OCR Text |
Show t - 'e,w!lot iplIj" , ; i 4.: 1,4 t , ., a )010 'f: , ' ... ,,i...q ''' P 1'1 it.,.1 1,1.-- - I: ''.."i-X:,- , tv iq ilP 4,,,:o istt ir, trt;i.o. , il 7 - ., 7r. ! a 4.'43'- -' .40.4 b 7: 11. ' e ' , 110 -' 1 I.-- I - ,.. A. 14 4, - ti,,i,i1.1--'e,..-- ,,,4 ... v - ,s1, , - .6,74 ,doo v., 7, . . - . ,i ! 1.,,,...ot,494'. )' .00a., - , ik,, ,- - , ,,,i i ,..f1- ''F-14- '' ,.14 4:',,''t"Pt.8 - 1 a 1".., -- - -, .. - 1 ,,, ,r A..1, ,, ..O. .. ''.- a. .N, 4ft4V: .0 ' ' ... ry, ' L. 4 .,.., , - - -- ) sat lit Ar't aC t4 11 Nr am 41,06- ., . ( ,,, , TOKYO tAP)-lapan'- s upper house Wednesday urged the government to investigate alleged Japanese Communist el-forts to retard the return of war ' prisoners from Siberia. The thorny issue has caused several Russian walkouts,- - from the Allied Council for Japan. The Rouse of Councillors voted 88 to 29 to study charges that A. -. li " titi 4 1! ;-t;;Ir;- 441.0 ' 14 wi I:446.041 P 4 is ' I katt, or& p vpr b .11110r , t17,Ntl; r y77, m1' I t I 11' 7. otolko:";1; 7 N.- ,- 4 to JL.0.0' k," if 411,1 kw ooke.--aireeke- talf-inilli- color-drench- ill-fat- ' one-faced- -- er d reiveky- Company su,nosuar hard-pack- trees,----i- snow in wide swath across ed u Alta Road in Little Cottonwood Canyon, confronted road crews they started to battle way up road Wednesday. Stijl buried in another avalanche a mile farther up road are rs No one- - knows snowplow and truck in which worker-was slides have smashed across road. -- AVALANCHE Continued bens First Page mind of Capt. Robert D.flkin s of the Utah National Guard sent 40 rounds into danger spots in the area.' Biggest avalanche thundered off Mt. Superior, covering the highway for a wide area. 12 TO SKI OUT is now consafe, Mr. Koziol 'Me ski area sidered entirely said. Forty inches of new snow was piled up there during the storm. Wednesday, about 12 persons three-da- y Alta in an left attempt to ski out ovei the nine miles of blocked road. They were to be convoyed down the treacherous route by Mr. Koziol storm-isolat- ed yettow-many-mo- and Alta north wal1L. but highway ohm. ' snow ranger. mission officials felt the maim Atwater said the skiers would danger was past be taken one at a time through - continued fair ulnae with potential slide areas. with ex- - snumner temperatures are due perienced mmmtahwers stand- - Thursday, the enmMtme bureau! WI guard- , predicted. DANGER PERIODS .AnY skim trying to walk or This Burglar - Insists nu up the blocked road should -do it - before II am. or after That TrulTell:Tieil-W-3 p.m,- Atwater warned. Slide STOOMOLM (AP) L- - Swed&Inger is worst between those hours1 when the sun warms and ish State Police finally taught loosens snow slabs- - up Wednesday with Jell Bertil clearing skies Wednesday annsted for 100 burbrought hope a narrow path glaries- in the past two years. down - the highway could be Asked Why he persisted in his cleared by Wednesday night 'wayward life. be retorted early Thursday. Snow atilllay heavy and "I am a thief. I don't want wind-packinto dangerous slab any other professlon. You see, formations along the canyon'si crime does pay."---- -- mai: BID Ifi 00 MU HEADACHES FOR WARY ROAD WOkICERS aid Thii avalanche, which swept Hi-Pow- COR.ViN 1:310 1 111-1- C(Codg rt -- 4111111L samotwitt, r) eo c9 :721 :. rIti u r I AAA& . C a f'e 4 : 41..1!ik 4Li fiZ ": 11 CA a:itUl JACOB r '' ,...e-.- :; ',.,,,r. o.,6, w I. ',"!" - oww,m- 4,;:, ,Ikka I li'74:1''''''' .NC Vr1,11,,,,t,.., - r WINO ,t"e a.174 ", , s, . 