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Show , .. ',2ADESERET NEWS. Wednesday:. March 29, 1950 Crook Crooks, - WITH KITE; : Crook, V. S. : - 4 -3 i, "; ,";. f V 1 i t: , ?;,) 4 'i MAW S - iLl rr'71.- :- r , " , I -- had already been crooked and the Secret Service caught up with a batch of crooked money. This is a story told by U. E. Baughman. chief of the U. S Secret Service. to a Senate appropriations subcommittee. It was made publicWednesday. some Recently we Mexicans," Baughman s a 1 d. "They had come up from Melt- tc o to Chicago. They sold marijuana and got paid off in counterfeit notes and went back to Texas. 'The Mexicans picked up a hitchhiker. oak TAKES TAKE BILLS "The hitchhiker saw this bag In the back of their car. He thought it was a shaving kit. He wanted to take a shave. He reached in and saw all this money, which turned out to be counterfeit." The hitchhiker, after helping hlmsell. "went out passing these $10 bills, thinking it was good money." Baughman said. He went out and bought- - a new suit and things. and he got picked tip. As a result of that, we caught them Mexicans?' Baughman said .there bad been a steady increase in the in counterfeitpast three-year- s ing. He said losses to the public on fake bills discovered by the Secret Service amounted to - 100.P "imam, ,,, 1 I....1 dft.....4 ,......-- .. T e i awilw ,.1:....1 4, -- f noh4Alm STATUE OF LOUIS XIV AT VERSAILLES, : Statue of Louis xlv at Versailles was one of the sights two globe circling Salt Lake n P. Robertlatayle ath Jr., saw during their stop at Paris. N,IG.-Morga- ROUND. '7.11E WORLD ..... ... ,,, , ,., . .,.. ... , , - Garden, .. i In-1- .".0....0.0-áto.:.;..,;:-4..0y;00.- a , --kit- Tolvacuation (AP) Firemen think nothing of rescuing cats from trees hut a seagull tangled in kite String and telephone wires is something new. The gull collided with a runaway kite Tuesday. The string put one wing out of commission. Bird and crashed into the wires. Rockland's aerial ladder crew got the kite and gull off the wire. After the firemen unwound "about a mile" of kite string. the bird flew away. - Closing Idaho TBàse WASHLNGToN nned and located fle!ct. tmrf dollars tot says he 1 calls fol has begun to question the housing 'and imptovements on SAN FRANCISCO (AP) methods used by the defense fields in the same general President George L. Killion department in achieving econo- area te saicil Wednesday his American He said that anticipating a "I strongly favored Secretary President Lines had received a Johnson's economy program, further tncrease in the Air Communist Chinese that report even when it called for the Force he has written Sect,- officials have agreed to evac- transfer of troops away from tar' Johnson asking a - fleWT'ittt uation of 1600 foreign nation- the Mountain Home (Idaho) air evaluation of the Mountain told Home base and the possibility base last als from Shanghai. for its reactivation. a reporter. includes about 400 Dworshak said he plans to "Now I am doubtful of the Americans. soundness of the planning make a personal call at the deKillion said the evacuation within the d?partment when it partment in connection with Idaho a ship owned leaves this fine. strategically use of the would be made. by the China Navigation Company. He said he had no further information. And he did not disclose the specific source. The APL liper Gen. W. H. Gordon left 'Yokohama four zl.; days ago for San Francisco after earlier evacuation plans fen through. The evacuation had been arranged by the State Department and AFL. but Red officials refused to permit two shallow draft vessels to enter Shanghai Harbor to ferry passengers to the Gordon. vilfanmenmulaft dokahht Killion said that if the Gor-don Is needtd. it probably gem would continue to Honolulu and i; discharge passengers before returning to the Orient. Foreigners 1 tor (AP)--Se- Dworshak'UT-Ida- na- 3 , ak fall."