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Show . - - - BL- - - THE DEStitET NEWS 1. EDITORIAL' PAGE -- GEORGE E. SOKOLSKI( its threedepartroents of the Constitution of tile United States-wit- h r governnient as therein set forth. each one fully independent in its own field. We stand-fo- ' - 1 ,, i .. 13' The One Itindred and Twentieth Annual Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of lAtter-da- y Saints, to which all Church members are Invited. will convene in the Tabernacle. Salt Lake Qty, Utah. Thursday. Saturday and Sunday. April 6. 8 and 9. 1950. with general sessions each day at 10 ans. and 2 p.ra. The General Priesthood meeting will be held in the Tabernacle on Saturday. April It at 7 p.m. GEORGE ALBERT SMITH. u J. REUBD1 cumuc. DAVID O. McKAY, The First Presidency - ,t: SPECIAL. MEETING FOR BISHOPRICS ' CALLED BY 'PRESIDING BISHOPRIC ;. - With the apprsval of the First Presidency. the Presiding Bishopric will conduct a special meeting in the Tabernacle Friday, April 7, at 7:00 PM. Those invited to attend the meeting include bishops and counselors, members of Stake Aaronic Priesthood Committees for Aaronic Priesthood under 21, stake presidency and high council advisers to the LDS this ptogram. ward clerks. and general secretaries of Ward Aaronic Priesthood Committees. It Will be appreciated if staktpresidents and bishops will notify their respective stake -' and ward leaders mentioned above, and urge a full attendance at the meeting. -- - - ;4 ' 2 'lain Truths For Congress FBI Proni the Mouth Of-t- his children or his wife; friend, who do not Tailing with a frankness unusual even be has never been noted for 'for know his him-"-a- nd ;;,: Chid J. Edgar Hoover dodging an issue--F- BI his told the members of the Senate subcons- - snittel 'Which is looking into Senator SicCarthy's charges that the State Department is Waited with Commimists,-- precisely why It is untbintralge that the FBI's loyalty files be opened to congressional hunters. told the m, as the Army used to say, "In the numbers!! , It would mean a complete collapse of the nu, entire system t wculd d a grave laJul ti ce, to InanY !"' - - - - l would Pace the lives of the informants in grave leoPordY. not Unthinkable that the boy!' It is only '. AY rocs be opened to insPection for thou -t- z. - reasons. It is unthinkable that any congas'. Irian should ask It--In good faith.- unthinkablethat the It is particularly demand could be in good good faith when it tomes from s congressman who 4s a lawyer, 7 .""-and moreover baLbeefl a prosecutor or a - , judge and thus is familiar with the methods - - of police work, and particular' ly with the " . 7 :',, -- ",' t : stool-pigeo- , -- - - ni - - , t ; ccees-chec- , , ! , , - - " Fie On You,- Lattimore! ; - 'Whether or not Owen Lattimore is or ever was a Commlmist, or (u George Sokolsky argues) a Communist sympathizer. or fa' Senator McCarthy charges) the 'top Red be spy'' in our State Department-whet- her is or ever was any of these things, this news'paper is glad that he Is riot now an official of this country. -representative In the cable to the Associated Press in Which he denounced Senator McCarthy's charges against him as pure moonshine, this Mr. Lattimore used "'contact" as a verb! Sen. Robert A. , BY Japan Marshall Plan ends. , 4E.... , ' reached an agreement with J. Stalin of just the opposite - repo Pius XIIThe world is almost universally flooded ; with moral decadence. - , - , , Mayor Delesseps.IS. Mord: sea of New OrleansShrewd and efficient overlords of crime have adopted the tech--, .niques and,methods of bust-- , - C - ' : Man- churia, Formosa, and the Pescadores, shall be restored to the Republic of China." At Teheran, a few days later, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston' Churchill FRED-rWOLTE- TaftWe will have to continue to Jive some kind of aid to the nations after the - OUT OF THIS WORLD 1 - -- , - TO :, lb t Chiang Kai-slic- k. who was at Cairo, wanted to go to Teheran to discuss Far Eastern arrangements, but Stalin ob- 3ected. Chiang thought that the Cairo declaration gave his country the 'assurance that ; , ' NsL - ,, t , . I; .40 1 f t Is sat HOW high , , up clid pus sap Ire w". ruts'- - ;lt 4 A little peace aild quiet and a few glasses of fruit juice can accbmplish won-de- n z for a ":. r.i. ,,, ,:, Nt0A 4ts. ., 4 ,N;;; 4 tIO k S tek L, C:siwitc i.1.4, : t .0060,Aft. Poi 'sttd . . - , ..,N1 '' ') ti: , ' !rt ,,V.