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Show I 2 Box Elder NEWS., Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, Nerembw 19, ' 1952 Elders Of, 2nd Ward c fold Successful Dinner Mrs. Norene Holmgren Is Hostess To Club Civic Club Members ' To Meet Thursday At Ceniral School r Mrs. iNorene Holmgren was A weekly newepeper, eeteoilahed In to the Stork club at the hostess t Utah publUhed Brtghem City, IW, A delightful 'musical program home of Mrs. Delbert Holmgren Published ever Wednesday at Brigham Is planned for regular meeting in 'Bear (River. City, Utah, and entered as Second Class of Civic Improvement club to be Hall Matter at the poet office In City, Utah, under the act tf March held Thursday, November 20, at Special guests for the evening 1, um were Mrs. Shirley Meldrum and 4 p., m. in the Central school. Chae. W. Claybauah, Publisher Mrs. Jackie Davis. wet M. Crompton, Managing Editor Mrs, S. Harold Evans of Ogden .ladye Johnecn, Advertising Evening was spent in playing Manager will4 present a musical review, Hearts with prizes going to Mrs. Subscription rate in Bon Elder coun- "Lost In the Stars," according to Hansen and Mrs. Marvel ty. t2.il per year, payable in advancai Mrs. C. F. Epley, chairman for Lucille In combination with the Box Elder Hlrschi. Journal, 4.00 the (published Fridays) day. months per yeari 12.01) for A delicious dessert luncheon single t Following Mrs. Evans review, copy 5 cents. Outside Boa Elder steam pudyear) combination rate refreshments will be served un- including flaming der the direction of Mrs. D. Mur- ding was served. Member United Prase, Audit Bureau of members Mrs. present Regular Circulation, Utah State Press Aesocia ray Mason, chairman, by Editorial lion. National Association. Howard Mills, Mrs. Earl Madsen, were: Mrs. Janice Johnson, Mrs. Nations! Mrs. .Wayne Loveland, Mrs. R. M. Betty Lou Walker, Mrs. Representative I Advertising Fay Advertising Service. Kaiser, .Mrs. J. Wayne Johnson, Christensen, Mrs. Katherine Had-fielA robot In Washington, 0. C. Mrs. Elmer 'Jeppsen, Mrs. Bonnie Larsen, Mrs. Mrs. Osey 'predicts tides for every port In Jenson, Mrs, Reed Simonsen, Marmel Hlrschi, Mrs. Ann Clevfhe world for years ahead with Mrs. Laverd . John and Mrs. erly and Mrs. Gloria Glenn Campbell. great precision. Brig-ker- a coun-pa- Plans LDS Temple Wedding Lovelly Miss A Hi Elders of the Second sponsored a successful dinner for missionary funds on November 14 In the ward chapel,' Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sheffield were general chairmen of the affair with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Knudson, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Collings and Mr. and Mrs. A1 on the food committee. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Olsen, ' Mr. and Mrs. James Dixon and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fryer were In charge of table decorations and 250 guests were served a delicious hot dinner.,, 'Floyd Kqudson served as master of ceremonies, and to his Danish brogue introduced the following program: Two accco-diosolos, Mrs. Penny Sheridan; Faye sen pnu WINE CO Miss Faye Andersen And Charles Ralph Jeppsen Plan Temple Wedding November 26 and apThe engagement proaching marriage of Miss Fhye Andersen to Charles Ralph Jeppsen, son of Mr9. S. Leland Jeppsen. Brigham City, Is announced by the prospective brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Andersen, Brigham City. The young couple plan to be