Show housework in my ny last we were talking about the tha mistakes in the education of our american girls otie olse reason why their know knowledge ledge ledga ia is to 10 superficial fie fir lal lai ial is the fact that ahat ap 90 great a multiplicity of things to be learned is put down ou on the catalogue of a school giris girls course to read over the pro 9 gramme ramme ofa 0 a mode modern rn board boarding ing school one would suppose the hie pupils were expected tp to live to the ilga age of methuselah indeed they wot woi would woula lid iia need to do it to acquire more than a an smattering of the arts and sciences cea therun theron contained but all must be gone over waded through or got through at tit ome womb rate hence arises the various artifices of pupils to get over the bessona lessona les sona with the tha least possible sible labor and the of to make a finished outside and indest get got up an interesting examination but while so much machinery ia is at work to fill the heads of girls with useless literary mater materials hs trump trumpery ery which they ahey In altex years will vill be obliged to scrape together and sweep on out of heir their craniums to make room for the necessary the one oue great thing needful viz housework is 13 neglected in their education TI the e exp eap experience of everyday every day life specially especially among civilized beope shows us filat that housework is a part of the sphere of womans comans duty we would not confine herto hetto her to this particular form of labor but a knowledge of housewifery form the bas has basis is of every womans comans education which education can never be complete with ut it and d no DO young lady should consider her education finished till she is able to go into her fathers kitchen hitchen kit hit clien cilen and prepare a it meal for the family amily even if there is nothing cooked in tiie the house in n q neat and workmanlike manner many mothers are too proud to have their daughters taught to do housework because they lia lla llave ve somehow got the notion that to do housework is degrading as if it were deg degrading for women to perform any necessary within her sphere erel eret or I 1 rather say within the compass 0 of f her strength gili and ability there are io so many definitions put to womans comans sphere that should one attempt to follow their zigzag zig i zag course he might as well undertake a pleasure walk in an egyptian labyrinth N but certain it is that housework comes within that sphere if it it comes any where and girls should be taught this branch of industry whatever be their wealth or standing in society no labor is more healthful and none better calculated to develop the whole woman when done in proportion to the strength of the laborer I 1 am sure that you will agree with itis me liere here but we have known young couf misses who feared to td make maka a bed lest it should hu injure their nails who feared to wash wasll 4 get set of dishes because it would spoil their hands for the piano who dared eared not make a batch of bread or pies lest somebody should t they tiley biad fiad been in ha the kitchen others have such par i ocular mammas that they had rather do all the tilo work themselves than have llave their daughters about go so the tila daughters pity mamma and work embroidery in lii the parlor attend attel d to calls and aid exclusa excusa mammas absence ab abs nce ane mother is 19 ja in llie the kitchen sweating over oyer the cooking stove or at the wash ivash tub daar LIFE 1 l do you not think one of those pitiful daughters would make nuke an excellent wilm wile yours truly PIGS six or eight young pigs pip wanted in payment for the news Y at |