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Show , . - - . .,ti - -- t - , f ' '' i N , - ,. ..,t - 4 f. ,--- , , - , , , -v, ,,,,----- ,, :. 1 . - , I ,,.,,,,.......... , , . . , - ., , ,,,, ', ,. - t -- - , y ''' , - ', A- ' at 7 . - ,, ., ,1 , . , , 3I - t , - - ' - - - t1 i t 1 ; , - ' , '. "- . - - - : - ' - ' ' . , ; - '., Plc.,' , 4, , ' - f; ",-- ', - I ',g!fr! ' ': - ' . - , -- - , , ',.Z'A- r- , 1 - k.a.01 -t t : , . .. , ,s ! 1 tr 4, li-ai- I. - C., ng , - ie fir. the--1-- beats it and circulates it back into the room. ; In this way. heat is diffused all along the out- ,: side wall and into the room. , . ,, $ IEZ or ENT - ' The actual heating unit 'isnot large: being about the size- - of theordinary--ho- t water tank, and It is not expensive to use. - - 4 Mrs. Barnes commented."The original In- - , - - - ,., . , awneateerr je. Ttheeersh,owt . ' r'-- ,' -- , Courteous N1111;:61.11811 EmPleYaes -.- ,.,,,,, i, .. ..,. .. alizt ,, i , . . Perimeter heating töday - more attention from builders than any oth- er type. Perimeter heating, a system in which the furnace , blower forces warm air downward through ducts 2c,..tw4).4,enetwie Iminsta, tion slab, and from there to floor registers in, the rooms, b a new concept. The warm Sir coming through the registers is then brought back through cold aid ducts set higher in the walls, a reversal of the wrual forced air procedure. - - - - - . - - 1 Take a Color frondil 1610 , . , with-th- - ,- - . -- ,,,, 1iew e - - ' -- I, There's a newb, developed principle of continuous tdr eir-- 1 1- culation being promoted by the I -, National Warnt Air Heating and Air Conditioning Associa--, , It's centered around the -- -iblower fan on your forced air : heathtg system. ;4 These people maintain that by. controlling the , that it runs most of the mild weather and practically e : all of the time ' temperature is freezing or ; colder any bard-to-heroom , 1 4 can be made comfortable. I - The association lists these steps for more indoor comfort. L PROCEDURE - ft --1. Check thermostat location I to gee if It Is affected by beat I sources other than room tem-- I t' perattue. If It iscorrect cause I I of trouble by changing location If !necessary. - I - A - 0 ) , i ' ; , q$' l', I p,;'; - ,41t3 , 1,-- ,,...;..rt:3 ,,,t,i4 ! 'e 0.- r N. il'i - - - ' , - " ,,,,, !r- - 4 4147' i , with With have - - 4 steps 1,7 vit A -- - I t...;00-- I ;I .- II St. Charles Kitchen Just open a door, and the mixer in this action. Storage units llips stpoisith an easy punoreaey for and utensils. nit right at hand hold flour, sugar, seasoning range is just a step or two away. - - 9 t - ma. la wow may , 31 "vkionsameen , NO Ohio - - - In the years ahead electrical servants will an 111411P 210 Itiftri" die work that human hands used to do, as more new appbances are invegted. , . , , ' JACKSON'S cuks and large enough wires to serve all the electrical ser' vants you'llhave. It costs much less to include adequate' wiring when building or remodeling than to add wiring later. , , Charles Kitchens see , , i:,.),4flp , . r- iv - - ....,;,,, -i- .....21, , - , ' , triiii; . t- , ,,, s s - t - It CO. . . , . . 666 EAST 4TH SOUTH - ' - ' ' - Salt Lake City, Utan , el - - . With breakfast nook and divider unit c Rai I I Pine Green . I 10, II I I in - JACKSON'S 666 test Atit South Sett Lake Cite, Utah 0 sod fre4opy Of I I sin contemplatiol 1 1 I -- Your to diicuss 13 ScOdlOgiiott: 1 , I Soo Greco IF ENJOY COLOR IN YOUR KITCHEN . with one of these I10 decorator colors in the kitchen of your own choosing. 