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Show 4 i Box Elder NEWS Brigham City. Utah Wednesday, November 19, Elder Busses Reported Overloaded Box Elder FFA Sets Nov. 26 districts Harvest Ball; Six Box 1352 Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS pueto EXCESS ACID 'Box Elder school 29 school busses are overloaded with a total of 27 students, according to the Utah Highway Patrol. ISix of ' Date For Probate and Guardianship Notices. Consult Clerk of District Court Brigham City. Utah, o respective signors for the FFA Gives KBUH Program set In their regular school bus November 26 Is the dateAmerFarmers of for the Future inspection summary they point ica Harvest Ball at Box Elder deficiencies: accordQUICK RELIEF OR NO COST out the following windows, 1J fire extinguisher, 1, high school gymnasium, ing to Lorin 'Facer, publicity chairs, 20. chairman for the FFA. Ovur four million bottles of the Wn laud Semi-formaffair, it will Tmatuimt have been fold for relief of Second Ward Relief feature a Harvest Ball Queen to rmptome of distress arising from Stomach . and Duodenal Ulcers due to Escoss Acid Bazaar Thursday be chosen from three finalist Sour or Upset Stomech, Society Dacslnsss, Heartburn, Sleeplessness, etc., Plans are now complete for the who wiB be presented at an asdue to Escoss Add. Ask for Willard's Second Relief ward society sembly at 11 a. m. Seesafe which fully explains this remark The queen will ibe announced Stole home treatment free at bazaar to be held tonight. GLEN'S MODERN DRUG It will begin at 6 p. m. with at 10:30 on the evening of the i HAMILTON DRUGS j ' lunch. Many bazaar Items will ball. MACK'S PHARMACY be for sale. officers of the B.E.H S. chapter presented a program over KBU'H, Thursday on NaASK FOR A tional Education Week. , Parrticipating , were Rulon last years president; Smoot, Bill Smoot, president: Dee Hir-dy- , vice president; Steve Tingey, OF THE secretary; Alan Baddley, treasurer; Lorin 'Facer, reporter; Cary Davis, farm mechanics . i SHOWDOWN DEMONSTRATION FARMALL Estato of AXEL C. NELSON, DocMaed will present claim with Creditor voucher to the undersigned it Conc Trust Bunk tinental Company, 200 South Main, Salt Lake City, Utah, on or beifora the 29 th day oi Feb., A. D., . Continental Bank & Trout Company of Salt Lake City, Utah, r Adcnimstrator of the Estate of Axed C. NeUon, Deiaaoed Data of first publication Oat. 29, SUPER (5 ON YOUR FARM IT WILL DO YOUR SPRING PLOWING AND ALL WORK DURING THE YEAR USING 2(Q) LESS GAS Mr. McBride, Ogden, was CALL US TODAY AT 300 BRIGHAM TRUCK AND Brigham City Utah IMPLEMENT CO. PHONE 300 Sun-da- Bill Smoot Hardy Steve Tingey Lorin Facer Allen Baddley Dale Poulsen Gary Higley President 'Dee Vice-preside- Secretary Reporter ... Treasurer ... Sentinel Activities Arrange For Boy Scout Dawn To aoftewi Ceothi. CJwtf CoMl Acula HARPER L. PEARSE, Administrator. Attorney for Administrator. 8 Money n bidder wtH be required The bigheo to pay immediately the amount thereof. d Any adverse claimants of the land should file their claims, or objections, on or before the time The Bureau of designated for sale Land Management has not searched the county records to ascertain the exis tense of any adverse claim. I Any contiguous owner claiming preference right must assert such right sale within 30 days from the above date. i The annual meeting of the Box Elder County branch of the Cache Valley 'Artificial Breeding association, will be heldi Novem ber 19, at 8 p. m. In ,the voca room of the Bear River high school. can depend on . . th cannery came to town, I could never tell what I was going to get for a crop until I took it to market. Bfore And lots of seasons my stuff was past its prime before I could find a market. Now, everything I grow goes to the cannery. It brings in an income that I can depend on, year after year." d The precision manufacture and the develof modern opment of canning techniques for almost any food you can name, has created a world-wid- e market for what Utah grows. high-spee- This has stabilized farm income, converted barren acre into productive land. 1915, American Can Company ha been helping the Utah canning industry widen markets for Utahs vegetables, fruits and other products. The better we at a nation produce, the Stronger toe grow. Our work here making container and helping industry use them is a good example of how a nationwide business can bring its services to bear at the local level. Increasing income all along the line.' Sine --A Hint to- MW CONTAINERS - Thrifty Houmwvm American Can Company . Breeding Association I . Jrt , to help people live better Canned fruit and