-Dworsh- p The-grou- - , Envoy Airplane Crash, Is Probed Ont. (AP) RAMSAYVILLE, The U. S. Air Forces top safety officer began an 'nye". tigatIon Wednesday into the explosion and crash of the U. S. Embassy Plane in which American Ambassador Laurence A Steinhardt andfourothers were killed Tuesday. Maj. Gen. Victor E. Bertrandias, director of flying safety for the Air Force. - took a leading role in inquiry started by Canadian police and Royal Canadian Air Force offiS cers shortly after the tragedy. The chief witness is the sole NEWS survivor of the crash, MSgt. Gwynn. A. Long otVannoy, N. al the alit Sams C., who parachuted from the Circa lotions at the post Wilco at dart Lake flaming planelustbelore it gators. socand-elaas matter according la City blew up and plowed into a Act al Costgrosa WIe 1 all Wood ovaniagesori-deodasnow-- covered snorning strusournos 0130 Suffering from shock and leg Oise Mouth 10 Sit tionthe risaid la advances injuries, Sgt. Long told investi- Oorp Year en 511 Paid to advance The aces, rotes apply la earlier do. gators Tuesday night that all Pal sobsernolosON woo OathsSOsea aboard the plane strapped on every Months aro 0430 for Swede, sem La pen neasersolloas are 'parachutes after 'the right enit OTOS ra draw, Wodnessito ember gine caught fire, but that the PP Vett Voodoo ant" is 00 trey Coat ond Nebo other passengers "got panicky gap oatottle the stales of Utah Woolley, argent. and ilegbda and would not bail out. News- Cetera& Tito Asaectosel Prep to rectuirpon men have not been permitted to eatiOrd to ass of yobbo:shoo of a0 erodirod to It are other question him at the hospital asps dispatches trio credited in this Pain,: silo th. where he is confined. prol ppm saidishot harps Low 4. Of Cost Home ek,..410 Loin s ,tukt to Buy, Build or Remodel DESERET ss .-- 9145.000 in 1948, $338.000 lit 1949 and 8472,474 for the first seven months of the current fiscal year, ending next June 30. CENTERS IN MIDWEST lois . nabs Bad Mdey A WASHINGTON (AP) crook crooked some crooks who N, trAlwr i ACT FIREMEN '..PWo.-rsb'-ifr."..:p.Top.foie:.:- I9.ini.6-,'.'Agté..-- Me. I it TANGLES GULL ',, v- Primpt Action Assured SOS. II 101111. e II INN Paddhot Baughman said counterfeit- import-expo- ar eut.31' OiR oVI: woo; Akt 11774 n:CKLIPOKO 10114t ing "seems to be concentrated rt business but in the Middle West and the CM(Editor's note: Tbis Is the but the gardens were still beauw- his enty-first is a series of exi tiful, for pring bas just ar- that the Marshall Plan has cer- cago area. and New York, as ! ; lusive artieles by T. Rebert rived. One could never tire of tainly been a valuable assistance far as the makers are conFrance. lay, and N. G4 Morgan Jr.. looking at the marvelous paint-A-lt to post-wcerned." but "its going on all g Lake laid, Chamber of ings that adorn the walls of ground but over the United States." i itmmerce executives who are every room throughout the the people are fearful that the Ile added that the Chicago reireling the globe by plane.) - lace. This was Xing Louis the Allies may permit Western Ger- and New 'York counterfeiters ' and that if have Xrs show place and apparen-t- many to criminal con:tItOBERT -BATLE - lyno m oney was spared in its Russia were then able to com- nections, distributors.' Il7T : munize all of Germany, the Baughman said that the Den: E "was Th. world is not so TEAR' NEW WAR : Urge after &IL Nick and I found -, combined weight of both coun- ver and Seattle areas were free tries might be thrown against, of counterfeit money until re,true- when we Once id of the main palace. walked Into the lobby of our hn.1 we drove through the expansive western Europe. One can sense cently when ''several - passers tel and there met Gene Pingree. and neatly tailored garden again. that these people live from day went through and they were to day. in mortal fear of another flooded in those areas, so to a former Salt Laker:s; over to illaning 2 modern otZtes Liagt) 44 Sault Skim Salt Lois OV f10,1: 43 St Voitomils Plese are-losin- - re-ar- m -- ed , - e ,I thil---tob- T tit ene Tr-Gthe-Pecrossing war. an (summer palace) erected VISIT NOTRE DAME ondet the reign of tows XV. 1' Gene have decided This was the favorite abode of to remainandin Annie Fratice st least unand her UI 'their