8 my ititchen ...., -- t You ") , NRemewodHeoltg . . 3 Igans """ Kitchenand o ' ir 'r---- -- Td . oOOOO e . - lle.. A Zose.....thett Gly. , ti Ii ;ask Ra , , . . vs jr m I I (0114 , il i , , "NEW Boob 1 Whks 1 t , im L ---- yid, Rini 74 :16x. ..L.,,teee- n Wolk 9 - . . , i idi,,, edo - 1 VON 14 111111. - il - ' - , -- , 5 Mist Grey ,. I ; t 13,chen A AP.11:11.0' -- - - , . - I , ,, I, A simple ,..,. Srmge.14 6.0ffS UTAH POWER & LIGHT , . , leistretter for Ifoilmt . r , LOCS8 iir&Or.4e , , , . - ;- 'go q.1.44 . See Yew Beettkel 11 ikIJ (1,2s- - . - 11,,- , - , Emir a , , - 1 itiMr311 - , ' --- - - ia' , . - -- e i Remember ....forSt. . , - I ; Now, while you are planning a new or remodeled home, is t the time to make certain that you have enough electric cir- For convenience, too, with many storage upits and special purpose units you can't beat a St. Charles Kitchen. - We enjoyed meeting you who yisited our store at 1 our grand opening March 5. We or looking for-- 1 word to making more friends thetughout Utah. We hopa you will visit our store soon. f II II t - I I I INVITATION , . gill, SW Pink YOU FOR CUSTOLI-BUIL- T be completely satisfied St. Charles steel kitchen. a individual design you can a kitchen that will save you and add style to your home. you will 91J - do. oklif -, it's made, to your order, Because t - ' 1110 Te""itte e 4 - . ,. 0 " - , , Just for you - , - , , , , 1 , , Ig (XI , , N7 9 11 11 I pringremuct&ic 'VI I ,t1p4 . - ' ' , - . - .qmp, ,. a I, 1.;i41-- I A : t Slow down blower. Air . volume need be only sufficient 1 to adequately supply run having i4 most resistance. , High register nor ; velocity is not desirable air ? necessary with continuous , 4 circulation. i' - BEASON Blower speed is usually too .4. high. This causes air "blasts" 4 e from registers and short "on" Z periods of blower operation? ' Both of these- - are principal 4 causes of discomfort. Just the ; , volume of air should be circu: late& when blower operates . ', continuously, , I V ', -- , Willi THE WIRING o rlEilsunp tit) IT ow TUC- ufpnc 16F111Faio unit i :I 4 EP il-IGI- I r--- vgAits -- , , I Il r.:111-- 616a REASON ' is impossible to - Obtain It 2, t adjustment. of the sys,'':, - proper tern with dirt, filters in the - 1 - -- Sonny Yellow vehtas - - HI11 ,C; AssumnpAitti ' adjustment ON , ' ha!-,ace- d, i 411- kA ,..0iiia0044"!. 0 aZASON Obstractic.l supply and return "i I. will Impair:proper functioning 4, of system. , 4 3. Check filters. Filters should 1- If not, - be reasonatdy , clean. $ replace before proceeding with I Di A, - : , See that warm air regis- - I ten and return .air faces are I open, If system has been I leave dampers set. IF - - - di T . - iff - - - Direct flow of warm tdr from I; a register, stm.iiity4 hot water 1 :pipes, warm air stacks. radio 1 and light bulbs are aften re- '1 sponsible for improper , present Ailed - - 4 , . - t , - - - ' -- A ' : - time - i I CifitiT!t' 2 119 - -- &EASON . , Doak Blue ow - . -- -- A, ,11.0111.411, at - - KITCHEN IN COLOR - , l -- .,.. HOME-- R GIVE-YOU- , when-outsid- - oti:511,30aViESTWESNTOZTHyttouTEMsouPLEAll , .. PERIMETER HEATING , , I LUMBER CO. NOM BROS. : ' i fAlt....,.:::,'-:7411.tein:,71-11.- - , cemeor. its fronds :ion:--Fot-cad-i-7- ; - s'i? Phono 1 , , ;Chaki,Foliii:T..-:-., ... ., Quality Products . LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES '444B.,- ' ,. -- - 1i , ,'..,,' ,-' ',. ' -- -- ., '14.1- -r- 1,...r --, to ceiling atmosphere. -"We've found It the most practicable. and the least expensive of any heating systrm we have tzied,w- Mrs, Ilsrnes concluded. 