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Show Micro Un.v-rs- 'l K7 Box Salt Lions' Plan TV Christmas Project; Proceeds To Go To Community - -console will ber new ; this ,be the tokerl what will signify the table center piece In the enterprise evening at the regular semi- partnership and the owner of the set will be monthly membership meeting determined during the preChrist-ma- s of the Brigham (Lions club, acfestive season as part ; of cording to Lion A. Elwynn Seely. Santa's business promotional The Lions TV Christmas proj- program sponsored by the merect breaks into full swing with chants committee of the Chamthis initial showing and every- ber of Commerce," he added. I body, Lions and townspeople Proceeds are dedicated ' to alike, will be eligible to particithe-fubetterment and perhaps community pate in Claim the beauty, Seely From the Llors rally tonight ued. the TV set will be on A Lions souvenir pencil will down town, first at the display Mountain States Electric, through courtesy of Manager Howard Call, a Lion, and from there to other Brigham City stores. A Lake h n flirting . - - City, Utrh 53 TT7 1st Beet Checks t All - Of $10 Per Ton Paid Growers VOLUME 57, NUMBER 47 BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOV. 19, 1952 Preparing For Annual Bazaar OBSCENE Initial payment of $10 per ton on all sugar .beets delivered in the Northern Utah district to the Utah-IdahSugar company up until November 5, It was announced this week by Ford T. Scalley, district manager. A similar payment will be made soon on beets delivered after November 5. 10 PAGE3 LITERATURE IS ONE OF GREAT EVILS, PRICE --IRIS o Joseph N. Symons Speaksay. He advised that the At South Stake only way to combat this evil to keep such literature out of Conference Sunday our homes for it is useless to , . -- J Sm try to legislate against it." . Urges Welfare Support President Glen M. Bennlon in Scalley added that in immediate future sugar beet growers giving the opening address . in will receive their Sugar Act paythe morning session urged supment that will bring the total port of the church welfare proto $12.36. Additional gram, To those who criticize the Souvenir pencils will be Ion payment company payments will be deprogram, he asked to give careLions stores at all sale all by Will termined by sale of sugar durful attention to the progrant in I -bearing the Lions card of invi- ing the coming year. action and see the great good tation to participate. j that has resulted from it In alIn spite of the late, wet spring The Lions club extends a speCl ; leviating suffering and want. (As cial invitation to everyone ; to many outstanding yields were an example to this he cited the recorded and the northern Utah kA - A inspect the set and to enjoy its district showed .... tonrelief that came to the flood vican average possbilities. ; e With tims in Sait Lake City last high membernage substantially above state average, Scalley continued. Fa ship of 7,680 members, the Utah spring. Farm Bureau will convene Nov. vorable harvest conditions made Elder Dwight Jensen of the 20, 21, 22 at the 'Hotel Utah In possible the speedy harvest. An Fifth ward, reported his mission Salt Lake City, to review past estimated 80 percent of the crop to New Zealand and his work activities and formulate a new was harvested mechanically. with the Maori people there. El' i program. me. were Lady : "Those fields that State Civil Defense meeting will be held In Salt Lake City der Max Hirschi, of Perry, gave A host of outstanding speak- chanically thinned in the spring, ; t Members Of Eighth Ward Relief Society Mrs. Hattie Peftingill Cole, 81, when harvested this fall show at the Union building at the a report of Ills labors in the era have been scheduled lnclud-- i resident of .Willard, ed outstanding yields, and there . . . paint weeds into beautiful table decoratio ns for the Eighth ward bazaar to be held University of Utah from 9 a. m. Great Lakes mission. j ing Hassill E. Schendt, Indiana Mrs. Florence Turley,' Mrs. until 3 p. m. next Friday, No- Joseph N. Symons Speaks f Farm Bureau; Mrs. A. J. Cliff, died at her residence Monday at is a new desire on the part of Thursday, November 20. Left to right: Mrs. Ruth Bott; ' The