vegetable an alwaya yourbrej; and. are today buy . greater value than aver. According to the United State, Bureau of Labor Statistic, the retail pricaa of canned fruita and are below the average prioee of five yean ago. . vega-tabl- Made in Cancot Utah Plant at Ogden E. HENRIQUES, Acting Manager. DOUGLAS tional-agricultur- e 9 really owns A boitor doal becauso Standard? Every Chevrolet truck b factory -matched to the job with the right power, the right capacity, right engine, transmission, springs, aide, and tires to do its work at the lowest possible cost f Come in and see for yourself what a wonderful deal youll get with a great new Chevrolet truck. Thai aid bogeymon the Tycoon of Big Business seems still to linger in the minds of some people. Whether or not this was ever a true picture, it is certainly false today. Standard Oil Company of California, for instance, is widely held, independent. It has its own management and shareholders. It is not connected with any of the Standard companies in the East. CREOMUIISIOT1 BmrtMi HUGGINS fc HUGGINS, I GORDON HUGGINS. Nov. 51219-2Initial arrangements for a Boy Scout Dawn to , Dusk funds NOTICE TO CREDITORS campaign on Saturday, December 6, are well underway, according Estates of Thomas R Bowden and to C. Henry Nielsen, chairman of Margaret Bowden, both deceased with Creditors will present ctaisrva the affair. vouchers to the undersigned at Brig A meeting tonight will be held ham City, Utah, on or before the 3 t in day df January, A D ,1952, for majors and captains 'J LEO NELSON,of Hie the drive to orientate them with joint fmatntor totes of Thomas R Bowden the and the procedure plan and Margaret Bowden, both drive. Deceased. , November erf first publication Money from the campaign Is dayDste of January A DH 1953. Nov. used for the scouts of the Ogden area district, which includes NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION thousands In Box Elder counity. PUBLIC SALE An estimated 1500 adults help United States in the drive. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Chairman Nielsen listed the 312 LAND AND SURVEY OFFICE, Federal committees and vice Bldg., Seh Lake City, Utah, following 1952. 21. chairman who appoint, majors, OctUnder provisions of section 2455, R S. as amended by auction 14 of the act who appoint captains and they of June 28. 1934 (48 Stat., 1274; 43 in turn appoint campaign work U. S. C. 1171), and pursuant to the application erf John Lawrence Miller, ers to contact doners. Serial No. Sr of Van Nuys, Caltf. Sid Farnsworth, U 06648, there will be offered to the bidder, but at not less than In charge of special collections; highest $2 00 per acre, at n public sale to be Fred L. Petersen, held at 10 oclock A M , on the 17th next, at this In South Box Elder stake; Emery day of December, 1952 office, the following tracts of land SWUNWJd in North NW14NEV4. NKiNWU, Wight, 22. T. 13 N., R. T3 W. SLM 160 Box Elder stake; and Curtis Sec. acree. The land will be sold adbject Hne as to WJNW. Jackson, a( the SeraBidwater pipe may be made by the principal Indian school. or hie agent, either personally at the Functional committees Include: sale or by mail. Bids sent by mail will be considered breakfast, Wally Christensen and only If received at this office prior to Glen Knudsen; prospects, Oleen the hour fixed for the sale. Bids must In sealed envelopes accompanied by Palmer and Curtis Jackson and be certified checks or postoffice money J.' Delos Thompson; publicity, orders made payable to the Treasurer the United States for the amounts Bob Crompton and Wade Ebeling of must be of- - the bids. The envelopes corner and auditing, Morris Glover and marked in the lower bid. Serial No. U 06648, sale Public Earl Sheffield. Sale, Dec 17, 1952 To Meet November 19 Oho end aid nature to sooth Hi tender, inflamed Ruxtel membranes. Guaranteed to pteree VM or money refunded. Creomukta aae stood the test of millions of users, f Sblegm In th District Coart of tho First Judicial District In And For tka County of Bon Elder State of Utah In the Matter of the Estate of VENNA NICHOLS PEARSE, Deceased. 'Notce ts hereby given to the credi all tor erf Venn Nichols Pea me that deagainst said persons having claims thorn the with ceased shall exhibit necessary voucher within four months of this notice alt after first publication of the office of I Gordon Huggins, First 110811 HUGGINS flt HUGGINS, Utah. Bonk Building, Ogden, Security Dated this 5th day of November, n evening speaker at the Willard ward 'sacrament services. 