married In the Logan LDS temple Wednesday, Nov. 26. A reception will follow that evening in the Fourth ward recreation hall. Miss Andersen is a graduate Hodges will also show a Visits Few Days With Relatives In Logan Mr. Jeppsen is a senior student in journalism at Brigham Young University. He has served a two year mission In the Hawlian mission field. The young couple plan to make their home in Provo. Look at the amazing Crystal-Qea- r Pic-tu-rc , . ,,see the brilliant clarity of images captured from near of far by chassis with Capeharts power-packe- d Reserve Supply Video Power . , . observe the distinctive styling of Capehart WORLD'S fHK flNIST cabinetry . , . hear the pure tonal beauty and you, too, of Symphonic Tone will want to have end to enjoy a Capehart! Ready for UHF any time, anywhere! See . , . hear . . , these fine instruments today! ... FOR INSTRUMENT HOME Mrs. Lemon Entertains "Night Out" Club ENTERTAINMENT TM SHOW 10 Wednesday : r Friday EVENINGS prom 7 To 9 P M. The CAPEHART "Radweed". A handsome blending of matchless performance with classic styling. 21 inch Cry. Picture. Power-packe- d . Video Power perb CHILDREN MUST chassis. Symphonic-Tone- . Ready for UHF now! Your for only BE ACCOMPANIED FAISON YOURT, Interiors .jzzzz Closed Mondays- a Store Hours 9 to mm wwhvtuwiiwmii i w ii 'tinnimnizf lfuii 5 Phone 474 3 VALUE PACKED . 10 15 30 II 00 Better living Electrically Early Bird Matinee 9009 10 OO h "Long-Range- $23995 BREI ENBEKER ' EL ECTRIC Lou Hazel DeVon Phone 1190 84 South Main It has everything that makes for great entertainment. -F- DON'T RI.-SAT. MISS IT! 7 A UPPERT PICTURES KSL PRESENTATION 25 30 46 00 M 12 12 15 12 45 15 , TV NOV. WEDNESDAY, 19 On Program Resume of Life Search for Tomorrow News end Weather Strike It Rich Lmkletter's Houseparty Double or Nothing fhe Early Show t Margaret Masters Guiding Light Doin' the Town Uncle Roscoe s Party Sagebrush Playhouse Better Week Education World Tonight Weather Prospector Perry Como Show Bob end Dottie Show View the Clue Str ke It Rich Man Against Crime Blue Ribbon Bouts Sign Love a News Mr and Mrs. North Electric Theater News Weather NOV 20 On, Program Resume 30 Love of Life 11 45 Search for Tomorrow 12 00 News and Weather 12 15 Strike It Rich 12 45 Lmkletters Houseparty I IS Arthur Godfrey I 30 Mike and Buff t 45 The Early Show 3 00 Margaret Masters 3 30 Guiding Light 3 45 Garry Moore Show 4 00 Its Delicious 4 15 Uncle Roscoe 's Party 4 45 Sagebrush Playhouse 5 45 It s Your Neck 6 00 World Tonight 4 10 Something tn the Wind 4 15 Heaven for Betsy 7 OO- -B If Baker USA 7 30 The Lone Ranger 8 00 Amos and Andy 8 301 ve Got A Secret 9 00 B g Town 9 30 Burns and Allen 10 OO Tales of Tomorrow 10 30 Charles Antell 00 News and Weather FRIDAY, II Payoff 7 8 00 00 9 9 , 9 10 10 fO " Those Two The Story Princess Hopalong Cassidy 3D Once Upon A Crime 00 Boxing Lamotte vs. Nardico 45Greatest Fights of Century 00 Wonders of the Wild 15 Spotlight on Musie 3D The Bg Story OO News of the World t IS Telesports Digest 40 Charles Antell OO Night Owl Theater 4 15 4 3D 7 00 i NM 25 30 45 00 12 12 15 12 45 I 15 I 45 3 OO 3 30 3 45 4 15 4 05 Contrasts In Rhythm 30 Matinee Merry Go Round Big 17 Table Model is This compact designed to fit smaller room areas yet large enough to have full size TV and sound system. QXP chassis with Filament power transformer Easy Vision Golden Lens Front Picture Controls Maximum Performance Ser Tuner lector Switch Automatic Sound Tuning for locked-isound and