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Show i SrvV Offerer! Service Offerer! Clcra Go! k Box Elder NEWS 5 Brigham City. Utah Wednesday. Momnbw 19. " '.'a 1952 Purebred ipottad Poland China boar. Mountain Air Cabin. Willard. , 773-- -- , '. BelAir Glide Cream ft fclaclt New Tire $1695 pd 49 OLDS Sedan, Rower Heater, Radio, Ml lei 21,000 CHEVROLET SEDAN 'SO Deluxe, Heater, low Mileage One Owner Sharp HALUCRAFTERS TV SETS t 2 Dnvan 63 Sedan, Radio, Thu Is An Sedan, ' Maga-lin- e center variety store in Brigham City. Excellent locabusiness. established tion, Owner must ddvote full time to other Interests. Write News Stand Distributors. 132 25th for St.. Ogden, or phone We Vacuum. Clean and Repair All Makes el Furnace APPLIANCE BEEHIVE COAL Phene "ONE" Value Champ. 46 FORD - V-- 8 $695 s 40 CHEVROLET SEDAN CHEV. 2 TON 46 $295- - SUPERIOR $745 Terms. 217-Nj- E FOR A BUY Practically baby bed. 579 So. Main. GOOD ALLOWANCE ON ALL TRADE-IN- FRESH FLOWERS with PROMPT DELIVERY e Pontiac oilers you spectacular performance the automatic way to match or your power to the problems of traffic ,to smooth the miles on the open road. And you can expect economy such as youve never known because In Cruising Range No wonder engine revolutions are cut you get more go on less gasl Come In and' car can be! ee how great a Dual-Rang- ... low-pric- ed , US AND Phene USED CARS U12-M- And Were Offering You These 'Used Care At A Savings! check them: pp : SAVE Low Mileage . . , ; - - '1949 home. Malta, Idaho. V-- . r Car YOU ; CiiVT BEAT - - - $1095 A PONTIAC GOODWILL USED CAB! 1946 NASH Lots of miles left in this AMBASSADOR One R&H, ..Overdrive. owner. Bag of the week. 1946 Chevrolet ; $795.00 1941 6 PONTIAC ' A Stylemaster give-awa- y FOUR-DOO- at $850 :..... ...$195 East 2nd South t PHILCO Phone 74 Heater - Radio . drive REAL STEAL. Television sets. Radios, Freezers, Ranges, Refrigerators, Hoover Vacuum Cleaners. North Main Furniture Co. Ph. 250. Auto Repairs 8RIGHAM AUTO SUPPLY CO. 36 years friendly Service. Goodyear Tires. Garage. Auto ' ' Auto Paint And Body UTO PAINTING, body and- - fender work. Burts Body Shop, 604 North Main, phone 83-- Works. Jewelers r DRY MESERVY LAUNDRY' CLEANERS. 144 South Main. Ph a.,Free pick end delivery Lumber & Hardware Cleaners CLEANERS GLEANERS. Sanltone dry cleaning, fur storage. Free pick up and delivery. Ph. 86. VIODERN Coal Phone 1. Dealers in Utahs finest coat oiled stoker slack, nut lump tad Stove. Office Supplies Lumber Hardware John Deere Farm Implementa Coal Moore Paint Benjamin and Varnishes Norge Electrical Appliances - , v -- For the best deal of your Look these over! life BUIIDY MOTOR COMPANY YE MARE REAL ESTATE Phone 6 .. 1949 BUICK 1947 CHEV. PICKUP 1949 BUICK SEDAN Only $1395 AND PAINTS Residential, commercial and au tomobile glass. Complete line of General paints for Inside arid out. Andersens Glass arid Paints, 85 No. Main. Ph. 480. Repair Service WASHERS, STOKERS, Furnaces, Refrigerators, Small Appllan cm. Beehive Cbal Appliance. Rum L f BUICK ; sedan. Very motor and rubber. Heater and radio. ' Super Company Car good 1941 CHEV. SEDAN , Only $1195 1947 CHRYSLER 1947 BUICK PACKER MOTOR ' INSURANCE 140 So. : Check These Bargains 1948 C.B. WILLIAMS company Main Sedan. Heater Super and radio, good tires and paint. Only $895 1949 CHEVROLET WE REFUSE TO BE UNDERSOLD! STUDEAKER 1952 Fleetline ' ; Sedan. Heater and radio, A-- l motor and tires. Most be seen to appreciate, 4 - V-- 8 Sedan. Seven months old. Heater and drive. Greyt over- Only $1295 ;; Was $2345 now $2195 BUICK 1951 SPECIAL 1950 STUDEBAKER Sedan. EconRegal omy overdrive, heater, new seat covers and tires. $1395 Powerglide. Radio and Heater. 