afternoon session of the vember 21. I many growers to intensify their Christine Bott, and Mrs. Mary Jeppsen. . regional director of Farm 'Bur-- j 4 a. m. after a long illness. conference was a special husfor an. Mrs. Cole was bom Oct. 6, 1871, spring mechanization eau Women; Wallace F. Bennett, city and town in (Box Every . senator; , U. J. Reuben Clark, in Willard, a daughter of Elihu other year, he continued. Elder county will have a chair- bands and wives session." Dr. Eighth ; L.D.S. First presidency; Alden and Jane Mansh Pettingill. , man of Civil Defense for Women Joeph. N. Symons, dean of men at the U.SA.C., gave the princi- i K. Barton, commissioner of agri- She was married Oct. 24, 1889, present, according to Mrs. Elma pal address. (His subject was I I culture, and Or. Seth T. Shaw, in Willard, to George Amas Cole. Klitgaard, county chairman. Is Religion) Worth Bothering And In I marketing ' For Mrs. Will Movie 'He died Sept. 16, 1848. specialist. Also women's every organiza With? Irvin F. Jensen, presif Winners of the Farm Bureau She was a member of the LD. tlon, has been requested to 9end dent of the Eighth quorum of ElI ! Youth Talent will be presented S. church .and of the Willard Mrs. Selma Young Thome, 78, a representative. Eighth wards iRelief society ders spoke on "What the Priestof the with creamed all Sev-" turkey bazaar be will in held the Eve. Including Mr. and Mrs. Darrell ward. She had been Interested In Perry, died Tuesday, November Mrs. Ray Daines of Brigham hood Means to Me" and Sister side dishes for 75 cents for adults . Anderson, winners of the state the church music department . 18, at 12:55 a. m. at Elwood, enth ward chapel Thursday, Nowill be one of the speakers Lillie Wells, of Mantua, spoke City A 50 and cents for children. fish i contest this year. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Utah, after an extended illness. vember 20, begining at 6 oclock, there the speaking on Womens on "How Activity in the Church s from last week, ses-entertainment Postponed other and Commidity department Lottie Grey; and 20 grandchilaccording to Mrs. Howard Call, pond Civil Defense in Na- Has Brought Greater Place in Eider club Movie Box meeting t 1874 has been children. Nofor born June was 14, Happiness She sion will be held Thursday, aranged , dren. prersident. Disaster. tural Into pur Home. Darrell Anderheld be of will evening, vember 20, beginning at 1:30 p. Haljmar, Sweden, a daughter Dinner will be served from 6 For sale will be home-madFuneral services will be con- November 21 at Friday Memosen (hie and wife War the Carl and Helena Anderson Dan- to 8 p. on. and will include sang Bless m. and will include a program ducted Thursrday at 2 p. m. in candy, packed in boxes and This House" and C. Hmry Nielfor the associated wqmem, con- the Willard L.O.S. ward chapel rial Home, It was announced this ielson. She was reared to SweIs sen played' an organ solo. ready to be wrapped for Christducted by Mis. Louise W. East, by Delbert Cook, bishop. Burial week by Jay Hamson. The meet- den and at the age of nine came mas gifts, aprons, handker8:00 a oclock. at start to will as mother her with Other speakers at the conferUtah state chairman. will be in Willard cemetery,, di- ing chiefs, quilts, rugs and many ence were. President J. Oleen Purpose of the meeting is to convert to the L.DB. church. The livestock section will be rected by Myens and Foulger more items. conducted by R. D. Buchanan, Mortuary, Ogden. Palmer, David O. Andersen J. dispose of the film in the present They made their home in WilWesley Perry, Raymond H. OlGeneral committee for the afprersident of Sevier county Farm Friends may call at the fam- club library and It will be sold lard. C. Robert married She For Bureau; fruit, vegetables and ily residence Wednesday from during the evening. At the same Young. October 12, 1898, in the fair include Funeral services were held for sen, J. A. Meservy of the stake Mary Jeppsen, field crops will be conducted by 5 to 9 p. m. and Thursday from time, members will select titles Salt Lake LDB. Florence Richardson and Chris- Elaine Samsei, seven months old high council and Bishops C. and temple of 10 a. m. to 1:30 p. m. a tina Bott Others A. W. Chambers, secretary