picture. See it today compare it for value and performance! t ews 30 Welcome Travelers Kate Smith Video Frolics 30 What's Cookin' 400 Movie Quick Quiz 4 15 The World tn Review 4 3h Film 4 45 Gabby Hayes 500 Howdy Doody 530 Film 5 45 Camel News Caravan 4'00 The Jonathan Story I 2 3 3 -- t -- 20 ' The . t! 25 Sign FRIDAY, NOV. 21 30 Test Patterns Your Figure Ruth Tolman Film 12 12 TONIGHT THURSDAY, Film 10 DAYS ONE OF THE GREATEST EVER MADE TWO BIO FEATURES 00 LIVE 00 ' Highlights Day Busters Howdy Doody Dinah Shore Camel News Ceravan Short Short Drama 415 Headlines On Parade 4 30 Childrens Playhouse 7 00 Hollywood Guest 7 30 Ford Theater 9 00 Martin Kane 8 30 Groucho Man 9 00 Chevron Theater 9 30-- TV Theatre M 00 Night Owl Theater 12 00 Midnight News J2 BY PARENTS 55 South 1st West Caravan Story Film Su- THUR. 45 00 30 45 lb 45 46 4 00 4 10 4 15 4 30 4 45 7 00 7 30 8 00 8 45 9 00 9 30 30 Test Pattern 30 Women and the News 00 Your Figure Ruth Tolman Reserve Supply - "JUST FOR YOU" 3 3 3 4 4 5 009 4 30 5 00 5 30 5 5 4 00 PUBLIC INVITED! TELEVISION 0 30 Josephine's Kitchen 1100 Early Bird Matinee 12 00 News 2 05 Contrasts In Rhythm 12 30 Matinee Merry Go Round t 00 The Big Payoff ' I 30 Welcome Travelers 2 00 Kate Smith 3 00 Brighten Up Your Horn 3 15 Video Frolics 3 30 What's Cookin 4 Quick Quiz 4 IS The World In Review Thursday --- ONLY HOFFMAN has the easy vision All American Gam Wrestling j . Parade of Stars Night Owl Theater Midnight News 15 FOUR sen. Rhythm NOV. FOR tertained the at her home. , The following members from Brigham City attended: Thelma Larsen, Ida Smith, Mary Lou Call, Melva Baron, Marva Frost, LaRaine Petersen, Vila Brown, Virginia Brown and Barbara Ol- Kitchen THURSDAY, 9 9 10 J, Dennis SUNDAY ' Merry Go Round Payoff Welcome Travelers Kate Smith Video Frolic What's Cookin' Movie Quick Quiz The World in Review 7 30 8 8 30 9 00 tO 30 11 00 12 00 COMING Willard, enNight Out club Big 7 PLUS SERIAL - SHORTS - CARTOON - NEWS Mrs. Roy Lemon, Matinee In PRODUCTION Meetings were held in American Legion Post No. 2 building in Salt Lake City. Other speakers were American Legion Auxiliary President, Mrs. Eve Ashton, Mrs. Craig Coyner of (Bend, Oregon, national vice president, and Mrs. Lona Watts, state auxiliary president, They report a most educational and interesting convention. Y 00 00 30 4 00 4 15 4 30 Film 4 45 Gabby Hayes 5 00 Howdy Doody 5 30 Film 5 45 Camel News 5 00 The Jonathan 4 15 Those Two 4 30 Dick Tracy o5 : Contrasts Matinee The 2 3 3 L TELEVISION Bird Early News 30 I "i I Josephines MOO 12 00 12 05 12 30 I 00 RIPUM.IC to Korea. Film 10 15 10 30 Mask T THE QUIET MAN Commander and Mrs. Les Lowe and Mr. and Mrs. George Hodges in Salt Lake spent last week-enthe City where they attended commanders and adjutants convention for American Legion. On Sunday afternoon they heard National Commander Lewis K. Gough of Sacramento, California', tell of his recent trip NOV. 19 WEDNESDAY, 9 OD 9 30 Test Pattern 9 30 -- Women and the News 10 00 Your Figure Ruth Tolman TELEVISION TCUC::T ttATl in 'rriTir: CShladyinAe Iron Look Magazine ENDS The evening was spent in playing games afteT which a dessert luncheon, was served. Phyllis Larsen won high prize The phone number of the News for the evening and Vila Brown and Journal Society editor is 771. won low prize. , KDYLr-T- I THURSDAY - FRIDAY -- SATURDAY '51. d Miss Louisa Ingram returned Sunday evening from a few days visiting in Logan. She visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Johnson