1940 Was $1595 now $1495 1949 BUICK SUPER1 Sedah. Blue. Radio, Heater, Dynaflow Drive Was $1595 now $1445 BUICK 1949 SPECIAL CIIEUQOLET Ton Heavy Duty up. A good buy. Vi Sedan. Blue. Radio, Heater, Dir. Signals. BUICK 1948 SUPER Sedan. SEDAN ETTE Green. Radio, Heater, Backup Lights, New Paint. tion. I , T . FORD 4 SEDAN , MERCURY $395 A 48 motor. Good condition. ' Was 1947 Good condi- 1 Was $1345 now $1195 . Pick- 1942 BUICK Was $1425 now $1295 1940 - Knights Spring1 Canyon . Both have heaters, overdrive and white tires. THREE BEDROOM BRICK r tYraWRITERs Adding Marti Cash and , lnea Registers rented, bought, sold and RE PAIRED. The Reminder Office GLASS SEDANS or 1952 PLYMOUTH Located on South Main street Good furnace and stoker. Extra building lot if desired. Meet Mr. Me Thrift. Good food at its very , best. Earls Food Fare. Ph. 17 Paint and Class Merrells, Inc t COAL A APPLIANCE THRXFT-T-MAR- AERO YILLTS Priced to move today. Markets Laundry & Dry Cleaners 1952 1950, CHEVROLET SHEFFIELDS I. G. A. After 40 years of serving the eommun Ity every day low prices on SIMONS ENS Expert watch s Quality Meats, Groceries, Fro. clock .and jewelry repair. Work zen Foods, Fresh Vegetables. guaranteed. 38 So. Mn, Ph. 868. 120 So. Main, Phone 69. r', 1 2 loadmaster sedah, very clean, good rubber, dynaflow, heater, radio. ( Was $2245 now $2145 Men & Boys Wear . -- Over- - Sedan. Two tone paint. Radio and Heater. ' Dynaflow. Very good. HKJIDAIRE PRODUCTS, StokBLOCKS, The Friendly Store for ers, Furnaces, Radios, Washers, We vacuum clean all makes and Men Quality merchandise sizes heating equipment Small Appliances. , Beehive and fair prices service good service. Phone 420. Coal A Appliance Co. Phone 1. Phone 3 Clyde P. Larsen Sheet Metal 'EEHIVE "Home Of Really Clean Cars' 17 Phone 1040 Specialize In Quality Cleaning 132 South Main. Phone 31. FISHER MOTOR CO. " Peeplee lsy-owa- ESTATE ONLY 2 tone, New end used guns, ammunition, and fishing hunting equipment; boats and boat motors. Rubber boots, baseball equipment shoes, bi cycles, tricycles and scooters. y All for Sale on our plan. Buy naw and be pro pared when the season opens. Bee Sport Shop. 13 West For eet Fhone 815. ' Reduced Drastically PRICES! FOB SALE - ROY! ' N5-tf-c- h A handy reference guide to Brigham City, 8 Sales and Serevice institutions. TEEVES RELIABLE R Cylinder. Cant Go Wrong On This! LOW PRICEOF REAL In Heater and Radio Real Deal 1947 STUDEBAKER Is the full price for this older, type frame home in the Second ward. New oil furnace. Requires about j down. BUSINESS 'IBECTTfflRY Repairs. ' leave your order at Mkt or phone 355-- 2 modem Furnace Cleanina DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR . Street Good 852. This Is Your Brigham City SEDAN, Local car. Really sharp in.) Phone upright FOR SPECIAL CHRISTMAS Treee Idaho me. Could be Irrigated. North Main. With or wilheut fixtures. MILLER $1150 DELUXE 400 $200 JO. 8 1948 PLYMOUTH ; dry; Complete INSURANCE Line OVERDRIVE, NEW PAINT. A Classy FOE SALE Piano, good condition. Farm Grocery Store CUSTOM DELUXE, RADIO, HEATER, ; 923-- 430 Acre Farm. Carey. Idaho. With terms. Brick Hotel Lava Hot Springs. Priced very low. $1195 FORD - Building Lot. 1st West 1st North. $600. 2 80 Acre Farms. Good homes. Neat Tremonton. 63 North Main . Coal range with a new water Jacket; Coleman oil heater; two piece sectional sofa with comer table. ' Call. 1 320 Acre Dry DELUXE., OVERDRIVE. . . Acre Building Lots. S350 each. Terms. Vs Acre Building Lot. $450. Terms, 1800 Acre Cattle Ranch (1400 1949 STUDEBAKER ' $5000.00 FOB SALE Acre Irrigated Farm. Good home. Malta, Idaho. grocery Store, Cole, Service Station Combined. Near Malta, Idaho. Terms. ,,f y 1 Real Estate cess of being enlarged now. Requires $1750 down and balance at $40.90 per month 4 7. interest For Sale 100 COMPARE THEM! a.,. 