of the Second for the purchase of new films. are: Funeral services for Mrs. daughter of Clifford Walter and wank Horsley made their 'home at Per! Richard H. Hansen of and Utah Canning Crops Assn. The )f special interest on the pro- they Norton Lish 377 Cleo 84, Jordan north Jensen, Samsei, Mr. Palmer; Rugs: aprons, May ry. Young died June 30, who died at her . ,The planet Neptune, discover gram will be a film record . of 1904. dairy sections will be conducted Brigham City Ruth Bott and Hilda Forrest; Sixth east street, Brigham City, the Sixth ward. , 162 north Third east, candy, Florence Turley; floral Monday at 1:00 p. m. in the Presents Paper Weight by A. V. Smoot, president of the ed in 1846, . has traveled only Alaska, taken by Mr. Peterson of residence, She married Hyrum Thome on Box Elder Farm Bureau. The inMargaret Wilson, state Priof its orbit since that the Intermountain Indian School Mrs. A. W. Norton; dish Seventh ward chapel with CounSaturday, were held Tuesday at 9, 1919 in the Logan 12 noon in, the Fourth ward with items, January staff. surance division will' be con- time.. , selor Howard Kelly of the Eighth mary president, pree!tCk to tk$ a Wanda , , and towels slips, pillow LJD.S. temple after which they Bishop George Nielsen officiaJt estate- ducted by Frank G. Shelly, stake a- paper Richardson; foods, Mrs. Anna ward officiating. made their home In Perry. one of the silver dollars ing secretary. morndied The , ting. Glovbaby fish, Friday pond, Phyllis Tingey;, She was alj active member of - 'All "farm bureau members and t at the Memorial hosIs .tmary- GhU the LJD.S. church, having serv 'Additional services will be er; table decorations, Mary Bott ing after Cooley, dTens' President He t those Interested. In farm - proba Illness. weeks by pital seore in as ed 'held m. 1 in the at . presidency, Wednesday p. lems are invited. , She was bom March 1, 1952 ber J. Grant. block Pocato and the a Three teacher Students Downard the tary, Mortuary, Pledge in Brigham City. Jay Oldroyd was reMiacd- - as To Be Held Relief society. She also served tello, with Bishop Leland Back, Survivors include the parents 2nd assistant In the Stake Sunin the presidency of the Perry First ward, Pocatello, officiating. Lamba Delta Sigma e andi the grandmothers: Mrs. day school superintendency and Three students from the Brig-haAnnual Honeyville 'Japanese cream, pie, cake, 'noodles, chow Y.W.MJ.A, Mtsl Edith Jordan, sustained as the 1st assistant. Samsei, will in Burial be Mountain the Surrvivors include her husband City area pledged Lambda both of Brigham City; two broth- Willard Chrltensen was sustainbazaar will be held next Satur- mein and many other things. (View cemetery, Pocatello. Delta Sigma at Utah State Agr- ers, Wayne Tickets for a 21 inch Majestic and the following sons and day, November 22 in 'the Honey Clifford and Lynn ed as 2nd assistant in the stake She was born Sept. 12, 1863 at icultural college In viHe Japanese hall beginning at cabinet model TV set, a Holly- daughters: Earl D. Young, Perpledging 'Alvin, Samsei, also of Brigham superintendency., Fredrick J. Very Wila of Edmond 'Huntsville, Mrs. daughter ceremonies recently. (Myrie) Udy, 2 p. m., and lasting until mid- wood barbecue stand apd com ry; Burt was released as chairman City. S. liam Fairzina E. and Mrs. (BesDarling , A total of 249 students pledg George it was learned today. ( bination deep-frye- r and baker, Riverside; (Burial was in . the Brigham of the Stake N o Bazaar family evening wa's night, is along with 27 other prizes, will sie) Bitter, Idaho Falls, Idaho; Lish, She was reared and edu- ed the fraternity, which Is epon City cemetery. committee, because of his being held In First ward last week Plenty of ' entertainment in Harper ward. sored by the Logan Institute of called o the presidency of the reports Chairman be sold at the hall, for 25 cents. Silas M. Young, Tooele and four cated with more than 300 people be- guaranteed, She married William A. Nor- the Church of Jesus Christ of Chester H. Thorne, TV set is on display in Kol Haramoto, with - games for The High Priests quorum. served the evening. ing during Baldwin PaTk, Calif.; Mrs. E. T. ton November 2, 1886 at Rock- Latter-daSaints. The music for the conference binge, darts, fish pond .the Japanese hall. During the evening Mrs. Merle everyone, Idaho and made their , land, (Merle) from they Students LeRoy Judson, Perry; Brigham City was furnished by the stake Haramoto says that everyone Beecher won a beautiful satin for the children and many more. Pocahome MaCammon at Los E. 