two children - have travagance here might very well 'reached achool age, that is tor have contributed to the loss of more least at four years. Annie Revher head during the Trench is not eager to leave her family . lotion, ties tilt& Gene can live com- As we drove liack to Paris, Nick and I lad a chance to get fortably- in Paris with his fatuity first hand information from An-th- for far- less than he could in nie and Gene on the conditions Amerka."11 he returns to the existing in 'Prance today, what USA, it will mean beginning the Trench think or the Amen-Engla-nd. from scratch I In the business, In cans now that the war has been workt : we Back one-bait tor and some over Annie and Gene-wer- e four khid paused' at jnPar1i, and walked enough to drive us Indio iter- years, and what lirompts an famous Notre Dame -' through this splehdid Gothic : sallies where we ;pent an entire American like Gene to remain monument We next visited Le ; afternoon wandering about this on the Continent We were told that business Place des hvalides where the historic spot, We went through ; the Galeria des Glaces (room of has been generally poor during monument housing the body of -t mirront,-- - the place where- - on the past winter- - that the People Napoleon Bonaparte is a June 2S, 1919, the peace treaty are looking forward to :the sight In the ediz ending World Was I was signed. tourist season as that seems to center of this high-dom1: had been here twice before be the bed means for acquiring fice is an open. circular crypt but it was a sight that Nick the sorely - needed credits in where the light from the dome s touldn't very WeILMUel..,, American dollars. Gene emi)ba- falls upon the emperor's tomb, The foimiains of water were sized that trade restrictions which is made of red granite - - -z 'tot Pilling as ii is a Bitle early were the greatest deterrent to Imported from Finland. One can not very well leave Paris without saying sometdng of its night life. Cabarets are numerous and each has excellent entertainment Nick and I went to one particular place, Schehirazade's, where I had OFFICIAL IrORECAST been several times before. It is BALT LAK AND VICINITYFair Wednesday night and unique in this, that the orchesThursday with increasing bigh. thin cloudiness Thursday. Rising tra is of variety. temperatures. High Thursday near 60: low Thursday near 30. with perhaps two dozen violins. L'TAIIFair Wednesday night and Thursday with increasing The players wander from table high thin cloudiness northwest portion Wednesday night and to table in the dimly lit at33 to and mosphere.--Itts Thursday. Rising temperatures with low Thursday 23 so typical of this 1 about 40 in Dixie; high Thursday afternoon 5$ to 65. city of all cities. Needless to say, sourmitly IDAHOFair Wednesday night and Thursday.1 this Was a fitting climax to our i Maize temperature. High Thursday 48 to 58; low WednesdaY stay in Paris end Nick imd I night 25 to 35. Were up bright and early the : COLORADOGenerally fair Thursday. Pew scattered snow next morning waiting to board flurries northern mountain area. Warmer most of state Thursday. our plane for London. ITTOMENGGemerally fair Thursday. Few scattered snow ' flurries in mountain area. Little change In temperature. 426 So- - State ...."NEVADAFair--7"hursdaafternoon temperatures. Higher , SKIING CONDITIONS ALTA.Clear. Light south wind. :Temperature at 8:30 7 iza;,-1degrees. Snow depth 124 inches. seven Indies new. Road closed for one to two day'. Snow surface new powder over : Skiing excellent. Touring on protected trails only. Barometer high and rising. . BRIGHTONTemperature at 8:30 a.m.. zero,. Snow depth : 109 inches. one Inch new. Road open. Surface dry powder. . Skiing excellent - : came to Europe as a G. L been in 14In.tb.1itjvar.andbi Paris ever since. He is married 't to a lovely Trench girl,' Annie. Ind has set up his own export-Impo- rt business. We talked for : hours about itnitutd acquaint. ; ces In Salt Lake - and Gene . to - know : particularly wanted ; bow Lane Adams of Utah Tint National Bank was getting along used to be very close is friend' In fact, Lana and Gene missions together served on LDS - Marie-Antoinett- e" -- ey -- neverto-be-forg- otten ed WEATHER 111 E semi-classic- al y. 0' FRIGIDAIRE Special Price .1; d. -- ' - Ermrtorry 't Relative humidity at 8:20 am.. GO per cent. PRECIPITATION ;Precipitation since Marcha .. Departure since March 1 Precipitation since Oct. 1:1949 .z .. Departure wince Oct. 1.. 