims please call cail gents and settle and save yourselves and us trouble 2 am 8 JJ BLAIR brana sheets brand sheets N 0 is hereby given that the J brand rand sheets now neatly bound can be had bad by calling at the thi presidents office price 1 cash or tr heat wheat at cash price taken in payment persons having cattle est rayed or those purchasing wiil will fand find it to their advantage to have the Brand drand sheets by them for reference ir B CLAWSON recorder of brands NOTICE TO A A blacksmith understanding 0 coun LA try work Is needed at santaquin San Sin or summit creek where hei hel can be tie furnished shop tools coal roal ac with a good amount of business any one desiring such a situation in Ihei country would do well to report immediately in person or for tor further information inquire vt of D T le aaronj bamon baron mrs A IV babbitts residence resl resi dence G S L city 63 6 3 B P F JOHNSON phonon A A lil lii ill ONT 0 GRAPHIC 0 CLASS is now C SL forming and will iv iii lii commence on thura Thurs thursday da evening april 9 at sevan seven o in the seventies council hall and will be continued two tivo or three throe c e edings a week for thirty evenIng evenings sj or until the whole theory of the system of phonetic shorthand Is exhibited persons persona wishing tet tel acome members of the c lass class are requested to rive rise in their names without delay as no one unacquainted with the rudiments of 0 the science wl will I 1 be admitted after the second lesson leeson has been glen ghlen gien gentlemen who have learned the first style of can become members on the eighth evening and those who have acquired a knowledge of tho second sty astle ae should ie be present t to receive the lesson terms 5 3 in advance 1 46 4 6 J V LONG reporter cows S heels ami and I 1 AM now h keeping a herd at santaquin San JL or summit creek and prepared to take cows cown and ana sheep on shares or any kind of stoat to herd both summer and winter and to make myself responsible for all losses sustained by neglect or ms management I 1 will give one halt half the buttar buttor cheese and increase from cows and one halt half the wool and two thirds the increase from ind and sheep h P an and d will deliver dellver without expense the butter cheese and woo wool wooi ool as it becomes drle due drie our ra range for stock both for summer and winter Is unsurpassed in ivi tile the valleys of these mountains those in or near G S L city having stock to let iet or to be herded can inquire of or leave their itpick with D T le baron mrs A W babbitts resil residence G S L city and any ene desiring to trade sheep for goo woodwork good dwork dvork vorst oxen osen can by him to 18 accommodated I 1 att w JL ft STRAYED ac STRAYED RO 11 willow creek south last winter B a whitish colored indian HORSE branded on the left shoulder W 11 1 I will pay 10 for his delivery 73 7 3 sif SM BLAIR STRAYED from orom arom great salt lake lalie city one bay U MARE six sit years olds old oid branded on the left shoulder ay any iy person finding and delivering the sald said mark mari bawl mawl I 1 will pay par five dollar dollars 72 7 2 JOUN john SPROUSE sura STRA aliber A T GARDNERS MILL from the sub scriber on dec jec 17 one dark bay HORSE no mand wand s a and nd one sorrel HORSE white f face acey aced belly and legs branded J on right hip both heavily shod 8 or 9 years old any inform atlon concern concerning in their whereabouts wil will I 1 be thankfully recer chaeles CHARLES HOLLEY STRAYED aa SORREL PONY thick heavy set SL branded on the left thip chip hip with a spanish brand on the left shoulder shou idar ldar small N a streak of white inels in hia hla face lace also a cream colored mare PONY PONI with dark mane and tall any person tin fin finding dizig those animals and will bring them to the residence ri of william wliilam nowell novell nth ward G S L city will be amply rewarded for their trouble 5 am STRAYED fin FROM ROM my herd ground on the weber in december last one sorrel american mare branded T Y lef left t hip noo on left thigh one sorrel american mare branded lico doo left thigh one grey gray american horse branded uco lef left t thigh sars scars on nose one roan split spilt eared cared indian pony branded lico left thigh one bay white face american marea mare branded lico itco left thigh one bay aj indian mare marey roach kanep mane branded left thigh grey horse carly mane and tally tall tali saddie saddle marked white ring round his right fore lore ancle made mada by bya 1 larlette branded uco will the bishops of the different wards in weber davis salt lake tooele thoele cedar utah and summit counties give publicity to this notice A liberal compensation will ba be paid for the return of or information concerning thet the above animals 72 7 2 w ir HOOPER DAVIS EALER DEALER of weights and measures S 0 sa machine shop great salt lake city 60 am WAGONS el AND LIGHT WAG WAGONS ONS ex Hc ila iia hanged changed f for tor or stock on early application to gitt glit GILBERT tvan WASS WAR wan WAR L LAND AND WARRANTS or valid applications tor for same purchased or obtained on commission liberal prices paid in goods or grain apply to 51 am W II 11 HOOPER administrators NOTICE rhe FHE ephe undersigned undersigner Under signed 0 having haviar been ap B pointed by the J judge ludge ok 0 probate for weber county cyp administrators of the estate of daniel birch deceased hereby notify all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to come forward without delay for settlement and all persons having claims a against airl alil L said estate will please file them with J jaffes antes browna brown administrator on or before the first day of june AD 1857 I 1 JAMES BROWN administrators i i 45 am i JAMES JAME BIRCH NOTICE having HAYING V BEEN APPOINTED administrator of the estate of thomas tennant decea by the judge of the probate court for great salt lake cou counte the undersigned undersigner under signed hereby requests all persons persona kno kuo knowing living them elves indebted to said estate to come forward without delay and cancel the same and those hav demands against said estate will please file them with the judge of the aforesaid courtl properly as stion as circumstances will permit and within the time specified sped aled fled by py law danle DANIEL L SPENCER administrator dissolution P partnership partnership ARTNER SHIP heretofore existing ex existing istina JL between levi lert stewart william J steward SteW atti aTtl abu albula P drexler dresler and win ami sloan under of levi stewart co Is this lay day dissolved by mutual consent all persons holding bolding due bills against us or knowing themselves indebted to us also to levi stewart and drother Crother are requested to call and settle immediately and save costs LEVI STEWART will continue the business at the old stand where he be hop hops s to merit a continuance of patronage from his old custo customers merb 53 WANTED mules wheat and oat 51 tf administrators NOTICE T ephe poin undersigned undersigner under signed 0 having been apa pointed ted by the J judge of pro probate b tor for great salt lake lal county administrators of the estate of A W babbitt deceased hereby bergby notify all persons knowing themselves indebted tu to said estate to come forward without delay for settlement and all persons having claims against said estate will please file them with the non hon ellas smith probate judge on or lefore the first day ot of ju june ne AD aa 1857 JUL julia judia la ANN BABBITT W it HOOPER BENJ benar F JOHNSON jonnson administrator great gre at salt lake city dec 20 1856 at 4 tf P PROVO brovo phe kuile undersigned undersigner under signed have on hand and ja JL intend permanently keeping up a general assortment of merchandize merchandise dize i at prove now situated la in the house of hariw earlw redfield their stock of goods eni em braces bracci nearly every article usually brought to the country they expect on a recruit ot of staple goods from the states this season they are buying land warrants or valid applications for the same cittie and mules harlow redfield will w ill lil act as agent in the purchase of stock and will travel twice a month mouth be tween tehi Jehl and payson tor for that purpose Order onder given on W 11 hooper of salt lake city olty ifor for merchandize merchandise dIze it if preferred 1 am n H S CO dissolution OF snip sim partnership heretofore existing r between win if hooper and thos S william williarm t merchants of G |