1- il 0, fern in one window proves this point, growing almost to the floor. There are no "hot spots" and no "cold areee' with baseboard beating; in fact there is only an approximate 2 per cent difference in the floor , - ,, .101,-..- -, tomperoturiessit-ls-matebtzwria- ot I A - . floor-lengt- er . :, .... 4- a third higher than for ordibut month by month nary heating is very reasonable. We heat 1580 sq. room windows 12' and ft of space, with living 6, and our highest cost has been $14 for one month. And this includes operating the usual' appliances. also." The cleanliness of this system wasLalso a selling point with Mrs. Barnes. Designing her own decorative scheme for her home she chose h white drapes.' CLEANLINESS 'Usually drapes show streaks of soil from the beating system after hanging awhile," she explained. 4litut ours have been hanging ever Since we installed baseboard beat, and they are just as white at the bottom as at the top." - The baseboard panel remain' at a moderate stallation is . ".Ajjk ceilings into large heating pan.,,47, ,..' els. They do not prAmarily heat !,""....', 41' . 4 ''4P .-,',CI , - v the air in a room. Instead, they - ' t '1.74. ., 1 ,,,,,,,,---- ..,, ..,,., i broadcast heat waves into it. i , 0.- - --- - ",,', A ..-- - , . ., A ,V, ,ky' PRINCIPLE DIVOLVID -.' ,:7 ,...4, 1 r' ' ' : i"'p , .4 . ,, . en.", ,.s , ,, .4e. is simple to understand if , , It I ..., , ,,,,,,: ,., ,,, you realize that your body is It ;,..7 .!,.:'' ..!.',4,-, .r.,-- , 4, id4 heating plant Through normal .,,-',dr , me, .6 46".411. .....sittra.,;.,..,;;;bt metabolism you generate heat As long !is you give off that Radiant heating is- -a system of heat where hot water heat at a rate that keeps body circulates through pipe coils buried in either walli and skin temperatures at norfloors or cengs. Here copper tubing has been laid on mal you are comfortable. wood flooring can be used to cover pipes. If you are in the presence of , . i i . rT,s.r,,.,,fa.I , - By COttItTNEY COTTAM "We Wanted windoem that reached from i the Boor to the ceiling, but could not have them the tânventional convector radiators," with d personable Mrs. L. R. Barnes of Bountiful, it ull. "We had used both stoker and pa1 blown heat, and decided to investigate the new 14 baseboard heating as a solution to our problem.' Baseboard ibeatits is coming more and more ! i 1 to be used, not only in homes,- - as the Barnes ii demonstrate, but also In large apartment houses. t A unique baseboard construction, which con: teals a fenced hot water beating system is the - ; plan. Three-quartinch topper piping. with i copper fins on the pipe are placed in the base-board. If only the pipe was used, the beat i ivould be dpated; these fins increase the , ! surface of the pipe. t, The installation takes cool air from a wfde - te . ure , - J ' i, pleitpeuestureexplthaine I Even-Temperat- . t Li ...::.,..., , - , J i a Baseboard Healing Promotes Atmosphere - . 