'and who pledged the organization Thome, Angeles, Calif.; menu for the evening is invited to attend the gala ac choir under the direction of Harquilt. All proceeds from the areOn the David R. Young, Topeka, Kansas. tello. Mr. Norton died in 1929, are: old B. Felt With Louise Davis as . , hamburgers, hot dogs, ice tivlty. , quilt are to go towards improveShe S. one Also 15 grandchildren, married Hyrum Jensen in Lillis M. ffeppesen, Mantua, organist. ments in the wardl kitchen. 1939 in Logan and they made daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walbrother: D. E. Danielson. Dinner began being served at Funeral services will be held their home in Brigham City lace Jeppesen. Miss Jeppesen, is Box Elder stake South The 5:30 p. m. with a fish pond for a freshman student majoring in dancewill be held Saturday, NoA Will Friday at 1 p. m. to the Perry where she has resided since. the youngsters, conducted by Will ward chapel. Bishop Rulon Hire-ch- i Mr. Jensen was an active music. vember 22, beginning at 8:30 p. Les was Mutual the Prmary. member of the LiD.5, church, will officiate. H. Tlngey, Brigham City, m. in the large gym at Box ElPaul In charge of doll clothes sale Friends may call at the Har- and served to many capacities son of Mr. and Mrs. Orson Tin-ge- der high school. Next 6:30 and winner of the doll bassinold B. Felt funeral home Thurs- in church auxiliaries. She was Mr. Tingey is a sophomore Mantua is the host ward for Close ette was Saundra Sheffield. A day evening from 7 to 9 p. m. a member of the Daughters of student majoring in electrical the affair to which everyone is beautiful doll went to Dick Willard ward Relief society The dinner will be followed and Frirday aft the family resi- Utah Pioneers. Mr. Jensen died engineering. , . . invited. After swing the people ct will hold their annual bazaar on by an interesting program. dence in Perry prior to services. in 1947. A floor show will be held and N. (Barker, Brigham LeRoy atand The members guests November 21, in the There will also be a large varSurvivors include one son and City, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude light refreshments will be serv Brigham City and its trading Interment will be to the BrigFriday, area for the past seven years, tending were delighted with a ward chapel, it was announced iety of articles on sale suitable ham City cemetery. two daughters: Mr. A. W. Nor- R. Barker. Mr. (Barker is a sen- ed. Les Dredge will close the doors program presented by Mrs. Al- today. for Christmas gifts for children ton, Brigham City; Mrs. Alta M. ior student majoring in agron'Admission is free and every, of Dredges . Mens and Boys fred N. Olsen and Mis. Zenos W. The bazaar will feature a fine arid grown-ups- . There will be a The number of television sets Stewart, Portland, Ore.; Mrs. Da- omy. one is invited to attend. Earl. The program was in the dinner and luncheon clothing store, 40 South Main, on fish pond and popcorn and can in the United States rose from vid Durham, S. L. C.; seven plates form of a talent show with Bill which will be served from 6:30 dy for the children. completion , of enclosing out 10,000 in 1945 to 17,000,000 in 'grandchildren, seven greatPacker as Arthur Godfrey. A to 8 p. m. Patched Shirt Worth Keeping sale, he revealed today. 