344 MUST BE SOLD New Paint New Seat Covers LOW PRICE SPECIAL $2758 Is the full price for this three room home iu pro- . Apt Brick Home. South Main. 91 Foot Frontage, 4 Bedroom Brick Home, South Main. 65 Foot Frontage. - base- Phone l. 1941 FORD TUDOR through Estate House and lot at 91 south ' Fourtrh east Contact Dr. C. for A. Munns, administrator .. .further information. BEFORE YbU BUY ANY CAR 5 O Wanted To Rent Furnished apt WANTED FOH SALE BEST SELECTION IN TOWN SEE of N19-- 402-- 550 South Main Phone 272 or 1011 FOR SALE . WITH Mrs . POB SALE New German made Skiis and peles. Height 6 feet 3 in. Peach City Apt. No. 8. WERE-UADE- B in 550 South Main Phone 272 or 1011 For Sale CHEVROLET IS STILL YOUR BEST BUY! BRIGHAM FLORAL AND GIFTS 473 So. Main Ph. 99 Optional 01 extra ctR I See Them On Display Now Through FTD or Interfloro Service 30. Trade-I- n BEST SELECTION OF THE YEAR! Around The Corner or Around the World drawers. Phone BUNDY MOTOR Co 5 Special Discount Without Good used chest WANTED Furnished base RENT ment apartment suitable - for adults only. Immediate pos. session. 70 north Second east Fhone 397. FOR RENT Newly decorated 2 room and bath furnished apt Light and water furnished. 422 south Second Ph. 285-Second west Furnished apartFOR RENT ment; automatic heat hot water Phone 1023-W- . FOR RENT Nice furnished apt. Private entrance and bath. Inquire at 28 south Second weit 51495 now S O Wanted FOR wheel drive 1 ton pickup. Very good condition. Has heater. LITTLE AS... p SALE 1 N14-19-c- h 4 AS f RENT 3 rooms furnished on ground floor. 141 north Third west Cell between 10 a. m. and 1 p. m. or alter 6 p.m. 19S1 UIUYS FOR FOR SALE Small upright piano In very good condition. Call DUAL-RANG- CAN Small tricycle In good condition. Phone 952-R- . N19-2pd FOR RENT NEW 1952 CHEVROLET Choice English soft shell walnuts. 458 So. Main. Fhone 960. FOE SALE A home at all times. Blsser, phone 237-J- . 1951 Ford YOU I O Lost and Found. 0186-J- DAIRY WILL DO baby tending Custom Bargain with only 17,000 iniles. $1725. Fhone 229 or call at 105 east Second north. . 740 So. Main Prone 876 Phone 540 appointment FOB SALE 814-W- Seely Motel Grade A Pasteurized MILK & CREAM DELIVERED TRY IT Tudor, New Paint Good Performer $875 furnished room ment or ground iloor. MILK Heater, Overdrive Outstanding Buy $1295 liege Heater, Radio, Outstanding 2 apartment Ph. our light and fuel bills WINTER RATES ON STEAM HEATED APARTMENTS CLEANING FURNACE 50 STUDEBAKER FOR RENT We pay AND NEON SERVICE 259 No. Main Ih. 975 $1195 47 CHEVROLET AERO SALE FOB IMMEDIATE Chieftain FOR SIGN FUNK 8 Unusually Sharp Careful Mile 26,000 $1295 CHASE FIRESTONE Phone like New, , Radio, Heafer, Hue By fcareful Owner Door, SHOW CARDS and SIGNS COMMERCIAL 49 DODGE 49 CHEVROLET Fleetline Precision Built. Th set the experts own. 88" $1695 $1495 ' 0389-J- FOUND Radio, Heater, Hydramatic Motor Driven 8 000 Mile Sedan, New Fhone Ph. room cabin. Unfurnished apartment. Reasonable. Ml South Main or call Leon Facfcer, 81. $1595 ; 2 FOB RENT Radio, Heater, HydrametSc Blue A Snappy Job 50 PONTIAC SEE THE NEW 1953 FOB BENT 410. ' t 50 CHEVROLET FOR SALE New G. E. atom. Never been used. Paid $230. 1 will tell for 200. Sea at 258 Third north Third west. Phone l. El Used Cars Guaranteed SALE FOB UDmw 45-ac- D-- News-Journa- CENTRAL CHEVROLET O For Sale V i SALE 33-J- il a t reilau-ran- One-mont- h , " . For Rent or leese Sale book. FOB First class, FOB BENT 2 room upstairs checks, etc. printed with farm. For furthsr details write apt furnished. 95 north Secor phone Frank Creger, you! firm name, ui little as ond west. Phone 375-J- . 4e each. Lewiston. Utah. 031 to 5 pd delivery, FOB BENT 4 small room partly so order early. The furnished home in Mantua. O For Rent or Lease FOB SALE 1942 CHEVROLET , $295 now $225 Heater an j . Only $395 COUPE CLUB Sedan. radio.' Radio and Heater. Motor overhauled. Wds $945 riow $845 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN New tires. Was $195 now $150 FORD 1938 now $75 SEDAN, heater now $75 1937 CHEV. heater ........ BUiiDY r.:oTcn company 550 South Main Street WHEN YOU WANT TO SAVE ON GOOD USED v f CARS-S- EE JOE CARR 750 South Main ; PHONE 737 . i |