1 . Mrs. L. a. Barnes of Bountiful relaxes In t he even temperature of her baseboard heated home. There is only a two per cent difference in temperature between floor and ceiling. Baseboards do not become WM heated - ' , - ''' - . , home-OWn- ,4 4 , , PROBLEMS ers dubious of the system charge that it is den- pipes in crger;teulortoplesinibeedr. because if they is difficult. ci:ittea k aecessIb1I1ty-Most - - o , - l ' -- ' I 'veil I and bhasrkidriad , ,,,4 ''... , ' 1 must acrory ;UZI; body stays warm. This is the advantage of radiant heat Because there is no need to beat the air and because ,the panels form very' large heating surfaces, the temperature of the heat source can be kept much lower than in conventional radiator systems. Such system providet an even over-a- ll temperature. Many radiant heating systems ,.. t,,I ... - , i the air, ),,'"I'r;u4k1').'',11, , - " , ' ...s.....r.0000.000;0000,000,00' 1 t4,,4 t II i - 1 W VIIaa.IV 4 - 1 ; "it 1--."- .,'s; i. 4. , n N .1 t ill4 t 1 as Plaster ceiling and regular wood you fithooerinpigperryLbeumbVs otof there is cover If hisEin:Iterthehniah tniutonii3:1!)astt . mraal, st ,:;;v4.f1 ,,,1-..- i.,. , it I e'- - ' , - , N.w'r , , , , Attlir",.is ' .. The heat's on, folks. Radiantti veys on this system of heating. Merchant house builders are or panel, heating is celebrating fThey say: about panel heatnation-wid- e enthusiastic. its fourteenth Architects predict an accelerbitrhday this rti:ittate,cets,,,.4 rear. And now is the time to I ated acceptance of radiant heat-li- ing despite its higher cos!. fact has never hot water is the mostpol3u,-the findings of national sur- - ing within the next few years. been a problem in 12,000 Instale'''' lar medium. lations. However, since 'radiant '4,aa. 'Fro'!!P'T'!''oto"rro"'trgl Thae .- : , ,... , ,,,t,t installation of paninitial ,,, , : ,,,,,, i e, heat is still a sub-de- b in the Ii ; ' ,.. ir 'S ,,..'",.... , , , A ,,,,;44-,,,74I are' some el heating .costs about 25 per t, . ' there industry, '' heating eelnI,0,01 ,C,,,, - rid, 4 .f, , ,', t cent more than conventional crehavtee beetdebneinpecouredrporavirected intly on '1r ' : problems, such as heat lag and 16'.14'"'''',41, - 7' .) 4' 7:4; if the nardifferential but is ecocost of installation,. that are re- can types. the be but it ground, to ' 'i ; by t and , rowing. , oeffficecieentLycutzde.. ,frAlvtkry.,Mpt. 7..4,1.'4 nwirithcaaellyy i '''' engineers. type ,thceeivinnagtiogrne'sahtereatinennsig Owners of.panel-heate- d build.4N-1111",, !J :',i "' ings are pleased with their inI) c..) I stallations, and nine out of ten t.1' 4 ; ilo 14.1.2710--Y4, ' .. , it when and if they 73 4. 4'1' 7 specify , will :.., , 4 AT od build again. fivfiBduec. f, i Ytt ii,;:rite13.te 'At ,,a 1.41V Ivoio These facts indicate That, all to ,--. in all, radiant or panel heating "Port f, t) seems to have passed pioneering I ,....a.r,........ahn.a..::,.....o.....,,,r... elitr c...2.3z.i Ne, . --. laNlt,Yzrrieat, ' , stage. a."'" ' ,,,..,-,, -,......,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-""Ek For some of you who are puzitti,,, e, zled about this system of heat- ' . 1 1 1949 water (sometimes hot ing where 41 ,, hot ' air in ducts) circulates , ' .. through 'pipe coils buried in ' 11,;( ' 'either floors, walls or ceiling, , ......, . . tctiV, ' L91 1 , - , - '- . .,,,.... -. N , ,.., tt- ' ' . . . ' 'ir : . , . . 117,,,,.. - -- Plants Géi::diké., t s - 1 '- , ,,,.- - , . k ,i,,st,,, - ,,:.., :, - ' , - - - ' , .. , I , , , 44..11' - 14-,- . radiant heat energy, such, , ea s,on as ,,,, - ,L ---T- o t t , - i ' i' I),..orti- -4,.. 1 '. . - ' .. , 41 - - - t . ' - ,, - ' , v.. lk , ' - , , ., . i I 9 Z I ',$ - , , . - ' Ir..- ' - -- .e.'') . , , .," 0 ,: ;, , -- ... . - el .;".w, . , - ' , - - . , - , - , , 16 I 1 , - .- '' HEATING ..,,,'As.,.....0 ,; i , - - , ,ft- - t . . , , . i . , . - 12HDESERET NEWS, Viednetday; March 29, 1950 . ' 'f' - , - , - 77'7' ., - - , . , --, , . GOO. I |