10411 ..... 1 - ;. Keefe, 14, M. Montana ; Cheyenne. : Chkete. : r Albeemeroues, N. Site& At!ents. Oa. v Mines 11,e11. ... .. . histmeret I Dak. Notee. Web : Pesten Wreaths M. Cfnonnall. 0,ter,v,r, s Denver. Cele s ; Do loth. Mtn Dein:ilk-M1- ; rand Jonettoo. Colo. 1411 Velma. ISerogo ; 2411 Satoloo Cold. 4 4 kite& 514. IhttmomPetle. kufl. 2Orti Otiesask. 24. exciting gay - 11E1.1 Kew Mu. Pres. Ilow $4 72 43 21 4$ 02 30 3$ 42 30 45 42 24 45 S n - 32 411 neighs's. 4. .57 .. .. t. 41.44 ........ 0 trace Phoenix, Arts. Pennon Mob lOetland Oreeve 4 19 - 4 2$ 44 trace' owl Antenie Sen Prowse St. Gower Legit Me. teeftle Wash: 1Pt FPI 20 o rub..., 1,,mist nett-- prittEs. M11. : the colleges to undertake a study of why so many American men were rejected for military service in World War LI rs mental defects. 'There were 2.000.000 V them. the Columbia Univerrity president told an alumni meting last year. - He urged that colleges seek and Information on the eauses, help eliminate them. -- No other nation involved in the war. be said, bad a peras large as centage this nation's. - 7:1::r ili aA 1 tol CALIFORNIA i0 - Itedlegie odor dookel - 1 !4k4l&sir, - r: I. M. , - OWL till 11113 rtti t T:t gL. ti tIA.. I rr L.1 - -, t-,,-- t4,, 11 .:ti A r4, :' 45 31 111 - D. e.a. Irish:ages Wog TI11011141111116 MUM. '49 31 11 15 55 30 111 113 4. 64 Ts 44 41 44 43 LT- NOTHING DOV11 112 SS 33 11 - It ." Moor Amazing .... z ......... .. IE WIATSEA esellian treat 011 Ad .... . Salt Lake City .....housedresses 2.911Neach- - Size 06 Iwo: GREYHOUND ... ; Cokes ". 1 1 (Enclose 15c per dress far postage) Residents et Utah odd 2 ....woolosotsmooss000los0000004J in- BUS DEPOT tam mete dyer- &4State eludetrensporteripos., hotel ettesunodernotre. and mooed aghtsshore. sere morel eeing,. Yee Let Greyhound belp you plea the seat. delightful weeetiest you've ever Inherent. schodolin Pa atereerien aid boo. , tar wan as - Allier-le- e Tours I I4ddress seems 114116 , - ... send-nes IP been ' Moda $59, Off: ORDE1-11YMAIL- Norm a FLOOR , - Greybeued's 15 51 41 14 SHOP-TH- IRD WV well . Please A e t Cy at dal U DAYTIME kuERBACHS. rt toe, 4 , (1 st - - e .155;1; 9.14 rilit; ' Sift sd lig PIIPICtION P10131S. tot. Adam la OW mod -- 11 .;t L: - . ' opens flat for ironing Flattering double collar. 2 roomy pockets, dainty eyelet trim on beautiful rosebud check pattern. Sizes 14 to 42 in green, blue or gray prints. A r; 4:it ft ti ,. UV WISE SOWN MAPLE PHONE checked the vesation She hest. Pleat emit Gteehelostre Ammo, ono Amperes Verattett Polder. emte, tot4 theeripteve thee& show Mae allotrel ithspkteeett. (ft! i, Li 1,7, 14 tr. lala 1.7 Iran FOLDED! GREYHOUND SUS Dtpar Nano t 11 I t rizitta 1J i,.., L.tdi 1 1 flANDNAILTOOAVFO4 i n, El ,hr Li V 11 f.1j Li rbia icutiD the rest t .r, I I help you with lf .. ii and let you wear this gay, bright housedress. Buttons clown the front, for easy-oconveniences easy-of- f .., tt Carl l'7. 44,--r;i'l!- .,a - COAST 1 I 40 at your work, when You'll be singing ,11& , .a.A 1 EAST O NATIONAL PARKS O Nth YORK CITY f ta t ' -1 HISTORIC mom -- 9 r il) ii3 'IPA , 11:91rw-41- 4mipqmomoonvommoomo a - : 611 ti J the Vaczrtion tau like Best... AT D F,11 1 CI 1E Cii O BARGAIN-PRICE- 3 N. tIss ei 1.,.... IN COLORFUL ROSEBUD CHECK .81.1 -- one-four- th ,v tto 1111141,, 41 BEAUTY EYELET-TRIMME- D lettwoors' 40q4b, f 1 en 3 66 .12 lone. Proveds 02 Root linrinen true. Sell tees CM". 1.04 ........ 30 22 30 22 I f144.4-- , , ,,: ... CHEM. . 1 Gen. RYE. N. Y. (AP) Dwight- - D. timenhowec wants because-o- Enoansecoat eig e ..i. 511 City. Ike Urges Study 7 Of Army Relecties WmOnt..N.Elb , Vert. It Omaha. Nob EASY-TO-MO- N - , 111115 .07 20 -- speak... trI t sales toss. |