-l- - f1; A. 'de ' - i of- - ' 4 til U - et jua w" , r- a e - , , I Q - - A, .,, - . , - z -. SPRING IN EUROPE TTERS--iF:RQM-.41WJADR5--.':::- The- - Deseret Free Expression And Misrepresentation - detrhmmtal In contributing toward misunderstanding at a time when proper understanding and friendship, are priceless values. The news Items appearing In "Pen" were possibly Intended for local discussion with true democratic zeal much as one airs domestic problems within his own home. However,minded authors of "Time" will use these quotations to their OW1 News invitee readers to express their 'pits ions or ctmtrilnde itiformo' tion on topide of current in. tercet. Letters must be signed, should be brie( (not over 200 words preferred). and must not violate accepted canons -- It Is to be hoped that the - earnest expressions of college students and the press never will be shackled in any degree. Such are not the methods of democracy, and in allowing democracy one accepts certain weaknesses, inefficiencies, and the occasional eccentric extrovert. - -- Freedom in religion is an- -other of the essentials of democracy. In America one is guaranteed freedom in the se- -. lection of his faith, but this does not connote freedom of thought and expreasion under any one derv. Seldom can one end the degree of democracy within a religious faith ot good taste. , - Address: The Editor, Letters to The News, P. O. Box 1257. Salt Lake City 10, Utah. -- as practiced by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints. This freedom Is enjoyed with mutual benefit by the majority. It seems an offense by the few, therefore, to publicly represent the Mormon group to the,. nation e e ss 20, 1950. Thül is eitremely DORIS FLEESON Sen. Vandenberg's Illness Serious Loss to-Senat- the senators straggle at Into the upper chamber e the stroke of noon-thesdays, As their eyes are apt to -- turn to the third desk from the middle in the second row on sertce is also remarked upon teach11Y - by supporters of the present foreign Pollen especially ECA and the milt-tary assistance Program- - They de not perceive lien- ler senators with comparable Influence among the other four Republicans on foreign relations and-thsuspect the Irolationist tinge in Senator Tett and trdnority leader, ey As of now such forebodings are unjustified, accord- - e--- Incidentally, minority lead.. Wherry's loud with the secretary is a very old one; Wherry voiced the lone no to his confirmation to the -cabinet Post. SenIt is not denied that ator Vandenberg's ' illness leaves a very wide gap in the fereign-polic- y front. Fortunately, one kenator pointed Out there art no grand new schemes afoot that require there are tar .7-- , - ground-breakin- g; extensions of projects already in operation which have been generally approved by the Public. The appropriations committee, ever eager to troika upon the legislative committees, win probably be emboldened but floor fights can always be made against its Ileum& - The combined factors that weaken the president's position .011 the hat are geen in some quarters as one reason . - Men 'who have already proved acceptable to senators have been given first can upon - these jobs, 'ingutting Secretary Gordon Gray of the Army, Secretary Symington of air and ECA Ambasudor Harriman. , It is understood that Gray at least has finally refused, pleading his wile's health as his reason for going hôme to the presidency of the University of North Carolina. ' It is one of the adirthnstra.- tion counts against Senator. McCarthy that he transforms Working for the, government Into an obstacle race: Miasmal Ibt the BA Ormallate, Ism) ed - - Anyway, everybody was glad the indisposition lasted only a day. Some of our friends and neighbors have been on their backs for weeks with something that's ,around----Ithitiv--the- like a -- - - 10-ttruck and leaves them hors de combat for months at a time. on THZ DOCTORS do - not know exactly what to do about it or what to tall it except that it's a virus. This professional accord does not cure a single case since no. body seems to know what is a virus. Folks who battle this thing usually have weeks to do it in and therefore have sufficient time to get acquainted with the bedroom which they never be fore took time to notice. Even the brief tenant of our own sick ward makes some - surpng discoveries. The wallpaper is positively beautiful with its pale blue design on a cream-whit- e background. Funny, we never noticed it before. The electric clock, formerly silent, - now makes :noise like sand turnin a glass jar.