Show education the great leading error of modern times is s the iiii mistaking staking eru erudition for education n education is the 04 leading human souls to what is best and making what phat is best out of the them in and abid these two objects are always attainable together and by the same means the training which makes men neen happiest in themselves also makes them most ser serviceable vice to others true education then has respect first to the ends which are to the mau man or attainable by him and secondly to the material of which theman is made so far as it is able it chooses the end according to the material but it cannot always choose the end for the tile position pf af many persons lutife in life ilfe is fixed I 1 by necessity still less can call it choose the material and therefore all it can do i is s to fit the one to the other as wisely as maybe may be among all men whether of tile the upper or lower orders the differences are eternal arid ardd irreconcilable rec 0 licila ble bie between one individual and another boin born under absolutely the same same circumstances one man ddn is made ade of agate ait another of oak oah oa kone abne of slate adno another lei lef of clay th the education odthe of the first is ls polls polishing ling ying of the second ae seasoning of third rending of tile the fourth molding it is of no use to season the agate it is vain to try to polish the slate but both are fitted by the qualities they possess for services in which they may be ho honored nored now the cry for the education of or the ibe lower classes which is heard beard every evera day more widely and arnd loudly is a wise and a sacred sac red c cry provided it ft be extended into one for the tile education d of or ALL class classes ei with definite respect to the work each man has to do and the substance of which he is nade made but it is a foolish and vain cry if it be understood der der stood stool as in the plurality of cases it i is s meant to be for the expression of mere craving after knowledge irrespective of the simple simpie purposes of f the life that now is and blessings of that which is to ceifie come one great fallacy into which men are apt t to 0 fall when they are reasoning on this subject is that light as such is always good and darkness as such i ism always evil it light un tempered would be annihilation it lt i is s good to them tha that sit in darkness and in the tho shadow of death but to those that faint in the wilderness so also is the shadow of a great rock in a weary land landi if oie yie sunshine is boodt goodso so also is tile cloud of the tile latter rain raia light is only beautiful only available for life when it is tempered with shadow pure litre light is fearful and unendurable by iturea humanity anity therefore in tile the education either of lower or upper appe r classes it matters not the least hda much or h how ow little liitle they know provided they know just what will fit them to do their work and to be bb happy in it what the sum or the nature of their knowledge ought to he be at a given time or in a given give 11 case is is a totally different question tile the main mail thing to be understood is that a mail man is not educated in any sense whatsoever because be cause causa lie he call can read latin or write english or can behave ll 11 ave well in a drawing room but that he is only educated if he is happy beneficent and effective I 1 in fit the world that millions of peasants are therefore at this moment beter educated than most of those who call themselves gentlemen and that the means taked to educate 5 the tho lower classes lii in any other sense may very often be productive of a precisely opposite result modern painters |