4Pskr4tri4P,A - , that your Party Lino neighbors will lovo us POUSSIES ---.. me Illettlat tabi mod t 1;.aliffi,YA ! '.1-4- Vic 11Z, ,...7 apebA g Q1:0)LvAt; ,(a,i) CD , te4,..14 N- - I & 0 ed A now kind of sandwich CD 1 V Nil. - us.bt I .4.11109r A i ,- a r g6'$1Q,f,''Ao t : UNIVERSAL PU bPOS er Monte M. Atwater. , : ' po"--- ,t wsaosnmnepinmioet.:2..o..smr,d!,7a.didot-tmawt- - - eiso it ''': IIANGICOK with ap) With the paseamit of spectacle and pomp of a medie- black echoble' the sadness of val age, Thailand said farewell Wednesday to its tragic boy Court Imelda sounded his-cre- el ' king, Ananda. nude ea coach shell and sub- troloPet Drums throbbed sleep. Mort than a jects of this kingdom surged against ponce ii Bearers of the royal regalia lines to gaze in somber silence marched in a mournful dance, monarch's fun- carrying the swords, pariutA, at the eral march. royal tan and other parapber- Ananda was slain mysterious- nalia of the late Mot, -Next came the ly four years ago. Multitudes waited throughout bronze ceremonial drums. fola star-fille-d night for a glimpse lowed by SO footmen pulling a of - the cremation ceremony. carriage. Atop it sat the high They' wanted also- to see their Buddhist priest his bare torso new king, Phumiphon Aduldet, contrasting vivkIll with tho student-brothof Ananda. multicolored dress of tithe," Priests chanted all night In the temple where the golden Then tame the CalS11012,, t: a urn containing Ananda's re- aine-tieresilken umbrella promains rested- - Shortly after tecting its burden- dawn the urn, covered with Behind walked the 22 year embroidered cloth, was placed old - lEing Phimsiption.- - tall for on a three-ax- le caisson 40 feet a Siamese. Two pages kept pace, taking turns at holding high. The pmcessionVas a brWlant a parasol over tarn h 4. - ;:wj..tii:4,.;.q.,':ot:i,,g4'0:' , I 7430111441' p :t lit A42- álland Thron Pakistan Leader Has Date in India. - MED:EVAL tc BONG KONG (AP) -- Customs officials Wednesday seized opium worth $175,000 from 'CANAPE:I, Pakistan (AP) -- bunkeru--oftheBritisship Shansi: The ship arrived from Premiei'Llaquat All Khan announced Wednesday be exLondon via Bangkok. pected to arrive in New Delhi triation commit hearing to Sunday to start immediately other allied totmerl members. - talks with IndiesPremier This report. issued March 25. Jawaharlal Nehru on possible patriatet Tokuda denied the charge. said Tokuda was responsible for ways to settle growing strife Th Japanese government the delay in repatriation of "re- between Moslems and Hindus. -- Pakistan saYa more than 370,000 Japan- - actionary" Japanese. premier emese are unaccounted forIn of solving the n. G phastzed urgency govietdelegat Soviet-hel- d territories. Kuzma Derevyanko sat silent the problem, which he said Is - Sebald today promised tran- through Wednesdays council threatening the peace between the two countries. scripts of the councillors repa 4-- - SeizeOpium Off Ship eral of the Japan Communist Party. asked Russian authorities to send back ordy those Japan- ese indoctrinated in Communist dogma. U. , S. chairman William J. of the Allied Council Sr:ad the accusation. He pre- vented affidavits from 44 re, , 4 lt,11 Al 1.i - A , Vt,.--4, ' - 4V ,a351i!$.41:- 510, 1,',4417; ,i - ". t - ;iv,' - ;, t ix ...., i 17,1x, . - .- .! ' FA,0-4- - . t- f Al, "' "' ,,..,i1.4.1 ;r..-.- t,,,J1-,--i,,,..t- t; et:frs, getr,ikt. ,,,, . r 4.4 .,:,t ..1-11- 4.'''' A. 7:16f- jr,n4, ' 1 - , ,,, . "; , vott - ...-'3 e, :,- 44. "1,10, ,t se e, tx. iit' ., 'r ' , ,I - 1 , 04 '41.141.4P.t. AM 4.:;1. i ; , 4,.. ;'10'.-- iC, ,i... , ,,er- 4 ip 4, -. :i. e I.- . - 7. 1,01r.,1P-J,4- ... , ' ,, ' ; -,0,0, ,- t POMP OF truck 'driver who drove ROCHESTER, N. H. (AP)--- A miles bone a fraktured with eight protruding through the flesh of his leg was resting comfortably Wednesday at ' Triable Memorial Hospital Alfred Tapscott. 52, made the' painful run after he was unable to flag down motorists when he slipped on the miming board and fractured his right leg Tuesday.- --Aft- er dragging himself bate the vehicle. Tapscott drove Abe truck to the hospital. Attendants failed to hear the born, however, and be wet forced to go on to the home of his brother-in-law- ;Arthur Picard.