- - Somebody - ing must have dropped it. The aged couple in the new house next door leave their drive- - way light on , all , day ant maybe they would appreciate it if we'd draw this to their -- A BIRD OUT THUM on a twig has been singing the same five tones in the same rhythmic pattern for almost an hour. Birds get a lot of undue credit for their singbird soloing. Any first-claist ought to learn at least one encore. , Milady keeps the door closed to - shut out The household noises. The furnace crosses her up, how- Flying Saucers Seem off. or t on Pantries S for thelongdelay Anvital appointments which require Senate confirmation, such as two atomic energy commissionersa chairman and one otherand a chairman of the National Security Resources 01, In the quotations from the "Utah Chronicle" the writers display a discontentmettt of immaturith poor information, and provincialism which, though probably not evident to them. is not flattering to themselves, the school or the community to which they contribute, and is furthermore deleterious to others. Without attempt to justify the' quoted literature, it is commendable that it is available without ban for members: of the faith to read and discuss. These works show what is true of many social troupe at the greatest Mortality arises -from those with the ,closest- genetic ties, but who have chosen to exclude themselves from the group or race. While democracy insures the right to imcensored freedom of expression. those who , accept this freedom should cultivate a moral and social sense which does not allow it to impinge on the group they represent. George Gee Jackson , Cambridge. Mass. --th- , nerve-fray- cultumlist. The MISSUS, who appoints herself head nurse on all such occasions, takes away the solid foods and gets out her can opener. Fruit juices, especially orange juices is considered in our 'house as a sure cure for anything including rheumatism, influenza and ZITS , - ,- eb!rt5,i4;wP--.- 4,n 10' L2 , ezytIsNettly. 'P t;1 ate 11, PL AT. - BED for one day, DIT welt Oos , , ;f-!1-; vA-- under--standab- 9. 44- z 1f. fT-- ; ss lemma, pro tenor-- of pediatrics in the Universit, of Utah college of medicine, warning again4 dangers of infanrs bedding--- A pillow is soft to the hand but hard on the baby, Mn. Helen Andrews. teengelistAlthough I have been on the watch for flying uuten for a long time this it the first time I ever really saw them (over Tulsa, Monday. March 27) and &et were , 7. ing to Republicans in a position to speak with knowledge 'and authority.- in It is predicted that the Retheyhad not foughttoJapan China. returned vainRe on the foreign republicans was kept The double-crolations, committeeSenators secret from him from Novemwgey Smith of New jersey, ber 28, 1943 to June 13, 1943. and Lodge Rickenlooper Ae to leaks going from can be depended upon for China to Japan, it is osnable support of administhat had Chiang: tration policy. An ECA bill Teknown of the "Crimes of as certain of vievted it heran and Yalta." he might proval with a compromise have made a sepsrafit peace, cut that will not damage its with Japan. , It would have been more effectiveness. It is stressed that to date honest and truthful had Dean the McCarthy charges and JesAcheson and Dr. Philip the for Secretary of sup said that, and further that Statedemands Acheeonts ,gesignstion all this was kept secret to are personal to senators' and in a war , keep the Chinese bettber widespread a which betrayed them. - , matter of party, policy. teserrisas. Lag Piastres IOC, - , Dr,anses, 94,', g 47 - the Chinese, such as They Sa)f t 0 SICK didn't seem a bit more than one year, was sufficient to arouse in this sensitive soul a profound sym- -' My pathy for all shut-in- s. own imprisonment was hardly long enough to catch up oa the sleep I lost the night be. fore, but it was 'sufficient to avuaint me with my prison r,s77-20- gated: -rim three great allies (the, the Republican side. United