'He showed a series of colored slides and spoke on his missionary experiences In the New England states. Music for the evening was furnished by the ward choir and Mrs. LaVern Gull sang a solo. Two boys of the ward, John Perry and Bill Kunzler, gave talks. GreOmokkM relieve premedy I k gore into the bronchial eyi help loosen and expel gem NOTICE TO CREDITORS Civil (to 2617 n f Bronstinus and Perri S. Jensen, Attorney for Administrator,! 1414 Walker Bank Building, Salt Lake OKy, Utah. Oot. 2.9 Noe. d McBride Speaks At Sun. Services In Willard How To Qclicro D. 1952 Glen Y. Richard Dusk Campaign The Brigham City Fraternal Order of Eagles opened a benefit drive In memory of former member, Neal Whitaker, father of four who was killed in a gun accident during the pheasant ' season. Boosting the,campaign off to an enthusiastic start at their meeting Monday evening, Eagles donated over $100 and one non Eagle donated $50 in memory of the young man. The Eagles reported that donations will Je accepted by J. D. Billings at Billings Mobil Gas, 759 North Main; Roy Olsen, Taho lounge; or Walt Bundy at Bundy Motor company, south Main. 1 The fund will be turned over to Whitakers family. TO CREDITORS NOTICE 1952. Eagles Benefit For Neal Whitaker Opened HEAD tnd MEALS W. CRACHEAD, TO LIEN CLAIMANTS his wife, and is situated in Brigham Box Elder County, State Case No. 7273 City, is described as: la the Dl.trict Court of Boa Elder ana Beginning at a point 6 rode West County, State of LFteh. of the Southeast comer of Lag I , UTAH PIPE CONCRETE COMPANY, Block I, Plat A", Brigham City Plaintiff, Survey, end running thence West 8 rods; thence North 4 rods; MERLE CRAGHEAD and R GEORGE thence East ft rode; thence South hie wife, e al. W. CRAGHEAD, 4 rods to the place of beginning Defendant. RICHARD D RUCICENBROD, all NOTICE IS HEREBY CIVEN to Attorney for Plaintiff. persona holding or claiming liens upon unthe premises hereinafter described der Title 52. Chapter I, UCA 1943, to be end appear before the above court Driven Pay Up at 10 00 A. M, on the 25th day of DETROIT ('UP) The average said November, 1953, as ordered by court, then and there to exhftit proof fine for traffic violations of all of such liens, end that all liens not so exhibited shall be deemed to be waived types In Detroit Is $5.71, traffic court officials report, and only egeinwt the property.owned and Said property is reputed R, CRAG- - one case lit 100 goes to court. to be owned by GEORGE NOTICE Legal Notices & ViJ!a A feoffor bocauso THEY S . est truck manufacturer, let Chevrolet trucks list for less than models of any other make. Dorothy Gray com.-parabl- AU WIATMCt Lotions 120 e e LIST FOR LESS Production economies, possible because Chevrolet is the worlds larg- FAMOUS tack pbu buy taM Bnuluir , WITH CHEVROLET TRUCKS! e LOWER OPERATION AND ' N MAINTENANCE COST engine design; strong and sturdy Hypoid rear axles; cabs; rigid, channel-tyrear axle homframes; single-un-it bodies and many, ings; many other features reduce cotta and increase the life of your Chevrolet Advance-Desig- n trucks. Valve-in-He- Flexi-Mount- ed p 232 Unit-Desi- Defter Duy Now! TRADITIONALLY TRADE-I- HIGHER N ( i trucks keep their vain longer-pr- oof of the greater value built into Chevrolet tracks and a wonderful plus at trade-i- n im Chevrolet tUISTHY MAIHIt LOTION for body ute. 12 oe. QracIM Dtr-IK- LOTION for hands and faoe. 12 01. isu oo ink: hokmoni lotion for overnight and y tue. 5,000 I. U. of Natural Eatrogenia Hormones is aaoh ounoe, 6 oa. (CanSMnffM of thindard end trim i!hdrntl It The actual owners of Standard Oil Company of California now number 115,942 which is 17,000 more than just two years ago. They include 283 universities and other educational institutions; 236 churches and religious organizations; 1825 small and large businesses; 159 hospitals and other med- -, ical groups; 10,876 employees of the Company, and i 102,563 other individual citizens, few of whom could be called rich. The great number of our shareholders are people like your own friends and neighbors i5 tqmpmnt dvttdt ee emihbUttr ef notorlaLI mechanics, clerks, farmers, white-collmen, widows, men and women who have retired. Q In another sense, of course, the owners of the Company are our customers, who. In effect, control it and receive its benefits. You cohtrol Standard by your choice of brands. You benefit by the quality and economy of the products we sell. The only way we can look after the interests of our shareholders is by making sure that Standard serves you welL yourself, perhaps ar STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA plans ahead to serve you better MORI CHEVROLET TRUCKS IN USE THAN ANY OTHER MAKE I Hamilton Drugs Central Chevrolet Co. 18 North Main St, |