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Show - t r 4 4 :.T' 3 Box Elder NEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, November 19, Majestic Logan LOS. temple Beehive Camp of D.U.P. was the scene of the wedding ' "I"' Newlyweds Plan tfppe In Logan Logan Temple Scene Of Ceremony Uniting Janice Hansep And John P. Holmgren ll, November 7 1952 W-- Alice Norman To Be Corinne Camp Hostess guest on W nee-da- y was Mrs, Edna J. Youug pf ular monthly meeting of Co- Holman entertained family Logan. rinne camp Daughters of Utah members at a dinner last WedThe phone number of the Kws Pioneers. nesday In honor of Lynn The meeting Is scheduled for and Journal Society editor Friday afternoon, November 21, Mrs Alice Normans home In Miss Stella Young. Miss Edith Corinne is to toe he scene of reg- Bowen and Mr. and Mrs. Frank close friends and relatives. The newlyweds were honored that evening at the Seventh ward LD.S. hall where many The "Beehive camp of the guests called to extend best Daughters of Utah Pioneers will Mr. and Mrs. Hervin ! meet Friday, November 21, at wishes Bunderson were host and hos, 7.30 p. m.at the home of Ivy tess for the evening. Fuller, 95 nortrh First east. The radiant bride was gownThe meeting was moved up one week (because of Thanks-giving- , President George A. Raymnod ed in a creation of white taffeta ' i ' t ! officiated in the presence of with an overskirt of nylon and lace. A small crown held the Aieertlemen$ fingertip veil of filmy bride's t B. illusion. She carried a bridal From where I sit bouquet of lacy mums surrounding a deep purple detachable orchid corsage The receiving line stood before seven branch double candel-aorr'trimmed with satm ribbon. r Mrs Quentin L, Nelson, sister of the bride was matron of honI or Gowned in identical taffeta Granny Robinson put on quite a please this is my own coat! I show the ballerina length dresses in auother night at the annual From where I sit, what almost tumn colors were bridesmaids White auction held at happened to Granny was good for , Elephant Gloria Jorgenson, Mrs Carol H the Womens Club, a laugh, but sometimes when peoPenovich, iMiss Helen Bergeson f Towards the end of the evening, ple get carried away with their and Miss (Lela Mae Nelson. They 1 she had the ladies own so not talk its funny, (prefer battling for carried contrasting mum bou' i anything she put up. What am I a glass of temperate beer while quets. Tiny Miss Michelle Ann bid for this womans lovely black listening to my favorite radio proNelson was flower girl. LeRoy Dell Holimgren was best t coat here good as new? Wholl gram you may like soda pop ' or cider. I suggest we hold on to man for his brother. say ten dollais? she asked, our personal opinions and beMother of the bride chose a Granny held the coat up, and black crepe formal and Mrs commenced describing the coats lieve yt them but take a good Thorsen wore a black taffeta close look at them before we try to lining, sleeves, buttons really gown They wore gardenia and them our sell to neighbor! hard. Then, suddenly, selling rose corrsages j she took a close look and blurted Ushers for the evening were I out Land sakes, no more bidding LeRon Johnson, David Kotter h and Gale Baddley. In charge of the program was Copyright, 1952, United States Brewers Found itiors i! Will Meet Next, Friday ceremony which united Miss Janice Hansen, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Isaac Hansen of Brigham City, and Mr. John P. Holmgren, II, son of Mr and Mrs. Thorsen of Bear River City, on Friday, November 7. Le-Ro- y at 2 n p. m. Phone your society news to Joe Marsh Going... Going.. Lynn left Saturday morning for San Ysldlo, California follow 1 Ing a thirty day leave. Family Honors Lynn Holman At Dinner 771. SOF.T 3 a Almost Gone 3 Have quick -- sudsing loft wator for ooiior diihwaiKing, whiter woihii, glortowi shampoos, delightful bathing Got complete detail on this omai-in- g now automatic water softener. PERMUTIT STUCK FOR SPACE??? Heres a suggestion for adding extra living space to your home. Enclose your porch. Turn it into an additional room. Merrells Inc. has all the materials youll need . . . always glad to give you hints if you plan to do it yourself. WATER SOFTENER fair-price- Costs 43 than who exchanged nuptial promises in the Logan LDS temple, November 7. She is the former Janice Hansen, , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hansen.