----- Picard took him to the hospital. , - Return of POWs r "- c , Jr ;'' I , 7 t- ,' , - .1 .,14 - 7: ' 4 l''''44 '''' 4, ' 7' Al 44,mi - 41,14. et dor,4.1e - ;7 ; !c !,, ).4.e.,..,-t- d .. ,r,it - r.,,,.r-,- .,ore' , oe-3-.7: 1 .0;441'ii" .41,, 4, , - .im. ,, - ,- 4 ,.- - , I ' V A :'.t, t , .4 4. , z ., 7 " Wdmeedoy, Mardi 29,,1"1--.- 0 - - - ,, ' v. ,,,,, ''' '', ;' .1 '.4"bi., (17 2k . ,,I,W1.,.. t CS;':- i. , ..,;. ,',. ..:: ::4 r: :.): r;At , lit,, lk. c 4 1r A,44 b. 1 '( '--' ' ''' .. ,, t,,.1,,t , DtZRET 8 MILES AS ,BONE PIERCES LEG i Told Reds 13ar , el vd L2e;' 44tit6' , 1 , Nireh -- L,. .; 1 t, , '" 4'414,14v il fifl t 4it,A k. 14 ' '::.t.4 ,, , i ,1 I 1 .0.1,, t It,. - - - le dty, , .E1,V'Oktir 1 s A sa. :1; 1, - it--Y Ad', ',,,,,4 44, t 1:" 'vol.; , r - r 11 ii.,rt-,-; l' , 4,-, el. i'k 4,,,'''.r. A t , (.; !, tt :'i t'' .'il i ,,to I, 47.,..e.y.. 4... s' , jt," CI Z -- ,.;N,ort4p r E , a- , Japanese Solo lis TRUCKER, DRIVES I ,vi ..., . (. ' ii ,,,i ,.. t4,,,;TA ,."-,:.,t- 4 , e.44C. - t . ',o 41; i:I ,, - , ; Az::, A., keiskbei 11 6442:011-17,- IN 0 ,, : iilabOW 11i 741' -- , I loavommmos, op e iv 4-.- iift....- KRIS N NOUS NI 1100011W IN I RUMS t - ts poot Imp pallwaimar- 4 - 4 . , I 11 1 ' '"), 2 .1 ) -- (4-,'- -- -' L, akt c Iff s., s.., a , - , c 0 ,. "IV:' ' job V ....7.a ze- - WAMPUM ,: - 7 at Waal amr sO t' pp vd r-- . SUB Tar Our WM --- -. A f v violent& Betiiiieii-ern-ftivii-teiep- slip ono small eke of TIME.. or strosis out Alio breaths:. Serve at any hour ...particularly when others 'want to use their telephones. WI gyarantal that sandwiching a Ottla TIME ' 7,! 4 : , , , 1,)4 t:L.;11...Z1 50 I 11. I ' ' or v: I 43i 110001,1011 ri abbekstims.: r ROBBIN ,,, Pont (AA I év, '1;013 C704103 Clow Nat Ohl Ws Woe beuvir West Sled arta attedismis asQ 1:1:1) PL.3 1111011M ntm FOS THE OKI MCI OM WA It Ads JACOIS MIAs. NM ARAL 1111-- 3 :11.:11 Assetted sheerer 2 Illesehe OLZIleaTIDCi 111113 PAINT blab ohm ' IMMO byils b didied ALL 29 ,e1, A 4k Unbosom Sok oollbis skos overylblegsugged sossels tot heavy: slyly shop us yet Said swamis tos women So ow ib boom by polabrog. skorposig, sr, sod lb 4 beady loos wit wont I for I bobby shop, porobing cot, sic IAA olberioly d. yew ,Impt repairs. Ifs No sod you sows. Fony comma by "so, sod uodsraullor oppsowed. Otslos ory goosed Macy supply Istoolod. SIDE N ii. Nothini eats pieta( Imes stall r Liebe Peg ballot lifetiasetal drill ro tHEIL Tows Sig , r trees butteseal : Oast r bole : Ihrbtet Muria tad reit-truldnis- Was brush rubes's:my sole Heavy Mott chest is Stsof guise situ - IlErmOm7141, 47841 et Co. q:I Z) mem JEWELRY Anossots s Appliance Dept. COMPAI1Y 2449 Washington Blvd., in Ogdon to Yarned - Phmme I awan Sok Lado. Nod ile IPtipiete Madge Rini. Stela. engine orimed ad Ind ars Int too, Aim mboo- 1111Ala omea- 1 Second South and Main in Salt Lake I ao Imidever , so seems annunn anis st , din.ilk poy siodsic 131 auriwurt ( so c. fool '; 1:1-46v- t ( Whet vulva. for loss Shoo yoo'd wiped NI okoes yog got this woeful 29-p- RAN SANDS FINANTINIE A tAt ,shis HAWS and Lower Floor , 1 ,, MAIN FLOOR Mountain States Telephone a Tologroph i k- between yaw' calls wM 0 - I. )..ibv,) I ( make yea xtramely popular with year party lino Neighbors. - Tito t, - won , Garnish with a sprinkling of consideration for others on the line. a) , Elan tains SitTaL, IRAs - ', , eff...b; Wowed is various ways of a pair nylons, to trator Hat plants. marogy to kik 25 ' , p' I eor This delightful ingrediont con - jartaps- to 0;., , c 'Vitt - 0M''''l - I 41 ,. C u calls on your party Ono, hine I , FOOS TOOLS. SCOORTINES. ETC. T 1 - I ROST , 4 , 10 - PAM BEISOVES j Lvyl. 1 a NO Sem "id aed WOE BOSSN .. (4 s a PLISHES 1,;- ty,-7e- I MONIS TOOL 1 .I 44 4,6 jeci! Jr -- I ... fsi1 () I 91 , , A) - Pomo -- - - ----- -- di ' |