and family and at the home of Mrs. George L. Zundel. Louisa reports she didnt even miss South 6take quaterly conference while there. She heard the broadcast im IS NO COMPARISON of Box Elder high school and the LDS seminary there. She was vice president of the class of Local Legionnaires And Auxiliary Members Attend Convention The program is under the dl the community service committee headed by Mrs. Ar left a Rasmussen with. Mrs. Lucille Jones, Mrs. Ann Jensen and Mrs. Jennie Nielsen es members. All membersr are cordially invited to attend aind bring a guest to enjoy this special program. On Monday evening members are invited to bring a gift to be placed in the gift shop at the new Veterans hospital. Oift suggestions are toys for children, clothing for youngsters or items for men or women. Anything suitable for a veteran or his family Is needed. It was announce today that they do not need to be, gift wrapped. ) SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. 2&' In Color! One Of The Best Double Bills Of The Year! reetion of rff techcoiI A MUST SEE! Leland Jeppsen film on civil defense. je to imq mb cpsm iot v, Jeppsen,' son of Mrs. S. ac- home. i VI2AT FuICi j Charles Ralph cent trip to California to attend civil defense training school, on Monday evening, November 24, at 8 p. m. in the War Memorial lirjjji (Ed;, ri bride of Members of the American Le gion Auxiliary wil hear Mrs. Esther Hodges report on her re- K-- ! r LAST TIMES TONIGHT! become the Hear Esther Hodges Mon 3 Mrs. Alonzo who will Legion Auxiliary To t "PICK & THE PICTURES' Brigham City, by Mrs. Evelyn companied Dalnes; Jean (Madsen sang, accompanied by Mrs.' Margaret Johnson; original Spanish dance by Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Glover; comic reading,, Mary Andersen; Aiovle star fashion stunt given by Errol Valentine, Gus Kopin-itz- , Les Collings and Rudolph Rasmussen; final number was selections toy the Eager Weavers, Ted Bette, Van and 'Don, of Salt Lake City, nephews and neice of Ray Dalnes, who then entertained with guitais; violin, and piano and as a quartet with vocal numbers. The quartet was enthusiastically, received. Mrs! daughter of Mr. and Andersen, n Patty Hunsaker,' vjrjm - . . . Ca-zl- vocal solo, Ander- 45-- K 5 15 4 00 4 10 6 15 4 30 7 7 8 8 9 9 00 30 00 10 10 00 30 00 NOV. 21 You have to see it to believe it! Motorolas revolutionary, e cylindrical tube give you a brand new dimension of realism . . , triples your viewing pleasure. Engineered for the future Motorola TV assures you of dependable, trouble-fre- e television year after year. shadow-fre- with amazing now Standout PictUN) f On, Program Resume of Life Search for Tomorrow News end Weather Strike It Rich lmkletter's Houseparty Double Or Nothing The Early Show Margaret Masters The Guiding Light Doin' fhe Town Uncle Roscoe's Party t CarsonSagebrush Playhouse World Tonight Weather Prospector Perry Como Show fiolfe's Scrapbook The Name's The Same Our Miss Brooks Sign Love tW1T If fllflUflvW 1 Standout Picture $20 DOWN $2.25 A WEEK 30 LIVE Sufr "SABRE JET" TUNER soaps io perfect picture end pound insUntlgp All parts and tubes guaranteed Oh i end Harriet Abbott end Costello Racket Squad March of Time Football This Week !5 Ringside II 15 News Weather, Sign Off Always deer, always bright with buUt-l- b Lifetime Focus; GlarsGuard. Super Seientum Circuit boost signal power, electricity coats. m 1 year. 55L7255 Includes Federal Tax IT Walk A Block and Save" |