4 1952. grandchildren. Everyone is invited. hilarious comic skit was preThe sale, designed to dispose of the entre stock, will begin on sented by the bishopric. Mrs. For Putting Utah On Top Of Heap Fred L. Petersen performed as Friday and continue as long as an Indian, maiden followed by necessary. Indian Love Call sung by Mr. It has been difficult to make and Mrs. Darrell Anderson in the decision, Dredge said; tut I On Indian costumes. Final number other interests demand our full v , on the program was piano seattention and " makes closing Wallace Burt, about 73, 161 lections by Kicks Knudsen. necessary." North Third east, suffered a cut We have enjoyed serving Declaring their annual bazaar last week unusually 'Successful, Box Elder people and feel we forehead, bruises and shock on have made hundreds of friends," ladles of the Brigham City First Saturday at 2:15 p. m. when hit he concluded. L.D.S. ward offered their thanks by an auto in the Main street, First south intersection. to all the many people who conWith prices drastically reductributed and assisted, according ed, mens and boys clothing In Monday he was reported still stiff and miserable from the acto the officers, Mrs. Leona H. nationally advertised' lines will cident. Mrs. Sarah go on sale Friday morning at Rees, president; 9 a. m. To allow a complete disDrives of the car was Charles Carruthers and Norma GunderA. Duncan, 28, Logan, who was son, counselors and Lillian Felt, play of ell merchandise, the sale will be held to the old Blockd making a left hand turn from secretary. First south street onto Main Mens store building. Dredge adSpecial thanks went to the . street. vised. following: Mrs. J. L. - Roberts, Duncan said he was unable to Mrs. 'Arthur Hes, chairman; f see Burt because of heavy trafMrs. Arthur (Bosley, Mrs. William If fic. Rond Mts. Monroe Petersen, Sackett, Mrs. Hyrum Ward, Mrs, Ira Pac- Wiv: V farm Bureau Meet In SLC f OhNov.20,21,22 ; Ad yi.. rt Will Funeral Thursday For Willard life-lon- Attend CD Meeting In SLC Next Friday all-tim- J One of the great evils of our day is the abundance of sexually obscene literature that is being published and distributed. That was the comment of Rudger N. Price at the evening session of the South Box Elder stake quarterly conference last g Ward Bazaar Features Dinner Funeral Friday Thorne Club Sale Thursday 7th Ward Chapel Meet Friday 1 - v e Samsei Baby Funeral Services Buried Monday Mrs. Jensen de An-nett- one-thir- exec,-'utiv- d e - con-trib- Annual Jajianese Honeyville Bazaar yd - At Japanese Church Sat. 1st Ward Bazaar Ab-bi- . Successful --Liquor-Tobacco step-childre- y - South Stake Dance Planned Saturday Willard Relief Society Bazaar Sac-kett- .; Hold Dredge Friday Starting At Mens Stcre 1 Wallace Burt Hurt Main Street North Stake ker. Jensen Back After Mock Invasion Elwyn H. MreJ. Y. Ferry, food chairman, with her committee: Mrs. L. D. Wilde, Mrs. DeVon Breitenbeker, Mrs. Bill Davis and Mrs. Robert Pella.. Program committee: Mrs. Alfred N. Olsen and Mrs. Zenos -- Earl. A special note of appreciation went to Jarvis Koford, Charles Keller and Charles Angerbaur. Dentist Will Close Her Office Until Feb, 16 The office of Dr. Mary Petersen will be closed until Febru-kary- J6, she reported today. Shows Successful s Elwynn H. Jensen, yeoman third class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elias H. Jensen of 324 west Third south, (Brigham City, participated in the joint amphibious mock invasion off the northern coast of Korea recently while serving with the staff of Commander Amphibious Group 3, emberked on board the amphi-biu- s forces flagship USS Mount Clem S. Schramm, left, and J. Leo Nelson McKinley. the nations first Minute Man trophy for sales increases presented Mr. Genghis Khan, the Tartar Schramm for leading all states in Savings Bonds sales increases during September. J. was the first to use gunLeo Nelson, manager of the Brigham City branch of the First Security bank of Utah, powder ' when, he conquered in area in was instrumental this . . helping push . the Utah drive on top. China in 1215 A. D , . , . examine r, . , ( The only problem the successful North Atake road show had Bishop Rulon Hirschi, Perry, around Perry ward last week to have patches sewn on with donations underneath. Bishop Hirschi pulled the patches off and dropped the donations into the building fund at the bazaar last Saturday, ... in the shirt circulated last Tuesday and Wednesday was picking the winners, reported Mrs. Leone Christensen, stake drama director. All who saw the shows acclaimed them best yet. Every act was a fine quility, Mrs. Christensen said. Though the judges found It difficult to make a decision they rated Third, Fourth and Eighth wards superior, Harper, Honeyville, and Bear River City wards, excellent, and Corlnne and Sev. enth wards very good. - . |