-. . . Aik for FREE or buzz 8 for a FREE estimate TERMS AS LOW AS $10.00 A MONTH this SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE BEEHIVE Coal and Appliance PHONE ONE 1 yOMCtkMAH , i..let us help you with your building problems son, Mrs. Donna Booth something coming up in the way of building, repairing or remodeling, we invite you to come in and bring your problems. Whether the jobs big or little, chances are we can give you some mighty good tips on what to use and how to do it. In addition, well I , a good carpenter .give you a free estimate on fost andjielp you line-uor contractor, if you wish. In fact, well do any and everything we I ... If ..youve got p I f can to make jour job more satisfactory in every respect. , and iMra ; Susan Ferry. Serving was under the direction of Mr. and Mrs D. E, Jorgenson, assisted by Miss Joyce Holm gen. Miss Anna Marie Miss Joan Hotter, Mrs, LuJean Hamilton, Miss Janet Abel, Miss Beth" Foulson -- and Mrs Carolyn Pett. The beautiful four tiered wedding cake made toy an aunt of the bride, iMrs. Thalmo was displayed during the evening. The young couple left immediately for a honeymoon trip to California and upon their return will make their homfe In Logan. ( -- Sim-mond- rfil-STA- m Payment Credit Arranged Immediately No Down Payment 36 Months to Pay Mrs. Keith Boyer Club Hostess Friday MEDICINE OAK FLOORING EXTRA CABINET-BAT- H ROOM ujbsuhjb C0O0G0 GGo BREAKFAST Mrs Keith Boyer entertained at club last Friday evening, Dessert luncheon was served from small tables. Bridge was the diversion of the evening with prizes going to Mrs Wm. D Hollist and Mrs Winston P. Nelson. Those present were: Mas Dur rell Nielsen, Mrs. Ray Adams, Mrs. Laverd John, Mrs. Kent Jen sen Mrs. Knowlton Brown, Mrs. Wm. D. Hollist and Mrs. Winston P. Nelson. The phone number of the News Ind Journal Society editor Is 771 NOOK liquid Sunshine! 'Flower-Fres- h' COTTAGE CHEESE That's Cream O Weber Milk, with extra vitamin D in every drop! Especially important in your family's diet $ during the winter months. help perk up any meal. Concentrated nourishment in its most delicious form. Richest, zestiest cottage cheese you ever tasted! To Testes better, because it is better ! Everybodys Favorite WHIPPING CREAM And Cream O' Weber is so rich in milk solids and butterfat it whips up in a jiffy! At today's prices you can pile high your pumpkin pteand and not other holiday desserts with big billows of whipped cream I I even dent your budget, i Now On Display! Phone 75 South Main CUSTOMER FACTORY DRIVES CAN BE ARRANGED 81 ' t Sioux Cost Us Money LARAMIE, Wyo. (UP) n weekl Nothing Down. home trial SERVICE The United States government spent more money fighting the Sioux Indian campaigns of the 1860s and 1870s than It did for the Louisiana Purchase, a study of University of Wyoming archives Knudson rendered a number. and western library information Mrs. Bobbie Ann Hunsaker showed. w was at the guest book. Those in charge of the gift room were Mrs DenzlP Ballard and Mrs. LeiRoy Dell Holmgren and they were assisted byi the following: Mrs. Barbara Knud son, Mrs. FenI Call, Miss Rose Marie Lomax, Miss Fay AnderRou-Jea- Come in automatic models Mr. and Mrs. John P. Holmgren II Mr Quentin L. Nelson. The program consisted of numtoers by LeRon Johnson, JoAnn and Reeves, a trio sang composed of Julian Valasquar, Don Bott and Keith Orchard, and a quartet, Donna Booth, Rose Marie Loma, Perl Call and Barbara pre-w- less ar d s |