States, Great Britain But for a month now they and China) are fighting this ' have not found Sen. Arthur war to restrain and pimish Vandenberg in his place nor the aggression of Japan. They there any firm assurances covet no gain for themselves, his health will and bare no thought of about when to return him permit territorial expansion. muchmissed. Th He is "It la their - purpose-- that senior Republican is net only Japan shall be stripped of all an influential, voice on leg- the Wands in the Pacific bdation; he is a senator who which she has seized or ocenjoys his membership in the cupied since the beginning of club and contributes to its the first world war in 1914, good fellowship. territories the and that all -Vandertberes ab- has - stolen from that - " ' Yalta-agreeme- o br , re-gar- ding u - gg Observations y Which -- 11 gerous for the United States to consult with the National Government - (of China) nt the or to coramimicate ita- term miltake. at-- once to Chungking. man. MAI make-- But it is also trained in the examination nv. were then in the midst of the Pacific war. It was and ivaluation of evidence. and its work is felt Abet Uteri was grave faultless as we have objective.. It is nearly - rbk that secret information transmitted to the Nationalist. right to expect But that is not what sensation hunters Capital at this t4the would the hpsbecome available-twant. The raw stufilhat the FBI has dis'carded is exactly svhat thef are searching - nesealmost-- immediately."Under no circumstances, ..for. It may be false as Iscariot, but the spe;-- therefore, would we have clous "fact" that ft bas ever occurred in bow"been justified kr incurring the ever preliminary an FBI 'report' can serve security risks involved. It was not until June 13, 1943. such persone purposes-- let the innocent fall that - General Burley was where they may to inform Chiang authorized -Kai-she- k Anyone should be able to understand that. of the agreement." Now,- that soimda yie have a right to question the good filth of but it is not true. anyone, congressman or not who pretends met conference Cairo The not to. 4 1943, November 22-2-8, declaration Th. Cairo - It ze, .. Cii too dan- The-"subje- ct - : it was considered rTef4 z , -- . Les .P9.0.qs:::- :7, hAf-Z:iN- Let's go further. "For reasons of military security, and for those onlY, - Sick-DaIL, ,; rs action" were imposed on Soviet Russia. In 1949, Soviet Russia was In full charge of Mongolia - and Manchuria, North China and was in the process of conquering the whole of Chbui, which is an accomplished fact, Acheson'sstatement con- ides of meaningless words. ,- : NoIlImItaUon1on -- the - u d ", : .,- et ns - ! y trade. investigt - informers - work for FBI Some pure -the trials of the country's top patriotism', Cothmuriists before Judge Medina illustrated. Some Inform for money- .- Some out of spite. Their motives are not Important to the de-tective if the information is sou& But any informer, knowingly or not endangers kis life. Any leak may be fatal When the issues a conclusion, that is the hard ingot d established fact. The raw stuff has been smelted down; the dross and slag boiled away. The conclusion is ail that Ii important. bad is loyal or subversive, risk or he is not. can do no better th take the yor word for its rmdings. persormel ii lut7. - - -- All of these go into the n31s raw files. Examination clears them.-- - lin FBI segues. ten those names. But publicized. guilt, by association would smear them tomer.-- - That wu the FBI scandal in the first Judith Colpon trial. successful police work And depends on informers. Whether it is pretty ars; necessary tools Of the or not, haustive nature d an FBI hivestigation For when ths investigators rooks a "loyalty" check they do a job of work. They examine not only to the end of the last ten- and caP111117 the activities and anode-tions and persoul and temperamental char- acteristics of the mirubjece They examine not only his character, but hi's reputatio- n.- ' "7 To that end they gather every shred of rumor, of gossip, of speculation that pertains to the person being scanned. eMuch this speculation hi; in th- very nature of speculation, idle. Much of the gos- sip is unfounded. Often it is mdicious. Much of the rumor is smoke which, despite the proverb, turns out to be without fire. But it all goes into preliminary written reports, as matter for absolute investigation, k evaluation' check and and final .- . acceptance, interpretation, or rejectionThis is the raw stuff at an investigation. and It is tell spicy. , The most vicious sip, if it can be cited as 'from the FBI Mes," wou.ld be accepted as- fact the Public which reads while it runs-e- ven though the FBI had found it talso 'and discarded it There are other facets to the problem. Theri,is no criminal so vile that be does not have some respectable acquaintances. Some are family: connec- tons. Some are his friend. friends perhaps ' from his boyhood or school darn friends of - nr , -- '' ' he -; '.by. ' - 2-.--, When a man drags out his ancestors to prove his virtue. I grow very suspicious of his bona fides. After all, Mother Bloor's ancestors were Colonial and all that and quite a gang of Communists and belonged to the Descendants of the American Revolution, a definitely lef twing organization, cited as subversive by two congresalong committees. It is funny how the "liberals" become stuffed shirts when they are attacked for acts of their own choice which turn out badly. My friend, Frederick Van-- . derbilt Field, as - sincere a Marxist as ever angeled a bad cause, can produce ancestors that would bring Dr. Jenup down to earth. Re can Inelude Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt and Hew White, to say nothing of the Osgood Fields, who are simply tops. All this only proves that dragging Out ancestors to establish purity by heredity fails to make a point. So let's look at the record. Book" pa China1 In thlrhite Jessupis production, hi the letter ot trans-- mittal, signed by Dean Acheson, the following appears: t ". , Although dictated-bymilitarnecessity, the (Yalta) agreement and the subsequent Sino-Sovitreaty In fact imposed limitations on the action which Russia would, in any case, have been in a position to take." That sentence was not true on July 30, 1949. when it was - ' . dated. fellow-travele- Zeo- k.4.7,1 -- - I ; ZS, - White Pope! - CONFERENCE NOTICE-OF-GENERA- L , Dr. Jessup s ,,,, - - WEDNESDAY; MARCH 29, 1950 SALT' LAKE CITY, UTAH , To those who think the "flying saucers" may be In- terplanetary phenomena, here are a few figures. Say Mars is 44.000,000 miles away. (The distance varies of course.)t) At a mile a second (Pretty-fisa Martian visitor would travel. 3600 miles an hour. He would need 500 days to reach the earth. It would take quite a few aurplus eggs and spuds to bit a flying-sauc- e crew 1000 days for a round trip., Not to niention water, fuel, and a few other necessities. - Skeptic Have We a Surplus' Or Bad Distribution?. - , What 13 a "food surplus. We read of it these days, of "surplus" eggs. "surplus" , Do all of the people in the United States have enough nutritious food? Is there no mare pellagra? No more rickets? , No more children leaving the table still himtrY? . , ...Harman Wechter. ss ever; and the big fan be- gins to bum every 20 Milt utes and keeps it up for four and a half, - except that time somebody left an outside door open and the blower had to blow seven and a half minutes to eatch up to the thermostat Amazing is the team work between the furnace and the thermostat The tranquility of the suburban rest cure is, further interrupted - by giant trucks which roar up the hill with their duplex cargo. The drivers mug pull the throttle wide open for they sound like jets taking - er THANK GOODNESS, these noisy freighters come along on an average of only 20 minutes. You get so you can predict the exact moment into hearing, hoves roar their but your score won't come out even if you keep a record. Some driver is left at the traffic light. How come there's a big grease spot by the light switch? Milady admits it was there when we moved in nearly 'two years ago and nothing will take it off, so I escape the blame this time. it .Strange; .I. never-notice- d tmtil I had to lie abed for a 11'1g , courirr- - - The !nen that girls would like ' , to smother, Are those who say, "You look like Mother." George Sumner. ITIT FOR TODAY: "Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet; praise Hint with the psaltery and harp. Praise Him with the timbrel ,and dance: praise Him with stringed instruments and elk. gans."Psalms 130: 3--4. - |